Description of App
Got a Mac? You've got a Kindle. Kindle books you have purchased on Amazon will automatically appear in your app.
Turn your Mac into a book with the free Kindle app—so you can read anytime, anywhere. Explore these reading features in the Kindle app:
• Read your way. Customize your text size, font type, margins, text alignment, and orientation (portrait or landscape)—and choose whether to turn pages from left to right or continuously scroll. Read comfortably day and night with adjustable brightness and background colors. Go to the Aa menu in your book to get started.
• Look up words, people, and places while you read. Breeze through words you don’t know and characters you can’t remember with the built-in dictionary, X-Ray, Wikipedia lookup, instant translations, and search within your book. Simply click and hold a word to view its definition, or use the Google and Wikipedia links to get more information.
• Track your reading progress. See what percent of the book you’ve read, real page numbers (for most top titles), and how much time you have left in the chapter or book based on your actual reading speed.
• Bookmark places you want to revisit, and make highlights and take notes throughout your book. Open My Notebook to see all your notes in the same place.
• Hop, skim, and jump with Page Flip. Flip between pages or get a bird’s-eye view of your book with Page Flip—don’t worry, we’ll save your place.
• Zoom in on high-definition color images in Kindle books, magazines, comics, and manga.
• Sync your books across devices. When you’re reading a book, the Kindle app will automatically sync where you left off—along with any bookmarks, highlights, or notes—so you can start reading on one device and pick up where you left off on another.
• When you can’t read, listen. Switch seamlessly from reading your Kindle book to listening to your Audible book, all within the Kindle app.
From a braille user's Point of view
This kindle app and Kindle
No you don't have to do the
selecting a word to look up and comments on why kindle is better
Version 3.8
Worked fine for me.
Accessibility is still maintained
Version 3.8 – I Took the Plunge
I know what you mean.
Good idea...
No line spacing in books?
Lines or Paragraphs?
That Makes Sense
Version 3.9
Version 3.9.2
Very important Notice. Please read!
What's New in Version 3.9.2
This is a fix for a Kindle issue with the upcoming iOS7 OS upgrade that may cause customers to have to re-register and re-download books from Amazon. Please download and install - this is a required update before upgrading to iOS7.
Turning pages
RE: Turning Pages
Glad I'm not the only person having issues with line spacing.
Has anyone found a work around to this yet? It drives me so mad, especially when I'm reading dialogue. I actually returned a book once, because I thought the formatting was all wrong. Guess I should have got somebody to check. I'm a literature student so no lines between dialogue and stuff irritates me. Shouldn't complain though. We are so lucky with accessible ebooks these days.
RE: Braille Displays and paragraph Spacing
I haven't found a workaround to the paragraph issue. I've basically just gotten used to it. I dn't know why it even happens, this is the only eBook reading app that I've seen with this issue. I think it might be an app bug or something.
Weird Braille issues.
I've noticed a couple issues when trying to read with a braille display that are pretty annoying. First of all, words seemed to be spaced strangely. What i mean is a space breaks up words making it seem like separate words. I've had it checked by a sighted person and they say the print appears normal. Second and most troublesome, sometimes when I'm reading and get to the end of a page it will jump back up to the top of that page instead of turning to the next. Also sometimes it goes to the next page before even being finished showing the text from the previous page. it leaves off a couple of lines. has anyone experienced either of these issues?
I haven't had most of the
I haven't had most of the issues you're having. The Kindle app going to the top of the page randomly is an iOS bug, it was introduced in iOS 9. I haven't noticed words being spaced strangely, or the app turning the page before you're done reading it. Do you have automatically turn pages while panning turned on in VO braille settings? I find that really useful, saves having to do the turn page command.
Real Page Numbers
Does anyone know if the "real" page numbers show up in the Kindle iOS app, for those titles that support them? I don't see them on the books I'm looking at currently, but I don't know if these books include real page number information, so I'm just curious if anyone knows for sure if this feature is accessible.
Current version
I tried this and it didn't work. Anyone else?
kindle unlimitted
Anyone else using kindle unlimited its basically a library for ten bucks a month you can check out ten books at a time and return them. the only problem I am having is determining is if a book is a kindle unlimited book or not like on one it ended up being a sample and on others they just didn't download. So I am not sure on what to do do I write amazon or what? also I will give the podcast a listen and the faq a good going going over because I didn't know they existed.
To find kindle unlimited books
If you get to the browse menu, go down to
More to Explore Heading
Everything below there seems to be unlimited so you just pick the category you want.
You will find more categories link at the very bottom. You may also search for kindle unlimited.
I noticed there doesn’t seem to be a browse button in the latest version when you’re in a book or in your library. So maybe easier to search for kindle unlimited to get to the browse books area instead.
there is one way
I typed in Raymond buckland and did a filter for kindle unlimited books and found 13 this is sad because none of them were the books I was looking for but I will talk to the publisher as well as amazon.
I forgot about filters.
Hope you can get your book.
Question about the Kindle app and the candle
Hello, my husband and I are considering downloading this app in order to have access to reading more books. My question is do you have to have had a Kindle first in order to be able to access and purchase books to read on the Kindle app? Or, can you simply download the app, register as a Kindle user, and search for and purchase kindle books? Since we would never use the Kindle, we would prefer the app. I would greatly appreciate any input. Thanks.
Reading with Braille Display with Latest Version
Hello everyone,
I'm running the latest version of iOS, and using a Braille Edge 40 from Hims. Whenever I am in a book, and attempt to pan to the next page, my display freezes up and stays on the previous page, while speech moves onto the next one. I'm using an iPhone 6S+ if that makes a difference. I would really appreciate any help anyone can give. Thanks so much! Ali
hi Debbie.
you don’t have to have had a Kindle first in order to download the app just register with your Amazon email and password. however in order to buy books you need to go into the Amazon Kindle store using an Internet browser. One book I would recommend that is free to download is ‘ Kindle for iOS accessibility gestures a quick reference guide. it certainly helped me get started. Hope this helps.
Reading with voice-over
not sure if anyone else has had this issue or maybe its just me. When I read kindle books using voice-over it seems to generate a pause at the end of each line of text on the page which can be rather grating at times. Has anyone else experienced this and is there a way around it?
I have as well
Yes, I believe this problem began when the new update came out about two days ago. I think the best thing you can do is report it to the accessibility team. There is a new post on this website where a user explained the situation.
Looking for list of keystrokes for iphone kindle
I've been trying to find a comprehensive list of keyboard commands for iphone kindle, without success. Amazom does have a keystroke guide for Windows computer and for Mac users. I've purchased the book mentioned above that lists gestures that iphone users can use. However, I can't find a list of key strokes that I can use in place of the gestures.
Reading college text books with Amazon Kindle.
Hello. I was wondering if anyone had ever tried reading college text books using the Amazon Kindle app. I want to know how VoiceOver handles the figures and illustrations that sometimes are in text books. Bookshare and Learning Ally do not have the books I need for this semester, so I was wondering if Kindle would be a good option.
Thank you.
I use my echo to read the kindle book. Alexa does nice job reading the book. I go to my alexa app and select kindle to read my book.
Taking notes and copying text
Has anyone found an effective way to do this?
I have the same questions
I have the exact same questions. I will be starting college in the fall, and may get my textbooks from Amazon, for reading in the Kindle app.
It disappoints me greatly, that candle on the Mac is not, and never has been, accessible with voiceover.
Every time I try to talk to Amazon about this, they act like they don’t know what I’m talking about.
I tweeted them twice about this, and they have yet to answer me.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how we could beef up our advocacy in this area?
Braille broken, not just with Kindle.
The latest version broke IOS when panning with Kindle, Voice Dream, or apple books. Maybe they'll fix it next release.
Is there a way to read footnotes more quickly?
Question about notebook view with voiceover
Hi there,
Regarding the Kindle app, does anyone know how to remove the notebook view? Sometimes when I’m searching for books and find something I like, I exit the app, go to Goodreads, search for the book, and add it to my “Want to Read” shelf. But when I return to the Kindle app, I get a message saying that VoiceOver might not work properly in notebook view, and it kicks me out of the application, sending me back to the homepage. There’s no way to close that section and return to where I left off. Even if I leave the app on the book’s information page, when I come back, the same thing happens. I’ve searched the settings, but there’s no option to disable this notebook view. It also tells me I don’t have any notebooks created, which makes it even more confusing and frustrating.
Because of this, when I find a book I like on the Kindle app, I have to add it to my Amazon wishlist instead. Then, when I’m done searching, I have to go back through the list, add each book to Goodreads, and then remove them from my Amazon list, which is time-consuming.
Another issue is that both Goodreads and Amazon lack proper filtering when searching for books. There’s no way to filter books by series, so if I could see only the first book in every series listed, that would make browsing much easier. Right now, if a series has four or more books, they all show up in the search results, making it difficult to find the starting point. It would be helpful to have an option to display only the first book in each series—so if I search for “Revival Trilogy,” I’d see the first book labeled as “Revival (Revival Trilogy #1)” instead of every single book in the series appearing at once.
Additionally, book discovery on both platforms is restrictive because searches rely on exact tags. If I search for something like “sci-fi trilogy,” I might get results, but only because “trilogy” is in the title. However, books with four or more installments don’t follow a consistent naming pattern, so they don’t always show up. Also, tags on Amazon and Goodreads work in a way that limits search results—if I search for “dystopian fiction,” “sci-fi,” and “steampunk” together, instead of showing books that match any of these genres, the search only shows books that fit all of them at once. This makes it harder to discover books unless you already know exactly what to type in.
Overall, the entire process is confusing, and I’d really appreciate any tips on how to make book searching and tracking easier.
Re: Notebooks & Book series results
You can go into the More tab at the bottom of the Kindle app, and from there you can find Notebooks. I believe you can only create notebooks with a Kindle Scribe device. However, you can access the Notebooks from the Kindle app. As for getting that message about VoiceOver not supporting it when you are trying to go to your home screen, after searching for something in the Kindle app, I believe this may be a bug, I too have experienced it a few times, and it can be frustrating. Unfortunately, I've yet to find a way to disable this.
With regards to book series, when searching for books, and you happen to find a book that is part of a series, if you double tap on that book title, and then navigate from within the book details screen until you find a button that says something like book 1 of x, double tapping that button will take you to a page with the entire series. you can navigate by heading until you find a heading labeled "Books in this series". From here, you can navigate to each book individually, add them to your library, or add them to your list if they are not part of Kindle Unlimited, etc. it's definitely not as streamlined as it could be but it's better than nothing I suppose.
Hope you find this information useful. 🙂
Reading with Alexa app
I'm going to start reading my books with the alexa app until the Braille display issues are fixed. Voice-over reads books but does not give access to all information on the Braille display. This isn't good!