A Detective's Demise


Description of App

Pitch Black: A Detective’s Demise, a harrowing yet comedic story of a washed up and AWOL Lambton Detective, presented in this new and innovative binaural audio game. A Detective’s Demise is a dark, tech-noir inspired 3D audio adventure experience. Take on the role of the “Detective,” a Lambton enforcer with a few tales to tell; as you delve deep in the grime and mystery of a future District 5. Traverse the mean streets of Dusklight’s most brutal district as you search for “her,” encountering all manner of creatures, the lowest of the low, emboldened with heightened technology at your side. Pitch Black: A Detective’s Demise.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This app is very accessible. Just be sure to use the router in order to turn on direct touch. Alternatively, turn voice-over off.

VoiceOver Performance

Not applicable for this app.

Button Labeling

Not applicable for this app.


The app is fully accessible without the use of VoiceOver

Developer's Twitter Username



4 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by AnonyMouse 4 years 4 months ago



By Christopher Huby on Monday, November 23, 2020 - 16:26

This game would be fantastic if it was longer however at the moment once you’ve got the two villains there is nothing more to it can be cleared within five minutes hope the developer brings out more to this game as it will be brilliant at the moment very expensive for its playability

By Diego Garibay on Monday, November 23, 2020 - 16:26

This makes me really lost, I have to go to the other end of the street and I cannot literally turn around. Because I cannot tell if it is behind me or not.

By Lulu Hartgen on Monday, November 23, 2020 - 16:26

I was really psyched for this game. Purple jam have spent weeks, months, giving us videos galore, trailers, character explanations, game mechanic explanations, and I don't know what all. I was expecting to drop a good ten pounds on this thing. When it finally comes out it's three ninety nine, which I thought was amazingly reasonable. I should have remembered you get what you pay for. What you get is incredible sound. incredible voice acting, wonderful navigation, really easy for someone like me with wonky hands, and absolutely no story, no substance, nothing. I wanted to love this thing, praise it, share it, give it great reviews. I'm so confused. You can have great sound, great voice acting, great mechanics, great performance, but without a great game story and things to do, what's the point of it all? Believe me, I have spent ages walking this thing, because it took me a long time to get the hang of 3D movement. There is no one I haven't spoken to, at least, if there is, they're very well hidden. I can meet the objectives of the game in five minutes flat. And that's an awful shame. This isn't a moan, I am very pro Purple Jam, as I've said elsewhere, they will always get my support and my money for their projects. I like the game space, I'd just like more to go on while I'm trying to fulfil my two main objectives, and I really wish the fights could be longer, they're over before they've started. I'll be interested in everyone else's comments, and please excuse the length of mine.

By Andromache on Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 16:26

I actually just deleted the game because I got killed and kept getting killed. Pressing on my screen to dodge doesn't seem responsive. Or my earphones have too much lag, but I doubt it with AirPods. Also, I can't skip the intro or tutorial. Waste of money, in my opinion.