Description of App is the audio-first platform where creators of all kinds can express themselves, connect with others, and build meaningful communities. Whether you’re sharing stories, hosting live conversations, or reflecting privately, is your space to be your authentic self and find your people.
• Express Yourself: Record and share audio posts, stories, or shows – or keep them private.
• Discover New Voices: Explore trending posts and find creators who inspire you.
• Connect in Real-Time: Live audio booths give you a space to chat, laugh, and share ideas with people who get you.
• Build Community: Create and follow panels, grow your audience, and connect with like-minded people.
• Keep an Audio Journal: Record private journals with AI summaries and automatic emails to track your thoughts, moods, and growth.
• Voiceover Compatibility: Designed from the ground up with accessibility for the blind and visually-impaired in mind.
The option to show transcripts doesn't seem to work with VoiceOver. Am I missing something here?
I don't know sorry but I hav an email for you.
I deleted my account after using the app for a couple minutes.
It's really not for me but I thought I'd post it anyway as it's accessible with voiceover.
Here's there email: [email protected]
I’m not sure why but
I’m not sure why, but when I go to get this from the App Store it acts like it’s downloading but it doesn’t download. I’ve tried installing it multiple times. I’ve even tried restarting my iPhone. The only thing I have left to try on my end, really is updating my iPhone to the latest iOS version which I was going to do anyways at some point today. So I finally got it to work. I do find it a bit confusing if you wanna go to the next users blog sometimes if you click on them, it doesn’t seem to come up with anything, although if I turn on screen recognition in the backdrop menu or whatever it’s called I can get to the audio controls. Other than that. This thing is pretty accessible and I look forward to using it.
Thank you for the feedback!
Hi folks,
I'm the developer of and the app is very new, so this feedback definitely helps! I'll be fixing the issues mentioned here ASAP.
Great app but a couple things.
Hello, really loving this app and the ability to be able to go live and record posts to upload later is something that I don't think I've ever seen before so well done. Just a thing, when going to the record screen, Voiceover will automatically go to the ear pease on my phone and I don't like that at all. Once more, there seems to be no way when you stop recording to get it to go back to the main speaker unless you close out of the app and open it up again. Can we at least have this as a setting? To be frank, I don't like when apps automatically switches audio to ear pease, it honestly turns me off and I don't use headphones all that much so if we can not have it do this or at least a setting that will be perfect. Also, I have tried holding the phone up to my ear and pulling it away because I know that tric sometimes works because of the proximity sensor but even that doesn't work.
Hey Jonathan, I think I had…
Hey Jonathan, I think I had this happen to me for the first time earlier today (if I understand what you are talking about correctly). Since I am able to reproduce the issue, I should be able to have it fixed fairly soon. Thanks for the feedback!
switching to earpiece speaker
That switching to the earpiece speaker has been an issue on iOS for years when recording something with VoiceOver.
I've heard developers in the past say it's an Apple issue and there's nothing they can do about it, so I'm not sure.
I'm not bothered when it happens because I'm usually in a quiet place when I need to record.
So, I actually like this app, and I do like having a look through it, but it doesn't seem to let me either read/write comments? Anyone else having that issue?
Writing Comments
You can do it, but you have to navigate by touch to the field at the bottom of the screen, because of the bottom sheet controls.
Re: Comments
Could you tell me a bit more about the issue you're having? Does the rotor action to open comments work for you? Is it an issue with accessing the modal that opens?
comments and more things I found
Hello there, The modal does open but at least for me, you can't tell that it opened unless you explore by touch. Note, there seems to be some duplicate stuff going on when swiping through the controls within that comments screen, kind of makes it a bit hard for me to find things Lol. Also, the home page could be a little cleaned up as it were, there's not really a consistent way of navigating unless you're doing it by headings and even that is a bit of a mess sometimes. For example, headings will keep you navigate through the titles but if you wanna see who it's from I'd flick left which I find a bit strange. If I wanna navigate through titles again quickly I'd have to set my rotor to headings again and that's just not feasible really. I'm all about flying through screens and getting the info I need quickly Lol. Also I think the order of controls should be switched around a bit. It's a bit hard to tell what should be what in the order of controls that they're in right now. I honestly think the usernames should be in the heading and flicking right should give you everything from there on out regarding the post. What could be even cooler if you can pull it off is currently you have to flick around a lot to get to what you wanna find out regarding the post and while that could be doable, the current implementation of the home screen is way too cluttered for my liking. The solution I'd vote for is by flicking left and right you'll only get the post title, username and displayname, pawsibly more post actions. From there, have an action rotor that'll let you view more info on the post , hell I think you may be able to pull that info and have it be triggered as an accessibility notification event and if VO is turned off, view it as a popup for sighted people. Or just have it be viewed as a popup regardless as i know you can pull info and display it that way. Both can work. That way it's less cluttered and people can find everything else faster. Hell you already got everything else in the rotor I think the only thing that could be in there is share post and the record button. These are just design thoughts that are flying through my head as I write this so I'd understand if you'll want more clarification. Anyways keep up the good work!
Uploading audio
I uploaded an hour ago and it said it was successfully uploaded but looking on my profile it says this upload is currently processing. Not sure if it's a bug but thought I would post here. Enjoying the app so far though.
Navigation updates
I've made some changes to how the navigation works. Hope you like them!
And, regarding uploads: there are currently some issues where uploads can sometimes end up in limbo (I have to nudge them manually). I'm looking into it, but I don't have a lot of data on that so I have to make some guesses as to why it's happening. Perhaps I'll just set it up to try again, since it doesn't seem to be an issue with the files themselves. Your upload should be there now.
loving the new update
Hello, so just checked out the new update and so much love how navigation works now. One thing I have notice though is sometimes when I'm done recording and I'm editing my draft, I can't see all the elements with VO. I would only see the exit button and the edit draft heading and that's it. I've tried restarting voiceover and turning on screen recognition but no dice. I'll also say that this bug is quite random so I can't really consistently reproduce this either, if I need to I'll make a screen recording when it does happen and contact if there is a way to do so. Again, keep up the great work!
Voiceover stopping
Since the new update, sometimes VoiceOver completely stops speaking when first entering the recording screen. This only seems to happen on my phone, and not my iPad.
Re: Voiceover stopping
Hey Zoe, can you tell me which phone you're on and whether you use heaphones?
By "first entering the recording screen" do you mean to say that it continues working after a pause?
Re: Voiceover Stopping
I have an iPhone 13 running the latest version of iOS, I believe. It happens whether or not I use headphones. I usually have to turn voiceover on and off to get it to work again.
Hey Zoe, I've reverted the…
Hey Zoe, I've reverted the change that was the likely cause of this. Hope that helps.
Voiceover going through the ear pease again.
Updated the app and audio is going through the ear pease again... I do not like... This should honestly just be a setting if we can't really come to an agreement on this. Like I said I don't use headphones all that much and I really don't wanna have to have the phone close to my ear while recording. If I sound a bit frustrated, I do deeply apologize but I don't know, this was working before. Honestly the audio profile change should not silance voiceover like that and other apps does this just fine.
Transcripts and private recordings
This is not a desperate thing, but I've noticed that transcripts can use some work. Sometimes they will generate with long run-on sentences without punctuation, and there seems to be no rime or reason to when and why it happens. They can also get some words wrong but I can excuse that because they're slightly less common words. I can understand if you can't do anything about that though since I'm guessing you just coded the audio to run through an ai model.
The second thing is that I'd like it if private recordings were under a different tab in my profile than the public ones, and they didn't show up on my feed. Because the one private recording I published showed up on home with public ones by other users, and it's hard to tell what's private or not.
I've done some work to make…
I've done some work to make it easier to tell which recordings are private. As for the feeds, I'm going to make some major changes soon!
Is this app for blind people?
Is this app kind of like the Vorail app?
How to use the app
OK, I just downloaded the app and it sounds great, but how exactly do I use it? First of all, how can I make my account private? Second of all, what kind of people are on this app? Is there a particular group or thread for blind people on the app?