app for easily grouping contacts on iphone

By Andrew90, 30 January, 2022

iOS and iPadOS

Hi all, I have a group of support workers I message. From time to time, some support workers are no longer working, or I find new ones I need to add to the group. As a result, I need to compose a new message and add everyone from scratch again, because, once created I do not appear to add new contacts to an existing group in the messages app and I am unable to create a group to text from the phone contacts app. As you can imagine, this is very time consuming and annoying having to compose a new message and make sure I've added all my current support workers still working and add the new ones and make sure not to add those who are no longer support workers. After doing some research, I found an app called groups, but this app is not very accessible. If anyone knows of an accessible app that allows me to create a group and easily add or remove contacts before sending a text via the native messages app, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks heaps in advance. Looking forward to hearing from you. :)



By Andrew90 on Saturday, February 5, 2022 - 17:05

Thank you to you both. I will try both methods, although trying the app first. :) The first suggestion sounded complicated, but will give it a try as well. I wish the iphone made it a bit simpler. Just have a create group button, search for contacts, add, then name the group and it would be under the group section you go in there and message or add remove. I am a big apple fan, but do wish something like this was tightened up a bit. :)

By Matthew Whitaker on Saturday, February 5, 2022 - 17:05

Hi. I would suggest either Card Hop or Drafts. You would think Apple would make it easy for users to create groups though.
Here's a link to the website where you can get Drafts.
Also, if you are looking for a great calendar app, the developers who make Card Hop also make Fantastical. I use that as well.