A Blind Legend


Description of App

It’s the first-ever mobile action-adventure game without video – where ears replace eyes!
Discover the original, innovative sensory experience of binaural 3D sound.


Your eyes will be of no help.
So close them, sharpen your hearing and your blade…
And embark on an epic, perilous rite of passage.

How do you play?

Put on your headphones and use your smartphone’s touchscreen like a joystick:

- to move around freely;
- to fight using your sword;
- to defend yourself and protect yourself with your shield;
- to repel your enemies and perform combos!

Live the adventures of Edward Blake, the famous blind knight! Guided by your daughter Louise, you must find your way and avoid the many traps that lie in store in the High Castle Kingdom, while confronting dangerous enemies!

The game is fully accessible to visually impaired people, and is aimed at anyone who’s eager for an original, immersive sensory experience through a ground-breaking video game. And because the player is the character, it will help raise public awareness of this kind of disability.

It was co-created thanks to support from a community of fans who helped with the crowdfunding campaign (www.ulule.com/a-blind-legend) and in a co-production with France Culture, a Radio France station.

This type of hack-and-slash game, with a heroic-fantasy flavour, harnesses the innovative technology of binaural sound, which delivers a gripping 3D soundscape and brings characters and actions vividly to life around the player – as if they were actually in the game!
Listen to the official trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i_CcH5Bd30



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Of course, this game is fully accessible as it has been built mainly for blind folks.
These binaural sounds give the player an amazing feeling of reality.

VoiceOver Performance

Not applicable for this app.

Button Labeling

Not applicable for this app.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

Sure, there are many great audio games out there, but they are all exclusively developed in English. For us, French users, it's the first real adventure audio game in our native language. I hope You'll enjoy it as I do. :)

Developer's Twitter Username



37 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Rafaela Freundt 3 months 1 week ago



By Faerie on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

This game is very well done. I do find the turning mechanism a little clunky to use but think I have gotten used to it. To the person asking questions about the boat, to row you have to swipe up, then take your finger off the screen and swipe down. Hope this helps someone., at first when I heard those instructions I tried to just slide my finger up and down without removing it from the screen and kept getting killed lol. Am at the first citadel sceen, and looking forward to the challenge! Have fun.

By brandon armstrong on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

How the heck do I get past this ridiculous guard room? It seems as if when the guards come out, no matter where I swipe on the screen he won't run fast enough. It's like he slows down and stops. I've even tried swiping up from the bottom of the screen and it still doesn't work. I'm playing this on a success.

By sockhopsinger on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

I had that problem myself, then realized that my phone was slowing down because I somehow managed to have other apps opened in the app switcher. Might check that, and if other apps are opened, close them and then start the game again. I too am using a 6S.

By Igna Triay on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

To get out of the guard room, first go slowly, and when you hear the guards exit the room to go somewhere. After that, run. You should be fine after that.

By Erick on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

Hello. Why can't you add an option that will allow you to kill as many enemies as you can? For example, you could survive for 20 minutes killing enemies or something like that? I mean, this game would be more fun if you could do that. Please add that feature and reply to my comment if you can, thank you for the game and I love it!
I will translate it for you so you can understand it if you can.. Oh, and if you add that feature, please put in English and French version of the feature.

By Igna Triay on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

I already suggested this to the developer. If you read the earlier posts, you'll find it there.

By Erick on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

In reply to by Igna Triay

You know what, if they don't respond to me then they will not get a response from me either. Well, I will reply to them, however. I know I'm not going to get a response, because, well, the developers, basically,, are there any developers speak English?

By Erick on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

In reply to by gsynuh

Question, were you one of the enemies in the game? If you were, wow, amazing job! But if you weren't, oh well.

Another question is. Are there any developers who speak English in this game? Because when I text them on Twitter, they seem to not respond. I just don't know why though.

By Igna Triay on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

It was not on Twitter but on this forum. The developer responded. And yes, they responded in english.

By Samantha Wyatt on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

I think I've found a bug in the scene where I have to row the boat. I row the boat as fast as I can, even when Louise tells me to slow down. When I get to the part where they start shooting arrows and I have to protect myself by pinching the screen, one of two things happens. The first one that happens sometimes is that shortly after I've pinched the screen, the game experiences some kind of crash, and will take me back to the main menu. The rest of the time, after I've got my fingers pinched on the screen and hold them this way for at least a minute, the game almost seems to override my gesture, and my character isn't protected anymore. He is quickly hit by the arrows and dies. I am running this on an iphone 6. Aside from this, I really love this game. Can anyone else replicate this bug or tell me how to get through it?

By gsynuh on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

Hi erick,

Please send any feature requests, or bug reports, to [email protected] to make sure requests, reports and exchanges are saved somewhere and that they can collect info and start prioritizing and planning updates based on feedback they receive from that source and frequent feedback they get from social media too I guess but that's a more versatile source of feedback.

I'm not here to represent them, or to represent the game, I was just a coder on the game, and hoped I could help with some issues as myself and not really as any kind of PR person for their company.

I'm making sure some info gets transferred to them as I collect it on my personal time (the endless mode feature request, mis-translated instructions...) but since I'm not here officially... I strongly feel you should send them a mail for the reasons I mentioned above and so no one has to rely on me here.

By gsynuh on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

The crash you mention, does that sound like the sound is fading out then loading another scene?
If so , your shield gesture might have been recognized as the gesture to go back to the menu which in this case is two fingers on screen swiping from left to right together.

I guess it's possible to have that happen if during the gesture your fingers do not join together fast enough and they are also moving laterally... if that makes any sense.

About the shield dropping, I guess it has to be replicated on the developer's side (well it'll probably be me again) so I guess, can you replicate it on your side and if so, can you let them know via mail - just there's an info that might even help more as I know how that scene is built, if you can count how many times you have rowed before that happens so they can get an idea of where it happens in the level ... I don't know yet how relevant it is but it might.


By Andy B. on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

Normally I am a severe audio game critic. Not much in this way of entertainment catches my interest. However, this one did. A combination of a few different things helped me like the game.

1. The plot. The plot is based in the midevil days from what it looks like. It resembles the 1700-1800s in England. These settings are my favorite.
2. The sound is realistic. I never like playing games that have fake sounds or sound like a toy found at Toys R' Us.

Nice work. There should be multiple plots/stories you can play out. What would be fun is to have a complete audio recorded replay for each scene you have finished. Then you could make a movie out of your replays.

By Erick on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

I sent them an email, and they are not responding. I said that they should at the endless mode, but they just don't respond.

I wasn't one of the enemy. If you look at the posts, you'll see that the app developer responded a few days ago. Just check Earlier posts here, and you should find it.

By Igna Triay on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

They might take time. It has happened to me before. They do not answer, after a long while, but later they do. However sometimes they do not answer at all. Just keep trying.

By Devin Prater on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

I started playing last night, got to the woman that heals the arrow wound in the forest, and yes, this game is pretty cool. I just wish there were more things to do in the game, like more plots, quests, things like that. Side quests would be nice, and being able to collect things, like better weapons for use against those pesky enemies that just won't die after 8 strikes.

By Samantha Wyatt on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

I figured out how to get past the rowing scene. You have to lower your shield just long enough to row once or twice, and then quickly pinch the screen to raise it again. I had to repeat this process a couple of times until Louise starts shouting and Blake says they're too far away to see them now.

By Toonhead on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

As others have said, the developer is seeing these comments, and has asked that people send them email with suggestions. They most likely won't be able to respond to every single email. Programming a game like this takes more time than some of you think. You can't just push a button and build a game. Wouldn't you rather hvave them respond here and put new versions out instead of answering every single email? It's a nice thing, but there are only 24 hours in a day, lets not ask too much of the developers here. They do hard work.

By billy lei on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

How to past the gard room? I kept trying but a gard walked out kill me each time. What should I do to pass tis this level?

By Igna Triay on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

To get past the guard room, go slowly at first. If you go too fast, the guards will come immediately, and kill you. At some point, Louise will tell you to hurry. When this happens, run as fast as you can, following her directions precisely. If you make it before the guards can catch up to you, you should be fine, and manage to get out of there.

By Michael on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

I love this game. I think there should be an option to use the gyro though.

By Apple Khmer on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

This game has its faults like the clunky turning mechanism; however, I'd rather play this than Solara. As much as I wanted to get to the end of Solara, my patience eventually ran out on me. I'm still not passed the gardroom on this game.

By Erick on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

What game were they playing?? It sounded like dice or something.

It was in the gard room.. I could hear the gards playing a game, what was it?

By Igna Triay on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

If I wear to guess, it was a dice game, and they were gambling with money.

By Justin on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

I think the language part is somewhere in options. No, I don't know of any offers, and no don't know any of the actors. Find out more about them in credits and/or look them up online. Sorry I can't be of more help there.

By hanif naufal h… on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

Hi guys, so now I've reached the dungeon and I follow louise to the guard room.
When I've reach it I walk but the guard killed me.
How to pass this part?

By molosev on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

The goal is to follow Louise as fast as possible without running, until she tells you to run.

By hanif naufal h… on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

I walk slowly but the guard still found me and killed me.
What should I do? Do I need to check louises position?

By Faerie on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

Hi. Can anyone give me any tips on the roof jumping sceen at the citadel? I keep falling on the second or third jump. I keep following the instructions. Any help would be appreciated.

By hanif naufal h… on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

Finally, I've beatten the game.
The final boss, in my opinion, is quite easy to beat. You just have to block and counter him to get a massive combo hit.
Overall, this one of the best action adventure made for iOS and android devices. It has great sounds, great plot, great voice acting and other stuff.
I wish that the game has extra scene, more weapons, and survival mode with game center support.

By Apple Khmer on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

Finally got out of the ridiculous guardroom. I just kept Louise a bit to my right. That way, I'd go straight when it was timefor the guards to start walking.

By sockhopsinger on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

In the rowing scene, I chuckled when the blind knight informed his sighted daughter that it was now too dark for their pursuers to see them.

By Ashley B on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

I cannot for the life of me get past the ally scene. When I hear the gaurds I try lifting the shields, the sound comes up, but I instantly die anyway. I can't walk when they start talking, so by the time I hear them, it is too late. And I can't take out my sword. Is literally the only trick to this scene to wait until you pass the guard and then run like crazy after Louise?

By Igna Triay on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

Running is the only way to get past the guards. If you raise your shield come what you can't block there attacks, because they attack from behind. There is no way to survive that, except by running.

By Ricki on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

May I have some attack strageties

By kingdekka on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

The attack strategies, are in the tutorial.

By Ricki on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

How do I go through out the market without being seen? Especially after the fight in the market? I am confused. Can anyone please help?

By sockhopsinger on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

Just follow instructions. Louise will navigate you through. Remember, you have to listen hard for her voice as she will be whispering.

I'm at the guard room how do I get away from the silent guards? I stop running and there's a slight pause and.before I can run I die immediately

By Justin on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 10:11

Once you get to the guards, do what louise tells you to do. Walk slowly to keep them distracted

By Master Q on Sunday, November 29, 2015 - 10:11

Hey guys, I have just started playing the game and I have a question because I can't seem to figure out how to kill the second soldier on the right in the forest stage. It is the first battle we encounter on the forest stage. I was able to figure out when to strike the first guy on the left, dead, but, I can't figure out when to strike the second guy on the right. Any tips.... please.

By John Cury on Sunday, November 29, 2015 - 10:11

Wow this game was awesome, I bought it 3 days ago and already finished it. Guys I found that turning VO off helps allot. Great game and I didn't need it but bought lives anyway to support the developers.

By alex wallis on Sunday, November 29, 2015 - 10:11

Hi, wondering if the walkthrough could be reposted please?
the link provided no lnger works, maybe remove the old one if its dead?
the game is good, but I am getting really really annoyed with the way the game saves, where you have to start the entire level from scratch when you die, I am at the point of being in the woods, and I feel like killing that monk who is guiding me for the first bit in the woods.
also it seems very unfair how the game doesn't save after every fight, I keep being killed by the first monster in the woods where you have to save your daughter from the arrow attack and OK I like a challenging game but this is spoiling my enjoyment that I am forced to play way before that point each time I die, I want the walkthrough to see how someone else tackled that enemy, but I am almost at the point where I am thinking of just giving up and enjoying the walkthrough lol.