8,500+ Drink Recipes


Description of App

Yes. You heard it right. Free.

Over 8,500 Drink & Cocktail recipes at the tap of your fingertips. Now you know what bartenders are putting into your expensive drinks. Drink & Cocktail
Recipes databases typically cost hundreds to thousands of dollars. We're giving it away to you for free.

* Add favorite drink recipes to your favorites list
* Browse through all of the drinks easily through an indexed list
* Use the search bar to easily find a specific recipe
* Jump to a drink category and find related drinks
* Or take a little risk and find yourself a random drink.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Well, everything seems to be labeled and easy to use. The category button is nice because it sorts things to alcoholic, soft drink, coffe and so on and the browse all is large but interesting. Choose a drink and then tap ingredients to get the exact amounts of stuff and then tap instructions just to make sure there isn't something else besides mix all ingredients together and serve.

Oh, when searching in the app store, just try typing in drinks free
as that was how I found it.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

This app lists coffee to beer to liquor to mixed drinks to soda pop mixes. There are nonalcoholic categories too.



By charles on Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 11:13

I'll bet this should have been 2014, not 2015, as that's a year away. (grin)

Seriously, though, I think this will be a good app for, if nothing else, browsing. Looks like fun! Thanks for letting us know about it.

By charles on Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 11:13

I've got the app on my iPhone 5, and cannot get it to find "root beer". I chose the soft drink category, thinking that it would be there, and I'm sure that there must be a recipe for making root beer, as it is popular. Any tips, step by step, are appreciated. Thanks much.