

Description of App

Calls are flooding in and all that stands between life and death are your choices. Be alert. There may be something more on the line.

Join Today!

State-run emergency dispatch systems are overwhelmed. Privatized, crowdsourced dispatch response is the new wave in emergency services, with JoinDispatch leading the pack thanks to their Rapid Response Server.

Join our amazing team of Citizen Responders today to begin your first shift from your phone or JoinDispatch Home Terminal! Your Manager will work closely with you to ensure you're on track to earn stars - and to save lives, of course!

Presented by SpectreVision, JoinDispatch is a text-based adventure game by Kyle McCullough, written by Kyle McCullough & Suki-Rose Simakis. Original Music by Kreng.


Some recent employees have reported strange caller interactions and evidence of attempted hacks into the JoinDispatch OS. Though no one is quite certain why this is occurring, we can assure you - everything's fine and secure.


-Strive to achieve a coveted 5-Star rating.

-Earn skills that will help you meet your goals and unlock new opportunities and characters.

-Protect and Conserve: use your resources wisely, they are highly limited.

-Rewind Time Itself: Only the JoinDispatch system offers you our patented rewind function, allowing you to undo that last mistake.

-Simplified decisions and seamless navigation will have you clicking your way to great success.

-Your choices will carve a new path through your shift each time you play.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Unfortunately, even though the description states that JoinDispatch is a text-based game, it is inaccessible. VoiceOver reads no text or any other elements that are present on screen.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads no page elements.

Button Labeling

No buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is totally inaccessible.

Developer's Twitter Username




By Boxer1 on Sunday, July 1, 2018 - 15:20

I think we should contact the developer to see if they could make it accessible to voiceover users. I would definitely love to play this game if it was accessible.

By Dennis Long on Thursday, December 31, 2020 - 15:20

I reached out to the dev. Maybe others can do the same.