
Description of App

Tune your ears in to the ZOMBIES or you will die. Save the white FAIRIES and they will give you light. But don´t ever STOP.

The first endless runner game for visual impaired and sighted gamers @equal rights. Only the ones with the best ears survive in this dark and foggy world and can save the fairies.

simple TOUCH interface to interact
multiple MISSIONs let the challenge never end
fascinating RETROstyle Graphics
immersive SOUND

No ADS, No In-App purchase, FULL ENDLESS GAME

Designed from the scratch to be fully accessible with VoiceOver, incl. tutorial and menu



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Fully accessible game like it's written in the app description.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

Fun and interesting endless runner with kind of a missions, upgrades and addictive gameplay to waste some time.

Developer's Twitter Username



28 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Casey 3 months 3 weeks ago



By jrjolley (not verified) on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

I'm on mission 4 and enjoying it. It's not as easy as you might think either.Qq

By lirin on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

This is not that easy but after a while you'll use to it. I am glad you are enjoying the game. I was testing the game and i did my best to make it as much fun as I could providing my comments and thoughts.
The game costs 1.99$ for two days only so grab it while it's cheap, after that it will be something like 6.99$

By Sabrina on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

This game rocks! It is a lot of excitement. I have a tendensy to start screaming out loud when I am about to die. I am going to have my staff try this later. I love the missions. They are so cool. I love that it goes faster and faster. The sounds are awesome. It is not as easy as it sounds. Especially on the fast parts where I need to manage my reflexes because otherwise I will D I E. I am going to have my seighted staff try this.

By Lulu Hartgen on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

When I saw the word zombies I thought, oh not again! I'm right up to here with zombies and I hate them anyway. Anyone who knows me knows my views about games in which you don't have to fight and I wasn't thinking this was going to be anything I wanted to play, but oh boy! Was I wrong or what! I just love the whole concept of this. The game is challenging, but easy to pick up, you're not puzzling out how to play so long that you just give up in disgust. It's by no means easy but controlling your runner is simplicity itself, and the touch interface is so responsive and light that even my wonky arthritic fingers are having no trouble with it, and I've played a lot of games which rely on swiping gestures about which I couldn't say the same.

I'm only just starting, so maybe there's more to find, but I love the idea that not only do you have to run from the baddies, you can collect the good, that really sold me on this game, and it's not dreary stuff, practical though it may be, it's fairies! That really added the touch of lightness that made me want to play. I'm loving the sounds, both dark and light, in fact I'm just loving everything. If I had one slight comment I'd say that the language in the mission quests could be a little bit clearer, in some of them, only some, I wasn't clear what I was meant to be doing till I did it.

This is a great game, I love that it doesn't end, you just get better. Or not. That's fine with me. Now where did I put my adrenaline pills? Oh, and my headphones. Laters.

By David Standen on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

I agree with all comments. I started playing this on my way home from work this afternoon. Very addictive. I'm up to mission 3. I can honestly say other games have taken a back seat. Thank you so much for creating this game, and to all the beta testers who took the time and effort to make this game what it is today.

By kool_turk on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

I'm stuck on mission 8.

There is a quest that says you can skip any quest you want, not sure on what you're suppose to do.

You can't skip it because that option is disabled for this particular quest, not that I needed to skip quests until this point.

So far I'm liking this game, although if I can't get past this level, trying to beat my high score will be the only thing wirth playing for.

To skip it you’ll need to get enough lights, for example: it’ll say skip quest for 800 lights. So you have to play to collect them. If you flick right a few times you can check how many you have.

By Sabrina on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

I can even play this game relyable on my iPad though sometimes I accidentally activate the multitasking gestures but thankfully it pauses. Is there a way to make multitasking gestures not working on the screen but working on thbe keyboard?

By Diego Garibay on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

I click the link and the application does not come up. It’s probably temporary though.

By Sabrina on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

I already have the game but tried the link and it just says it can not connect to the app store. Hope it is temporary.

By DMNagel on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

Just go to the App Store manually and type FEER the game of running blind into the search field. It worked for me.

By Lulu Hartgen on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

Hey guys, I've hit a serious problem here and it's spoiling the game for me. I'm losing lights. Now I know, from Twitter, that it's happening to others and there is a fix for one part, but I'm losing them elsewhere too and I don't know how to stop it. Apparently there is a patch on its way to fix the part they know about but … anyway, let me start at the beginning here.

So, when I was playing before I wanted to upgrade my power ups, checked my lights and thought I had plenty, but when I went back to look I noticed I only had three hundred or so. That's weird, I thought. I haven't done any save me or anything. So I saw today that if you hit the play again button in the center of the screen you lose lights, but if you hit it where it's supposed to be, which is the bottom right of the screen you don't lose them. So I've played that way and the lights stay. So I saved up my 1500 lights, upgraded a power up and that was all good. Then I saved up 1500 more, went to upgrade and … everything was disabled again. So I checked my lights and saw I had only 1,480. Oh, I thought, I must have made a mistake, only I knew I hadn't. I played another game, got a good run on lights and had plenty more, 1,600. Went back to upgrades and … I had lost 800 of my hard earned lights just like that. I hadn't touched the play again button which was supposed to be the problem.

Now I don't know about you, but I played my butt off to save up for upgrades and not getting them because of a game bug is getting old. Is anyone else seeing this? I'm loving this game so much and really hope this problem can be fixed, because for some of us with slower reflexes, the lower parts of the leader board is all we're ever going to see, but doing the missions and getting the upgrades is addictive and fun.

By Sabrina on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

How does the scoring work? And wich things give score?

By Sabrina on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

Hi Lulu. The lost light bug is now gone. I tried this and I even upgraded my light doubler powerup and it worked just fine.

By Roxann Pollard on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

During the game-play, sometimes I forget which noise means what; specifically, the light doubler and other similar sounds. I would like to see a way to just listen to the different sounds in a list and have their appropriate names attached as a reminder. I think this would be especially helpful for beginners of the game.

By roman on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

this is a very nice game, I ever played. thanks for making this game. 2$.99 is tottaly worth. very good sound effects!

By roman on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

In reply to by lirin

hello! this is Roman, and thank you somuch for making this great game! i hope that you will make other audio games in the future. thanks!

By Sabrina on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

When I am ruhnning very fast and die but can use save me, I would like it to say how much score I actually have because I want to know if I am close to high score.

By Yokose on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

This app does not appear to be in the Canadian App Store. My question is, will it be coming to the Canadian store? I'd be interested in playing.


I'd like to thank the next commenter for the helpful information, I was able to get the game finally.

By kool_turk on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

If you type feer the game of running blind into your app store it should come up as the first result.

I just tested it to make sure, and it works, unless of course it isn't in your app store.

I'm in australia and it's definitely available here.

By Clare Page on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

Hi! I installed FEER last Thursday, and i'm enjoying the game, even though I'm pretty lousy at it: I'm probably right near the bottom of the scoreboard right now, since it's very rare that I get more than 400 points per run. One reason for this is that I plainly don't slide at the right moment when the ravens fly over me, as it's "game over" for me whenever they arrive. I'm happy with the new update, in that I don't necessarily have to go to the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to double-tap Play Again any more, but sometimes, after my usually rather short runs end, I can't get the Next button to respond, so that I can't even get to the screen where we hit the Play Again button. I don't know whether this is a new bug with the app, or whether my ageing iPhone 6 is being obstinate, or whether my finger simply isn't in exactly the right place, but thankfully I can get the button to work again either by toggling VoiceOver off then on again, or restarting the app completely, so my problem with activating buttons isn't a deal-breaker, and I still like the game in spite of not being very good at it.

By Roxann Pollard on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

Hello Clare Page. Let me see if I can help a bit.

1. For the sliding action, all I do is slowly slide my finger downward on the screen until the ravens give up and go away. This is quite successful for me, except for when the game mechanics decide it's time for me to get eaten. Then they catch me no matter what.

2. For the Next and Play buttons... First of all, did you know that you can turn off Voiceover and play with the voice that is built in? This is what I have chosen to do. Now I don't know if this makes any difference or not, but, while using the built in voice, when it is time to hit either the Next or Play buttons, all I do is one finger swipe to the right. This highlights the buttons and then a single finger double tap activates either button without problem.

3. As far as not getting many points in a run, don't forget to upgrade your power ups as you can. This will help to progress the game more for you.

Hopefully, these tips will help you to progress further in the game.

Happy running.

By kool_turk on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

Sometimes the buttons don't register while voiceover is speaking.

That's a unity thing, not a voiceover thing, because I've seen it with other games that use this unity plugin for accessibility.

I tend to flick quickly rather than slide my finger, especially when the game speeds up, because trust me, when it speeds up, you won't have time to slowly slide your finger across the screen.

I know there are others better than me, judging by the leader boards, I tend to be around the top 30 mark.

By mentalhome.eu on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

In reply to by Yokose

search with "feer running blind" that should lead you to the app in appstore
( since one week we are daily in communication with apple developers, without any success, to make the search better)

By Clare Page on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

Thanks to the tips above, and me getting more used to the game in general, I enjoy it even more as I continue to play it. At the time of writing this, I'm only on Mission 3, and I often still get killed far sooner than I should simply because I don't react fast enough, but this is an excellent game. I do have one suggestion, though: could we have a sounds tutorial somewhere, in the main menu or the options perhaps, where we could go to be reminded which sound means which event? I obviously have no trouble recognising lights or zombies or groping hands or ravens, but when I get power ups I sometimes forget which sound means which power up, so I might miss my opportunity of killing zombies or whatever; This is just a suggestion, and I hope it's possible, but if it isn't, I'll just have to take my chances at power up time till I've fully memorised which sound means which power up.

By roman on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

hello every one! I am falling love to our FEER-audio version of subway surfers, and temple run. but I have a suggestion. they could add music in this game. like in the movie, if some one is running, they play music. I means not so loud obviously!

By kev lyon on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

I have tried every variation I can think of to search for this game in the app store on my phone, including those above, and it is not there. I'm in the UK. very frustrating. if I try using the the website instead, it's there, but tells me it's only available via the app on my phone.

By roman on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

hello every one! I am falling love to our FEER-audio verversion of subway surfers, and temple run. but I have a suggestion. they could add music in this game. like in the movie, if some one is running, they play music. I means not so loud obviously!

By mentalhome.eu on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

Acutually Roman you can try this. Open Music select a tune, then open FEER, should hear both.

We tested a lot with the Sounds and decided not to have any music in the game.

By Clare Page on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

I read a suggestion above that background music should be added to FEER: I don't know whether this will ever hapen, but, if it does, I prefer the music to be optional. I have to concentrate quite hard to play this game, so music would distract me: I don't suppose I'm the only one who feels like that. So if music is ever added to this game, I want to be able to turn it off. Each to their own preferences, though, of course!

By kev lyon on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

In reply to by mentalhome.eu

using the url provided takes me to the page on the app store website but there's no way to buy/download the app and there's a line that says: "This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices.". and if I search using "feer running blind" on the app store on my phone, I get no results. if I just use "feer" I get 5 results, none of which are the game.

By Roxann Pollard on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

Hello kev lyon. When the game first came out, I couldn't find it either. Based on other such situations, with different apps, this is what I did and it worked. I searched for the developer name. Try searching for Hansjörg.

By kev lyon on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

finally got it but what a roundabout route I had to use. still could not find it just using the app store app on my phone, neitheeeeethe game or the developer. so have to open safari, go to the applevis website, navigate the app list to this page, tap on the direct link to the app store above, and bingo, it came up fine. was able to buy it and download it. been using iphones for 6 years and I've never had such a difficult time finding an app!

By Sabrina on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 08:12

I never thought of playing music from another app. I sometimes play now with having spooky choir music in the background wich is really cool. But I don't want any built in music in this.

By Roxann Pollard on Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 08:12

Thank you very much.

By Clare Page on Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 08:12

In reply to by Roxann Pollard

Many thanks for the link to the page where we can play the power-up sounds: very useful if we forget which is which, as I still sometimes do!

By Roxann Pollard on Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 08:12

I just tried listening to the powerup sounds through the app. None of the play buttons worked. I tried activating them by double tapping on other possibilities but again nothing worked.

Playing the sounds from my computer using the NVDA screen-reader wasn't easy either: I found the best way was to go back to the top of the page each time I'd played a sound, then to find the heading above each Play button, Boost or whatever, then tabbing to the appropriate button. I can't test how that page works with other computer screen-readers, and, after reading what you wrote above, Roxann, I'm not tempted to try and play those sounds from my iPhone.

By That Blind Canuck on Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 08:12

I managed to play the four different power-up sounds and, besides the Boost and Shield sounds being a little similar, they all have a pretty distinctive sound. I did notice that the Boost sound was a little lower in pitch then the Shield sound, so at least you can kind of figure out which one is which.

I still think having an option that the user could toggle in the game's settings that would have the in-app voice read out the name of the power-up. I don't know if others feel that this would help out or not. I did send an email to the developper's suggesting this idea.

Either than that, I found myself playing this game more and more and do enjoy it. Great job to the developper's.

By mentalhome.eu on Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 08:12

with VO scroll till you hear Audioplayer, then one more till play, then double tap.

all the best Hansjörg from FEER

By Sabrina on Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 08:12

I had no problems with catching the powerup sounds. I just LOVE the weapon. Though it makes me feel I am immortal wich is not good because I keep forgetting that there are things that cannot be killed with it so I often get dragged down by hands or get my eyes picked out by a raven. Not very nice. But I will learn.
I post on Facebook every single time I reach a new high score.
Often I play, not to just complete quests, but to increase my highscore. I don't remember my high score now and it doesn't matter because it is multiplied a lot.
Earlier, when I was a beta tester, I thought that the fairy sounds should have been in a major key instead of minor, but I don't think that would fit so I am glad you kept it this way.
I am currently traveling and am giving my father a fright with my outbursts when I am about to die or am feeling too immortal.

By Andromache on Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 08:12

In reply to by kev lyon

I was able to find the game thanks to the keyword suggestions, but searching by developer also works.

My goodness, I am addicted to this game! I'm only on level 4. I cannot get that quest where I need to slide three times in the left lane. I don't last long enough for that. And I don't want to spend lights to continue a game when I have juicy upgrades to save up for.

I know what you people mean about forgetting what sound means what effect. I know the weapon sound, but sometimes tapping the screen doesn't register it right away. I think having VO on might be the problem. I will go study the sounds.

Anyway, this is an awesome game. Simple, yet you have to be fast. I get so angry when I get caught by those darned hands. Or if I'm trying to jump over them but a zombie gets me because it's in the same lane. I like that every new game is different.

By kool_turk on Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 08:12

When you share to facebook, does it show you your score?

Because all I see is the links to the game for the various app stores.

When you post to twitter it actually says something like, My new highscore is 134,418! Can you beat me? followed by the links, and yes, that is my current high score at level 42.

At the time of this post I'm on level 44.

I'd post more to facebook, but if it's not going to show your score there's no point.

The sound samples didn't work from my phone, either. It has a tendency to play videos muted. Not sure how to fix that. With my Mac, though, I could play the sounds just fine.

By Roxann Pollard on Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 08:12

I found the play button without any problem. Doing the typical one-finger double tap to activate the play button did nothing to hear the sounds.

By Vsevolod Popov on Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 08:12

Hello! Thank you for such a cool game! But i have a question. Is it possible to give an option to replay the tutorial? Actually i couldn't remember how powerups sound like and what sound means what. Thank you!