Yummly Recipes & Cooking Tools


Description of App

Included in App Store Best of 2014, Yummly puts every recipe in the world in your pocket. The most powerful recipe search, the recipe sites you love, your digital recipe box, recipe recommendations just for you, and one-hour grocery delivery - all with you wherever you go. Experience what millions are already enjoying on the web, now free on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

- The most powerful way to search the recipe sites you love--
Why waste time sifting through the wrong recipes? Our unique search filters allow you to find the perfect recipes by holiday, cuisine, taste, diet, nutrition, allergy, cook time, technique, and more – so the recipes you find first are the right ones. No need to worry, we have all of your favorite recipes from your top recipe sites (AllRecipes, Epicurious, Food52, etc.) and from the best food blogs (Chow, Serious Eats, Steamy Kitchen, etc.). You can now also track the nutrition and servings of what you ate with Yummly's seamless integration with Health App.

- Collect, save and organize your favorite recipes in your digital recipe box--
Saving your favorite recipes couldn’t be easier. With the simple tap of a ‘Yum’ button, your faves are stashed for safekeeping in a digital recipe box. Once saved, create personal collections for easy organization and sharing of your recipes.

- Discover recipe recommendations, just for you--
Set up your taste preferences and we’ll only serve up recipes that match. As you use Yummly, like magic, it learns about you like (and don’t like). Yummly will provide you with recipe recommendations every day that you are sure to love. In a bit of a food rut? Let Yummly help you out with a cornucopia of tasty suggestions. The more you Yum, the better it gets!

- The smartest shopping list you have ever seen--
Don’t know what to make with that oyster sauce that’s on sale? Scan the item and find recipes that use it. Want to make the most of that bag of potatoes you are buying? See related recipes for items on your shopping list to make your food dollar go farther. And don’t worry, with one click you can add a full recipe to your shopping list and Yummly automatically categorizes your shopping list to make your trip to the store a snap. If you have an iPad or iPhone, your list will also automatically sync between devices.

- Ingredients delivered to your doorstep in an hour—
With our new partnership with Instacart, the ingredients for your next recipe can be at your door in an hour. Simply add ingredients to your Yummly shopping list, Tap to shop ingredients from Instacart, and have your groceries hand delivered conveniently to your door. With Instacart, we’ve got you covered from inspiration to preparation!

Instacart delivery is availible in the following cities: Atlanta, Austin, Boulder, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, Portland, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle and Washington, D.C.

Download the free Yummly app today. Let’s get cookin’!



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

the app is usable but it has some buttons which are not labeled.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some minor accessibility issues with this app, but they are easy to deal with.

Developer's Twitter Username




By Lorelei on Saturday, May 30, 2015 - 17:38

So I downloaded this because I love food and basically thought it was like Pandora but for recipes. The problem is, I can't figure out which button saves recipes because the only things clearly labeled are the recipes themselves. Any suggestions, please?

By Warcat on Saturday, May 30, 2015 - 17:38

so the first unlabeled button after a recipe "yums" it. if you "yum" a recipe, yummly will find related recipes to the ones you have "yummed". the second button doesn't work. this button should put the ingredients for the recipe on the shoping list. if you want to put the ingredients of a recipe on the Shopping list, go to the menu, then on my collection and select "all yums". there you have a "product to list" button before a recipe. for example:
Product to list button
home made bagles
Mel's kitchen cafe
the last Thing "mel's kitchen cafe" is the blog from wich the recipe was taken. if you want to get the ingredients and directions for the recipes, you can click on a recipe and then there is a ingredients and a directions button. note that if you click on the directions button, it will open the blog from the recipe.
hope this helps

By Lorelei on Saturday, May 30, 2015 - 17:38

That answers my question exactly. :) I'd figured out the recipes, but I didn't want to have to copy them if I didn't have to.