Baby Adopter Pro


Description of App

Baby Adopter Pro is a much faster, easier and ad-free standalone version of the Baby Adopter game! How does Baby Adopter Pro differ from the free Baby Adopter?
The Baby Adopter Pro game: 1. Doesn't have any advertising or in app products.
2. Pro version earns more points for each action, each feeding, each egg crack in egg hunt and each completed level in mini games than the free game.
3. Pro version has more levels in mini games than the free version of the game.
4. Pro version has significantly less waiting time between actions, feeding, cracking eggs in hunting for eggs.
Baby Adopter is a babysitting, nursery and dress up game for people who love to take care of little babies. Works on iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch.
Adopt and feed a cute little baby! Feed, buy clothes, shoes and toys and take care. You have to feed your baby when hungry. The baby has to be with energy equivalent of 30. And do not let your baby get sick...
This is the goal of Baby Adopter.
Game Locations. Another goal is to explore and purchase items for the Baby Room, Bathroom, Playground, Playroom, Family Room, Game Center and Zoo and purchase all the toys.
Egg Hunt. Another goal is to hunt, find, collect and complete the collection of mini trophy creatures. You need to look for eggs, hunt, crack and hatch and finally own creatures which are inside the eggs. The eggs can be found randomly in different game locations. Need to wait after each crack in order to proceed with the following crack. The egg will be hatched after 3 cracks. The egg which was cracked once can be found in the same location.
Support for VoiceOver in Egg Match mini game: when you tap inside a grid VoiceOver will tell which egg is currently selected, its color and position within the grid. This way it is possible to scan the eggs in the grid. In order to move an egg you need to double tap it and keep your finger pressed against screen until you hear a release sound; then while your finger is still pressed against the screen move it and the egg will move.
Karma represents your overall game progress and player experience. The baby will grow after 100 days of age (after acquiring clothes and shoes). *** The baby will respond with sounds on tap, double tap and double finger tap on Main screen. It is possible to change Sounds settings and Music settings on Account screen. When any of rooms is fully completed another Game Center achievement would be reached.
When the player clicks on the yellow coin in any of the rooms: Baby room, Bath, Playroom, etc the new screen is opened with the options to purchase game points. The current game score will be updated with purchased points amount. In addition ads will not be displayed in the game.
The game is accessible for visually impaired and blind people (VoiceOver).



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Very accessible. The way to play eggmatch appears to be tap an egg then find where you want to move it too, then tap there. I actually tried playing this with VO off, Just randomly tapping and swiping around the grid, and actually got quite far that way. Free Cell seems to be a bit usable with VO but you have to know where to drag the cards. Veggie Battle seems to be a shooting game of some sorts and it is not accessible. Otherwise the overall game is awesome!

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some minor accessibility issues with this app, but they are easy to deal with.

Other Comments

My sincere thanks go to the developer of this game for working hard on accessibility and keeping us updated!

Developer's Twitter Username



4 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Eleni Christodoulou 2 years 2 months ago



By Sabrina on Saturday, December 31, 2022 - 16:12

I prefer this. It is much easier amd does not take as much time. I have this amd wish there a little girl magic pro.

By Lily Rose on Saturday, December 31, 2022 - 16:12

Does anyone know how to do the Veggie Battle, Eggmatch and Free Cell with VO?

By glassheart on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

OK guys. I hesitated being vulnerable about this, and asking, but possibly against my better judgement in the longrun, though hopefully not, I've decided to. So please know before I begin, this isn't an easy thing for me to ask, and feels a bit awkwerd doing so.

So, I use this app a bit differently than most people most likely. Most think of this as a game. I however use it very theraputicly. We'll simply leave it to say that from past childhood trauma, I've been wounded badly. So, I use this app kind of as a way to help among many other techniques to heal my inner child, since I don't have the ability of literally having children of my own... this is about the closest thing I can do.

So, here is my question. I live with a few people who would definitely most likely make fun of an attack me verbally and emotionally if they knew I was using such app. I'd rather not go into the details of that, but it's what it is. For that reason, any time I'm around them, I've been scared, excuse my language, shitless that I'd get a push notification from the app which might include the sound of my baby cooing, or crying, etcetera. More crying. But anyway, then it would be like... "Um, is there something you wanna tell me?" And then emotionally I'd go off the deep end. So, basically, I'm trying to prevent that from happening. I remember back in the days when I had the free version of this app, if the baby got unhappy, or your power/carma level got too low, this would happen, but only when you first launched the app, but never as a sound with push notifications.

Like I say, I've been just toggling my mute switch when around others, but it's gonna be my luck, one of these days, I'll forget to do that, and the one time I forget, that's the one time it gives me away.

Generally, I try not to let the power level go below 20, just to be safe, but what I'm asking is, are there any sinareos where the kid may cry or something in the app if you're not careful that I may wanna watch out for? The other thing too, not even my other family member withstanding, but just in general for myself, hearing a child cry recording or not is a huge trigger for me. I love the app to pieces, and over all, it is helping, but this is really the only concern that I have. I've toggled off the sounds in the app, but is that all I need to do to be sure I don't get in this situation?

I do kindly ask that you not suggest up here to me if it's that bad, I need pro help. I'm already doing that. So, please. Let's not go down that discussion path... Especially not up here. That's not something I wanna talk about specificly. Please respect that wish!

By Lily Rose on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

I don't get much nification from this app but I know you do get a notification if you haven't fed your baby in 12 hours. In the app the mood meter changes to hungry (I daresay it seems like the baby can only be happy or hungry) and the notification makes a sound like a baby crying and says something like "Feed! Baby!" Then again if you don't like it just go to Settings > Notifications > Baby Adopter Pro and shut off notifications altogether.

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

@AccessWarrior3000 Hi, I am the developer of the game. Right now Veggie Battle does not support VoiceOver.

Egg Match does support VO. It works like this: the game is a typical match3 type of game and you double tap on an egg and then on the neighbor cell to make it move into that direction.

The Free Cell does support VO but right now it would be hard to play since you need to drag cards to the slots at the top. We're working to make it more convenient to play with VO.

Hope this helps!

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

@glassheart Hi, I am the developer of the game. When the baby gets hungry there is a notification alert with sound. The baby may cry or call "mama". It typically happens 20-24 hours after the last feeding so that you need to feed the baby every day. It will not go off during the night hours though but will wait for morning. When you install the game and feed the baby for the very first time - this is when the game asks for permission to send these notifications and like AccessWarrior3000 said you can set the notifications off in the device settings. Many users requested that we add more notifications to the game so we try to keep the right balance by default. Hope this helps.

By Lily Rose on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

Thank you so much for your comments. They are much appreciated. Happy developing!

By glassheart on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

Forgive me. I've not looked yet through all the comments in this thread, so if this has already been answered, then please disregard, but first off, thank you for such a detailed response. Second, with me being a blind Voiceover user, can you explain how one would go about using Voiceover to do the egghunt part of the game? Swyping or rather as some call it, flicking, around the screen doesn't yield anything for me at all. Is that part of the game inaccessible? If so, any plans to make it so? I'm honestly not too worried about the Freecel area, as I don't know how to play that anyway, and right now, my life is so busy, I don't have time to learn, but the egghunt may be fun if I knew what the heck I was doing. LOL!

By glassheart on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

Please don't take this rudely, but actually, I fail to understand how you think as the dev that the Egg Match works with VO.

When I go to that tab, I have to first slide my finger with touch exploration around the screen to even begin to focus in the grid area where the various eggs are.

Second, when at the top left most egg in the grid, I'm hearing column 1 row 9. That is impossible. I even had a sighted person look. I ab-so-lutely! was not on row 9. Not even remotely close! So, yeah. Further, when I double tap an egg, I'm not being told it's selected or anything of sort.

Also, getting back to me having to slide my finger from egg to egg, once I am focused in that area, flicking does absolutely nothing. I cannot flick from one egg to another. And, the eggs are so teeny that even just the slightest little movement of my finger, even just the small little trimmer I have in my hands is enough to knock it off focus.

So yeah. No. Again, I don't mean to be rude, but I neither am going to sugarcoat this. This definitely isn't Voiceover friendly. It needs a ton of work.

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

@glassheart We are here for the feedback and we constantly improve the game including VO. I agree it needs more work and we're working to improve as we speak.

Currently Egg Match works like so: When you tap any egg - it will describe the egg and its position: columns starting from the left and rows starting from the bottom. If you then double tap the egg and then choose and double tap the neighbor egg - the first egg will try to swap in that direction. It will swap if there is a 3 or 4 match formed.

Thank you!

By Lily Rose on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

I just thought you would like to know that when you open the other two minigames, Free Cell and Veggie Battle it is seems impossible with VO to get out. Free Cell is you dragging cards into slots, and Veggie Battle seems to be you throwing projectiles (or veggies!) at someone/something before they throw too many at you and you die.

By Lily Rose on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

Is the music supposed to stop in the game when you stop the app via appswitcher? Or otherwise whenever it wants to? In Account settings it still says music is on but it not making sound. It takes me toggling it off and on several times over the course of a long time to get it to turn on again. Is this a bug?

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

@AccessWarrior3000 Hi. To get out of mini games you need to use the bottom tab bar navigation, for example you can tap on "Home" to get to the Main screen with the baby. The most right button is called "More" and it opens additional menu items list screen with locations, mini games and Egg Hunt, Settings and more.

Veggie Battle is currently not supported with Voice Over while we're still figuring out ways how to support it as it is a shooting and escape game.

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

@AccessWarrior3000 Regarding Music you can turn both Music and Sound off and on on the Main screen - there is a button at the top right. It is also available in the Egg Match mini game also at the top. We will be removing separate music/sound settings from the Account screen.

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

We have fixed a couple of bugs VO related in the Egg Match mini game. The fix is expected to be available within couple of days - now in review by Apple. Thank you!

By Lily Rose on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

The release notes are as follows:
Hello! In this release we improved VoiceOver, fixed and improved Egg Match mini game and made additional fixes. Enjoy :) Thanks for playing Baby Adopter Pro! To make our game better for you, we release updates regularly. Every update of our Baby Adopter Pro game includes improvements in graphics art and animations as well as for playing comfort and reliability. We regularly add new items to the existing collections. Every once in a while we add new features and new game locations for you in the game.

By glassheart on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

First off, I really really appreciate everyones' responses and have just installed the update. I plan to try the egg match, and will report back if I have any issues.

As for my question now, I currently own an apple watch ultra which is on Watch OS 9.3 which just was released the other day.

When I open the Baby Adopter app on my watch, I cannot with Voiceover seem to do much of anything. Is this app more just for viewing an image graphic of your baby, and the carma/power and such, or can I actually interact, (no pun intended,) with the game itself like feeding, caring, etcetera? It would be so much more convenient for me at times to just take whatever action needed from my wrist instead of constantly having to go brab my phone.

By treky fan on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

Hi there. While I like the concept of the game overall, I just feel that there needs to be some more things added to it. One good thing would be to let you interact with the baby in each room as you add new things to it. Another idea might be using coins to do things like taking your baby to daycare, to the doctor's, etc.

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

@treky fan
Thanks for the ideas. We have the list of ideas and implement them while the game evolves.

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 16:12

The game on Apple Watch right now is very simple for viewing an image graphic of your baby and the power and mood status. We plan to add more functionality to Apple Watch as we see the number of installs on watch has started to increase lately. Please let me know what you would expect to add for Apple Watch. What functionality is needed there? Thank you.

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Friday, March 3, 2023 - 16:12

Hi All! For Apple Watch users: in the most recent update we added kiss and hug care actions that you can take directly from Apple Watch. There is a few minutes delay between actions to earn points. Hope that helps :)

By Lily Rose on Friday, March 3, 2023 - 16:12

I hope you don't mind me asking this.
I had played the game twice, and the first time I restarted in the middle because I wasn't getting much time, but I had collected alot of the eggs, only had only about 6-8 of them left. Then I replayed the game, and I am noticing that like last time when I have about 6 eggs left I stopped getting any eggs. Is this a bug? Are the eggs showing up and disappearing faster so it might be harder to reach with VO, or do you have to wait longer now to get eggs? Thank you!

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Friday, March 3, 2023 - 16:12

Hi Curly

Regarding your question on Egg Hunt. Eggs may appear randomly in game locations for example rooms and outside locations. They may appear and disappear. Once you tap on an egg - it will be cracked and stay in the specific location until hatched. Need 3 cracks before the egg is hatched and there is a time delay to wait between cracks.

Some eggs are more valuable than others and may appear only if we have a certain amount of karma points above a certain threshold. The Egg Hunt screen is where all available and hatched eggs listed. You can see a karma points threshold for each egg.

Hope that helps!

By Lily Rose on Friday, March 3, 2023 - 16:12

Ahh, it appears as though all my eggs are locked upon closer inspection. Thanks for pointing that out, I'd never thought to read anything past the name and the color.

By glassheart on Friday, March 3, 2023 - 16:12

Basically, what I'd expect to see on the watch would be the ability to carry out all the various different care actions, and also the ability to feed any of the foods. As for the games like the egg match, and such, I'm not really interested in those for the watch, nor for adding things to the various different rooms like the baby room, the bathroom, etcetera. As long as I can care for and feed the baby, that's really honestly good enough for me.

By glassheart on Friday, March 3, 2023 - 16:12

Ooo! Yes! That would be really awesome! I second all of these ideas 1 billion! percent! Just, of course as long as they were accessible with Voiceover.

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Friday, March 3, 2023 - 16:12

@glassheart We'd be happy to add more functionality on the watch. The problem is that right now Apple limits the size of the app on the watch. I think it is now 75Mb and previously it was 50Mb. Right now you can monitor the baby's health and do a couple of care actions. With that we're pretty much hitting the limit since we have high quality graphics. Once Apple updates the limit we will add more functionality.

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Friday, March 3, 2023 - 16:12

Thanks for the ideas. We have toilet training in the works and we will consider doctor's visit for future development.

By Lily Rose on Friday, March 3, 2023 - 16:12

What does it mean when achievements are "Locked"? I saw Locked Achievements in Game Center. For example, one of them said "Rank As Amateur in Egg Match Mini Game" I am already an amateur, so why isn't it showing up as completed? Also there are various Zoo and Camp achievements also locked.

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Friday, March 3, 2023 - 16:12

Hi Curly

The achievements that are locked for example certain items in the Zoo and Camp. Once you purchase those items - you achieve the achievement and it gets unlocked in the Game Center.

If you are already Amateur in the Egg Match Mini Game - the achievement should be unlocked. I will check this. It sounds like a bug.

Thank you for the report!

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 16:12

Hello! Free Cell mini-game now fully supports VoiceOver. Enjoy :)

To move a card you need to choose it by a single tap. Then double tap to initiate the movement. It would be our movement's origin. Then choose any destination place by tapping it. The destination could be another deal stack card or one of 4 free spaces or one of 4 completed stacks. After choosing the destination - double tap it to move the card we initiated by a double tap earlier. This way we can move either a single card or a group of cards from a deal stack. To move a group of cards we need to choose not the last card on the deal stack.

Hope that helps!

By Lily Rose on Saturday, July 1, 2023 - 16:12

This game needs new features. It was fun at first but now it's pretty just repetitive and boring. The only reason I still have it is so I can at least finish the game I spent $6.99 on. devs, if your still reading these please add more features?

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Saturday, July 1, 2023 - 16:12

Hi Curly

Thanks for your feedback. Yes - we're reading and we have new features that are almost ready. We will have toilet training among new features.
Thank you for playing the game!

Hope that helps!

By treky fan on Saturday, July 1, 2023 - 16:12

Hi there. I agree the game needs new fatures and maybe a few more notifications to add more realism to the game wouldn't be a bad idea either. Do you know about when these new fatures will be released?

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 16:12

@treky fan The new features will be released soon but I can't tell specifically when... It depends we're doing a few things in parallel - developing new games, porting existing games to new platforms and working on new features. Thank you!

By SilverMoon on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 16:12

Hello lovely beings,
So I see a lot of stuff on here on how to play the game.
But there are no instructions on like what the objective is.
I can move the eggs around in egg match, but what am I supposed to do?
I see all the different colored eggs. So what, am I trying to move one egg to one that matches its type?
I tried that, but it just makes a noise. Not sure if that's a good thing or not.
It just tells me to try and collect an x number of shells, but not sure how to do that.
Same with the card and shooting game.
Not sure how to play those, or what the objective is.
Thank you so much!

By Lily Rose on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 16:12

Wouldn't it be better to prioritize improving existing games before making new ones? People will be more likely to buy your new games if the older ones are made better and more interesting.

By Anatoly Lubarsky on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 16:12

@SilverMoon The goal of the Egg Match mini game is to reach the goal of each level within a number of moves: i.e. reach the X number of shells within Y moves; remove ice; drop down all coins. Each time there is a match 3 eggs on a row or column - they get disappeared and the eggs above move down. There could be also match 4 and match 5 in a row for which you get more points. Also you get a lot of points for T-Chain or L-chain.