Frequency Missing


Description of App

Plays best with headphones.

Young radio reporter Patricia has just started her first job at a radio station. But immediately strange things begin to happen. Where is Richard, her friend and colleague who got her the job? He's been missing for three days. And who is tampering with Patricia's recordings?

Solve mysteries and puzzles, explore environments and talk to characters. A short adventure game in classic point-and-click style with a small twist:
The game can be played by using sound only!

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

the game does not require VoiceOver to be turned on. you can also play with VO on but it will automatically put in to keyhook if you do so

VoiceOver Performance

Not applicable for this app.

Button Labeling

Not applicable for this app.


The app is fully accessible without the use of VoiceOver

Other Comments

although the game is quite short, this is one of the best point and click adventure game. the sound design is good, the voice acting is excellent, with the inclusion of some of the best Voice actors such as Joe Thomas or Todd Habercorn, which is known by many as a Voice actor in anime or mainstream games. I just wish that this developer will continue making games like this in the future with longer playtime, good story, complex puzzle elements, ETC.


16 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by vulcansummer 3 months 1 week ago



By Brennen on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

I absolutely hate games that have fighting elements in them and would much prefer games that have puzzles that you have to solve and things like that this game may be just the right game for me

By natalija Lambert on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

Hi apple vis
I was just wondering whether anyone could possibly tell me firstly how many chapters are in this amazing game, and secondly how you get past carl explaining to the main character how richard has disappeared.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

By SoundSchemer on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

I'm addicted to this game, however I can't figure out how to get started.

By Roxann Pollard on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

Basically, when I have gotten stuck somewhere, I either tried the same things over again in the same location or I leave that location and do the same in other locations. I see this game as both a mystery and having puzzles to solve. Don't be afraid to try things over again. Persistance pays off sometimes.


By DMNagel on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

I'll try not to spoil anything, but it has something to do with going to the news room. I finished it by the way.

By DMNagel on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

There are 5 chapters.

By HarmonicaPlayer on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

loved the game and i beat it thanks to a tip if got a while ago:)

By natalija Lambert on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

how do you get past richard’s disappearence

By DMNagel on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

In most cases, you will have to say goodbye first before you can move on, otherwise you will be stuck in conversation mode.

By Remy on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

Hello all. I play a lot of mainstream adventure games, and many of those are of the point and click variety. I have long thought this genre could be one of the most rewarding and accessible of the gaming genres. Certainly some of my favorite games come from this type. I confess I have played only half an hour of this so far, but already I can see the huge potential for games of this genre to be made accessible. From a visual perspective the game is easy enough to play. From a visually impaired perspective it works just as well. The proximity detection when moving your finger around the screen is great enough that it is easy to avoid every point and clicker's nightmare, the dreaded pixel hunt. That's when you try to find interactive objects hidden in the environment with your mouse by sliding over everything on the screen, hoping just that one speck of something is clickable. A huge kudos to the developer for making this game accessible. I think it would be very easy to make other mainstream point and click adventures accessible. Using a similar style. I will likely have more to say when I have played it longer. But this proves to me that the genre can be very accessible. Meanwhile for another fantastic and accessible mainstream adventure game, do check out Code7 for the PC and Mac. A very good experience.

By SoundSchemer on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

I, am really stumped here.

Either I’m still half asleep, or the game is ridiculociously hard.
I’m attempting to get into the law ferm, however I’m having no luck.

Could someone please give me a hint?

By DMNagel on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

Go to the Allie and pick up a fruit box. Next go to the back of the house and find The garbage dumpster. Close the dumpster, then use the box on the dumpster. Finally, you can now go to the window and eavesdrop on the shady lawyer.

By Roxann Pollard on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

After completing this game, I wholeheartedly agree with this posters views. The mechanics of the game were incredible. As I was playing through the game, I was thinking to myself that I'd like this developer to create a Sherlock Holmes style game. I'm wondering, however, if there would be too many copyright issues to begin such a project. At any rate. I sincerely hope this developer will give us more games utilizing the style of Frequency Missing. Love the game.

By Clare Page on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

Hi! I installed Frequency Missing yesterday, and started it yesterday evening, although, due to lack of time, I didn't get very far. It didn't take me long to understand how this game works, but I did have one problem, which is slightly frustrating. When I re-opened the app to continue the game after doing something else, I completely re-started the game when i touched the screen. This wasn't a big deal at the time, as I had only got through a little bit of the first chapter anyway, but could someone give me a tip as to how best to resume the game after re-starting the app, please? Thanks in advance for any help with this.

By DMNagel on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:16

When the app starts, hold your finger on the screen and navigate up and down slowly. Move it to continue and then release the screen in order to select the option.

By vulcansummer on Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 09:16

I absolutely love this game. I wish there were more games similar in style and game play as this one. I've already finished it, but now wish there were other games like this. Maybe the developer will make future games.

By roman on Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 09:16

I loved this game. as I mentioned in the revue of the podcast, I love the voice of Patricia!
I don't know who is the voice over for Patricia, but she act very well!

By DonnieOR on Friday, December 28, 2018 - 09:16

This is an excellent game. Very addictive. Congratulations and thanks to the developers.

By Roxann Pollard on Friday, December 28, 2018 - 09:16

After finishing the game, I was wishing to be able to play through some stories from Sherlock Holmes. I think that material would fit nicely into this platform.

By Clare Page on Friday, December 28, 2018 - 09:16

Thanks for the tip about continuing the game after restarting it: that tip worked well. It's a while since I finished the game, but I may well play it again one day. I also agree with others who say that it would be great to have other story games done in a similar way to Frequency Missing, now that this game has proved that point-and-click games can be made accessible to the blind and visually impaired.

By MikeFont on Sunday, April 28, 2019 - 09:16

I’m at the part where I need to search the VIP room for the tape. Any hints on how I can get those guys out of there?
Thanks any help would be appreciated. ☺️

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Monday, October 28, 2019 - 09:16

I'm with al of you who've played this. I think it's good, and, having just now finished, I think it would be a good game for people to play in order to see if they're mystery buffs or other pople like that. I liked the TV shows called Unsolved Mysteries, so this was kinda like that but a solved one, of course.

By SiddarthM on Friday, June 14, 2024 - 09:16

I really loved this game, is there any games like this in this style? please suggest

By TheBlindGuy07 on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 09:16

This game is insane! Same concept, sort of v1 to alt frequency. Unique gameplay ever but so satisfying. One problem, why is it soo short! :) Awesome. 11/10 a must try. And it's free yet we get incredible voice acting.

By Brian on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 09:16

One of the best (audio) point and click games currently available on iOS. Wish more were produced like this.