Amazon Music: Songs & Podcasts


Description of App

Note: The app is free but the offering is a new added benefit for the $99 per year Amazon Prime members.
Use Amazon Music, formally Amazon Cloud Player, to access and play music :
· Stream music from the Amazon cloud.
· Download locally to enjoy music offline – no Wi-Fi or mobile network needed.
· Create and edit playlists.
· Control music from lockscreen.
· The cloud has more than 1 million songs covering mostly main stream favorites.
· Can mix-play songs in the cloud and those you stored on your iPhone.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

The essential functions of the app are fully accessible with Voice Over out of the box. Comparing to other popular radio/stream apps around this one is very straight forward with the browse, search, play list and play back functions.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

The hundreds of pre-made play lists are the draw of this player, I can download the whole list and play offline. I can also download an entire album like I used to do with Rhapsody, which I quit a while back due to the accessibility problems after recent app upgrade.

Developer's Twitter Username



1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Violette 10 years 9 months ago



By blindgator on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 11:33

Would love to hear if anyone else has this problem. I am a Prime member but have never used the Amazon music and installed the app and logged in and keep getting a message telling me to refresh after sign up, so I go to the amazon website and there is absolutely nothing asking me to sign up when I go to prime music and of course nothing in the amazon help section about having to activate your account via the web, typical amazon, anyone help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

By blindgator on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 11:33

Hey all, So I finally got Amazon Prime Music working and it is pretty great, here is what you have to do if you are a Prime member and have never used the music part of the service. Before launching the iPhone app go to Amazon Music on the web, of course there are no directions about this, you have to either play a song or add a song to your play list via the web before the iPhone app will work. By adding a song to your playlist you are also acknowledging Amazon's terms of service for Amazon Prime Music, yeah would be nice if they actually posted this somewhere, but hey it works pretty well once you get it approved.

By Violette on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 11:33

Thanks Blindgator for pointing this out. I installed the app and use my husband's log-in because he was the one signing up to Prime. It worked for me immediately. I later found out the reason I didn't run into the issue mentioned above was because my husband had used Cloud Player before.

By toddhuish on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 11:33

In reply to by blindgator

I searched far and wide and you are the only person even reporting this problem, let alone a solution right next to it. Weird thing on top of it, for me, was that I added a Prime Playlist, installed the app on my computer and already had music in my regular amazon music account and STILL it wouldn't sync to the phone until I followed your instructions. Opened up the Prime Music area and added a single Prime song. Everything working just fine now. I'm not sure if there was a delay and this is co-oincidental or what but it worked for me.

Glad to hear this helped as I was banging my head up against the wall trying to figure out why the app kept telling me to register yet I was already a prime member, and amazingly there is nothing on Amazon Music about this. I did receive an email from Amazon Prime today announcing the new service and I read through the email and did notice a disclaimer at the end that said something to the extent of before using the iPhone app you need to register online and allow the iPhone app access so at least that's something now to alert people to this. Overall I am enjoying the app so far, wouldn't necessarily pay for it but it is definitely an added bonus for being an Amzon Prime member.

By themusicman08 on Monday, December 25, 2017 - 11:33

App is accessible with Voice Over. The Alexa feature will interfere with Voiceover. Have spoken to customer service about this issue as well as the importing of music that you have in your personal collection if artists, or an artist isn't available.

You aren't able to use the uploading feature of the website to import music from ITunes from the library that you have. Their are artists that Amazon doesn't have.

By Usman on Saturday, May 25, 2019 - 11:33

Has anyone noticed how incredibly sluggish amazon music has become lately?
I am considering providing feedback letting them know that this needs addressing.

By Rob on Saturday, May 25, 2019 - 11:33

Yes, I have noticed that this app has been getting very sluggish over the last few months. I did provide feedback to the developers about this but no response from them. The problems started when Alexa went hands free. Also, if you stream music then quit the app when you have finished, the app doesn't close properly and the battery on your device drains much faster than it normally does.