

Description of App

Official app for FanFiction.Net is now on iOS! * Read - Access millions of stories for free * Write - Edit and Publish your stories on the go * Text to Speech - Turn stories into audio books * Translation: Read stories translated into your native language via our AI engine * Syncing - Library/Downloaded syncing between devices * Forums - Join writing groups or make friends with millions of other readers and writers. * Push - Push notifications for Followed/Downloaded stories * Private Messaging - Enjoying private communication with other users. Send text, image or voice messages. * Community Archives - Start or browse story archives . * Beta Readers - Browse and search for registered beta readers. * Story Management - Browse and manage your favorites and follows. * User Management - Browse and manage your favorites, follows, and others. Please note Private Messaging (PM) feature is currently app to app only. PM site integration is coming soon in a future release. Please email all feedback and bug reports to [email protected].



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

A lot of buttons are now clearly labeled and VO can read the fic's text again. The search tags don't work though, and the writing functionality is a bit iffy. Not to mention the tutorials aren't very accessible. But it's definitely a lot more useable then before.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some accessibility issues with this app, but it can still be used if you are willing to tolerate these issues and learn how to work around them.

Other Comments

The devs have been hard at work on this app's accessibility and it really shows.

Developer's Twitter Username



1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by jim pickens 2 years 1 month ago



By jim pickens on Sunday, November 6, 2022 - 17:39

I’m pretty sure the tutorials don’t exist anymore, and I haven’t tested the writing functionality, so I have no info on that.
There are a few issues, if you open a profile page, you sometimes can’t exit out of it, and have to restart the app
you can use full screen mode for better reading experience, swiping left with three fingers to go to the next chapter.
And swiping right with three fingers to go to the previous chapter.