

Description of App

The app is a personalised eye exercise programme that aids vision development in low vision Children through a series of "mini games" with the help of a parent/guardian.



Free or Paid

Free With In-App Purchase

Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version

14.5. 1

Accessibility Comments

The App is targeting children/young infants who are visually impaired with the help of a parent/guardian. The eye exercises help the child stimulate their visual development.

Parent holds the iPad/iPhone in front of the child while the child completes the eye exercises. The eye exercises are simple and catered to your child's needs no matter how young. This worked great with my two children.

Not suitable for fully blind children. No voiceover as the app home page is used mainly by a guardian who isn't visually impaired.

The exercises are simple and suited for most low vision children.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads no page elements.

Button Labeling

No buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is totally inaccessible.

Developer's Twitter Username



1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by SarahThomas 3 years 10 months ago



By Lysette Chaproniere on Saturday, May 22, 2021 - 14:10

Ok, I understand that this app is aimed at children with some vision, who wouldn’t be using VoiceOver. But if the intention is that a parent or guardian would be helping, and if the app is totally inaccessible with VO, it would be worth working on accessibility for parents/guardians who are VoiceOver users. Some eye conditions are genetic, so that scenario isn’t as unlikely as it might sound.