Blindfold Doggy


Description of App

Blindfold Doggy is a fully accessible dog ownership simulation game, for both sighted and visually impaired people, designed for rapid audio play. The object of the game is care for your dog: the better you care for your dog, the more points you'll score.

After learning the sounds your dog makes when he needs something, you must take care of your dog: feed him, walk him, give him water, brush him and play with him.

For example, to walk your dog, put on his collar and leash, open the door and start walking: swipe down with one finger. Each down swipe takes you one step further from home. Each up swipe takes you one step closer to home. When you leave the house for a walk, the front door automatically closes behind you. To go back inside, walk back to the door and open it. Make sure you close the door, or your dog may run away.

Once you've mastered taking care of one dog, try taking care of two. It's much harder!

Then try the adventure game - go shopping for new toys and food, and take your dog to the veterinarian for routine checkups.

The game comes with limited play before you run out of food. To get unlimited play, or other options, use the in-app upgrades.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This game is fully accessible with VoiceOver

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

Finally an awesome Virtual Pet game. It rocks. I have wished for something like this. And yes, it has notifications! And I love the authentic sounds.

Developer's Twitter Username



12 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by treky fan 4 years 7 months ago



By Ashleigh Piccinino on Sunday, December 23, 2018 - 20:13

In reply to by Jimmy V

I don’t think I could ever get my dog into the river on the free version of the game. How far is the river from your house again? Although I heard the river near me, and whenever I pull down the steps, it said that I was near the river, it didn’t say how far away the river was. I don’t know about your question. You might want to ask someone else. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

By DMNagel on Sunday, December 23, 2018 - 20:13

You need to whistle go play, then move forward and hope your dog is in a swimming mood. If not, just go back home and try again another time. It's all about luck which in my opinion sucks. I wish there was a command that will let him swim. Perhaps we could send a request? I don't like when things are luck based.

By DMNagel on Sunday, December 23, 2018 - 20:13

I have sent an email, requesting a swim/attack command. Since there is no wistle command for a 2 finger swipe up, I requested for it to become a swim/attack command. At the river, it would be used as a swim command, while at the park it would be an attack command. Let's see what will become of this.

By Sabrina on Sunday, December 23, 2018 - 20:13

I am going to make a podcast but will not even submit it because I cannot do the sounds justice because I don't have the ability to do stereo recordings but I can upload it to Dropbox so you can hear it. I will go through the basics of caring for one dog.

By Sabrina on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 - 20:13

You won't be in the river but near it. Then your dog, if you are lucky, will swim in it. So the dog can get to the river. Just make sure he/she is trained enough and don't take off the leash if it is not because then your dog will run away.

By Sabrina on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 - 20:13

I LOVE the new update. It rocks!

By KidFriendlySoftware on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 - 20:13

In reply to by Sabrina


By Sabrina on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 20:13

I have never done this because I have prefered Medusa. So I wanted to create a new dog named Zico. First the name wouldn't stick but I put it in again and it works. However, when I double tap the dog name in manage several dogs I get a window about customizing the dog. So I tap more info and that doesn't do anything. Well, I thought I had made it so I went to the customize dog thing. It still showed Medusa. I deleted Medusa after lots of tries but when I started a new game it was still Medusa. Also I tried to change Medusa before deleting her but it wouldn't let me; when I start a new game I still get Medusa when I start a new game.

By KidFriendlySoftware on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 20:13

In reply to by Sabrina

Changing a dog's name or other attributes only affects a new game.

By Sabrina on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 20:13

I did start a new game after finishing customizing my dog, but for some reason it will not let me change dog and saves don't apply when I start so even if I have set my dog to be large it still shows medium, wich was the setting I used before. So I want to change to Zico and it won't let me.
Sometimes the kibble portions don't match the three finger single tap or the three finger swipe down.
For some reason now I have over three billion portions of kibble.

By Sabrina on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 20:13

I believe the kibble thing was at the latest update a couple of hours ago. I have now managed to play with my dog about 45 times but I still get points for them.

By KidFriendlySoftware on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 20:13

In reply to by Sabrina

Are you saying you are getting points for playing with your dog even when your dog doesn't really want to play?
I never thought about that, but I will take care of ti.
By the way, in the new version, penalties are in relation to your points.

Also - please email me directly so we can solve these problems. There's an option for email in the game in the settings screen.

By Jimmy V on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 20:13

thanks for an awesome game. Crazy question but if I update will I lose my dogs progress? Just wanna make sure not

By treky fan on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 20:13

I really like the new features that were released for the adventure game with this update. I play the adventure game because it is more realistic. My favorite feature that was released in this update is the ability to bathe your dog. However, I do have one question. When I want to start a new game, how can I switch between my adopted dogs? I currently have two dogs saved, And every time I go to start a new game, I always end up with my first dog that I created, named shadow. How can I switch to my other dog if I want to play with him instead of shadow? Another cool feature for the adventure game would be the ability to place your dog in a kennel if you wanted a break. You could use coins to pay for time that your dog was in the kennel.

By KidFriendlySoftware on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 20:13

In reply to by treky fan

The last item in the main menu lets you switch between games.

By treky fan on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 20:13

I'm sorry if this question has been asked before, but how do I switch between my adopted dogs when starting a new adventure game? I'm getting a bit bored with my first dog, so I want to switch over to my second one then start a new adventure game with one dog. Every time i try to switch over to my second dog with the manage several dogs option, i still end up playing with my first dog, even though I've hit the more info button next to the dog I want to start the new adventure game with.

It should allow you to select one or two dogs to play with.
Send an email through the app if its not.

By Naza on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 20:13

Wow. I am having quite a big family on my phone. a virtual family that is. Three babies, one Hatchi, A dog, and a plant. What other virtual caring games can I get? Also, I need help with my dog. He is sick and I don’t know how to take him to the vet. Please reply as soon as you can.

By lelia on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 20:13

You have to put his leash on, or her leash, then you swipe till you find the door you open the door and swipe with two fingers to the right so that you’re going into town and then keep swiping down with one finger, and you’ll hear a doorbell sound for each store that you pass, the first one should be I think the toy store, next is the food store, next is the vet. You open the door And you’re in the vet and you have to pay for that visit. Hope that helps

You leave the house, head to town, and keep walking till you get to the vet's office.

By DMNagel on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 20:13

When I try to start a new game, the app crashes. Has anyone else experienced this? I have reported this to the developer, however I would like to know if anyone else have the same problem.

By Sabrina on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 20:13

I reinstalled the app and didn't change anything and now it works. Hope that will be fixed.e

By Sabrina on Saturday, March 23, 2019 - 20:13

I have problems where my dog indicates he wants to play when he doesn't and this happens and I try to play and when he finally wants to play I can do this but when I have played enough he still indicates he wants to play.e

By KidFriendlySoftware on Saturday, March 23, 2019 - 20:13

In reply to by Sabrina

I have a new version out in a few days with fixes for things like that

By KidFriendlySoftware on Saturday, March 23, 2019 - 20:13

In reply to by Sabrina

The new version, I think, we just released by the app store. Let me know if the problem persists. If so, send me an email through the game in the settings screen.

By Shaquana Flame on Saturday, March 23, 2019 - 20:13

I put my dog in the kennel yesterday morning and I can't get him out. I followed the instructions to close off the game in the app switcher and then resume it, but it still doesn't work. You just hear the sounds that you are in town, but cannot leave the kennel and no gestures work to move about. It is just a blank screen. If someone could advise …. My poor pooch is missing his Mum!

But we will lose all our coins if doggy is stuck in the kennel for days anyway.

After the update, did you start a new game?
The problem should not occur if a new game is started.

By Sabrina on Saturday, March 23, 2019 - 20:13

I will start with the bugs:
For some reason, when I try to play a game with one dog, it's like there is what I refer to a ghost dog. It says that my dog is back home but it also says something about new dog xxx is here and I am playing the adventure one dog game.
Also, some settings are very cranky and changing them like if I want my dog to pee every 0.5 hours it will reverts to two hours until I set it to one hour. Not sure if that is like with other stats because I don't think so.

Then the suggestions.. I think the prices in the shops are too cheap. They are too easy to get. I would like more of a challenge. Also, it says that I need 50 points to be able to go to town, but I can do thaat from the start.
This is still my favourite virtual pet game. Love the podcast.

By KidFriendlySoftware on Saturday, March 23, 2019 - 20:13

In reply to by Sabrina

Why won't you go through all the prices in the game, and tell me how they should be changed, and I'll add a setting to change that.

By KidFriendlySoftware on Saturday, March 23, 2019 - 20:13

In reply to by Sabrina

Make sure you have the newest version and then start a new game. When a problem occurs, shake the phone and email me from the game.
It's in the settings screen.

By Sabrina on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 20:13

I am thinking of some of the throw toys because they havee very many uses. Also, the kibble.

By Sabrina on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 20:13

I managed to bypass the whole ghost dog thing, wich was that if I created two it creates a ghost dog in one dog games and deleting my other dog won't fix that because then you get a newdog1 or something wich I cannot interact with. I even get notifications about it. Also, the kibble thing is strange. The triple tap gives a false amount of kibble and when using three finger swipe down I get the real thing because I experimented with that and i overfed Digit several times. :-) anyway I see an amount that is plus in the two finger single tap

By Beatriz on Saturday, December 23, 2023 - 20:13

I have a question about this game and the others from this developer:
Is the payment for paid versions just a only payment, or we have to pay monthly?
Thank you! :)