Baby Adopter


Description of App

This is an app where you can addopt, feed, and care for a baby. You can even buy stuff for him or her too. When you care for the baby, you earn so many points that are used to buy these items. You can take the baby baby places such as the park or grandma's house. The app has sounds, but baby doesn't cry. I have a work around for that. I'll tell you in the comments. Other than that, this app makes a great virtual companion for the baby lovers out there. This app is free, but there's a pro virsion that is not worth the buy.

Description from App Store:

Adopt and feed a cute little baby!
Feed, buy clothes, shoes and toys and take care.

You have to feed your baby when hungry. The baby has to be with energy equivalent of 30. And do not let your baby get sick... This is the goal of Baby Adopter.

Baby can move after acquiring clothes. Baby can grow after 100 days of age (after acquiring clothes and shoes).

Baby will respond with sounds on tap, double tap and double finger tap on Main screen.

It is possible to change Sounds settings and Music settings on Account screen.

When any of rooms (except Family room) is fully completed another Game Center achievement would be reached.

please send bug reports to this email:
[email protected]

P.S. We're working on improvements and updates and listening to your comments, feedback and ideas, sometimes it takes us time to implement everything though ;-)



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Over all, this is usable app with one catch. Sometimes flicking and doubletapping doesn't always do the trick. You may have to just move around the screen with your hand and then double or split tap. The baby naming field is hard to get to. Other than that, very nice app.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some minor accessibility issues with this app, but they are easy to deal with.

Other Comments

I've been looking for an app like this that can be used anywhere. I can even care for my baby in a taxi lol. Best app of it's kind.


9 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Moopie Curran 2 years 2 months ago



By Yiskalyn on Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 16:12

Hi. The description of baby adopter pro clearly states that it is for facebook integration. If one doesn't care about that get the free version. There are actually things in facebook app through facebook's website that don't show up in the baby adopter pro app. I don't know about the free. In any case it really depends on how one wants to play whether or not the pro or free version is worth it. Sometimes I wish I had just gotten the free version. Maybe I should still do so just to see if I like it. The thing with the pro version is whenever you take an action whatever action it may be it gives you a facebook share thing. Very annoying. So yeah in that case it may not be worth it. Again it depends on what you want. If you want to keep your friends up to date on your baby adopter status then pro is for you. If you want to just care for a baby then free is for you. I have also tried the other x2lines games with little luck on this end. orange tree is accessible except it doesn't have buttons for watering and harvesting or I couldn't find them anyway. little girl magic seemed accessible but I couldn't even find a name to click on to adopt a girl. Again this simply could have been a connection issue however. Both of those games are free if you wish to try them out. Jessica

By Yiskalyn on Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 16:12

Connects to game center. And it gets rid of that annoying facebook thing that comes up whenever you take an action. I don't regret paying the 2 for the paid. It taught me there are accessible facebook apps out there. But yeah I prefer the free version too. Although I still think saying it isn't worth it to get the pro version is a matter of personal opinion. It really depends what you really want. But thanks Katy for trying the free one and giving your opinions. It helped me out. And hopefully others too. It misses a few things that are on the facebook version on the facebook website from what I can tell. But it is still neat enough to keep my attention for hours.

By Yiskalyn on Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 16:12

If you wanted a girl I don't know what to tell you there. But for the sake of the game. I don't think it matters whether it is a boy or a girl. Go to the more option. Then go to account. activate the text field type the name you want and press save. To get to these areas is very voice over easy. More button is bottom right of the screen. Account is in a list that shows up on the screen once you hit the more button. Flick right or left to get to it once you touch the main part of the screen. Again flick right or left once you touch the main part of the screen until you get to the text edit box. Activate this by double tapping. Type in the name you want for your baby. Flick right to save and double tap. Jessica

By Maria on Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 16:12

Hi. I can't seem to get to the save button. tried typing in a baby's name and i get stuck in the text field. any ideas? thanks. overall i love this app.

By Moopie Curran on Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 16:12

I love this app, I was able to rename my baby just fine. I think this is the neatest little app, it reminds me of the sims games. I think even kids would like it.

By Holly on Saturday, December 1, 2012 - 16:12

For the longest time, I have found this game to be inaccessible. When I double tap on a food to feed the baby nnothing happens. Any ideas on why this is? Thanks, Holly
hi, Holly, here's what you need to do in order to use baby adopter, as well as the other games that are made by x 2 line. You have to do a three-finger swipe up to scroll down one page. For example, I fed my baby healthy milk. To get to this, you would scrol down to page 4. Each page has three foods or actions, depending on if you are on the main screen or the care screen. Hope that helps.

By Ken Downey on Friday, May 1, 2015 - 16:12

x2line has a game but I haven't seen before called scouting legend or scout legend. It's a lot like a Baby Adopter stuff, but I think that guys will be more comfortable getting into this one.

By Naza on Friday, August 31, 2018 - 16:12

Hey, did you guys see the new update for the Baby adopter games? Or for most of them anyway? There are now descriptions of what the babies look like! I can’t really remember what mine looks like right now. But I do know that I need to feed him soon. Ha ha

By Zoe Victoria on Friday, May 31, 2019 - 16:12

It's true this app is accessible, especially now with the descriptions and stuff. But I can't help but think of it as just a time waster and not a game. There's just no point to it. It's painfully easy to keep the baby alive, and you can't do anything with the rooms or toys you buy. The matching games they added aren't accessible even though it's completely possible to do (Blindfold Color Crush.) You can't interact with the baby at all besides touching it and tapping on pictures to do actions and feed it. But that's just my opinion. If you like this "game" then good for you. I'm glad you can enjoy something I can't.

By cuddle_kitten84 on Friday, March 3, 2023 - 16:12

Hi there, how do you get a new baby? i've been off the app for a while and want a fresh start. A baby is there, but it is rather old and want to start from scratch.

By Lily Rose on Friday, March 3, 2023 - 16:12

I believe you would go to the More tab, then Account, then Restart, then you have toverify a few times, then it starts over and you can get a new one.

By Lily Rose on Friday, March 3, 2023 - 16:12

Agree in some parts. Stplay baby adopter pro, just for the satisfaction of beating it, and it usually take me about 5 seconds in theapp feed and care just to get points and for to stop it from bugging me when the baby is hungry, the dev says they're working on activities, but still, yeah for now just kinda repetitive just like all x2line games pretty much.

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Friday, March 3, 2023 - 16:12

Developer of the game here... Curly is 100% correct how to restart the game from scratch - you have to go to the Account and tap "Restart".