Braille Tutor


Description of App

Learn and practice contracted braille (Unified English Braille) with Braille Tutor!

Braille Tutor provides an interactive learning experience for a sighted or blind braille learner. It works on iPad using onscreen keys or home keys on
a Bluetooth keyboard. It is self-voiced, but also works with iOS accessibility.

The app uses sounds and text-to-speech to support vision-impaired learners. Using a Bluetooth keyboard also gives the user a feel of the keys.

"Great App! :) Very good for consolidating braille skills learned, particularly at home / places where a learner might not have access to a Brailler."



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

The app seems to be fully accessible with VoiceOver. Though the layout of the on-screen Braille keyboard is confusing. Using six key entry on a bluetooth QWERTY keyboard works well, but I was unable to do the lessons using a bluetooth Braille keyboard. I tried it with the Braille Pen 12 Touch and it would not let me type the letters.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver, but the interface could be easier to navigate and use.

Other Comments

This app could be very helpful for teaching Braille to both children and adults, especially if input using a Braille keyboard/display is fixed. I am extremely happy that the app teaches Unified English Braille and I plan to recommend this app to my friends.


1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by AppleLady 10 years 6 months ago
