Mayo Clinic


Description of App

The Mayo Clinic Patient app, which is available to everyone, allows access to the latest news, publications, and health information from Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic patients also have access to their personal medical record, appointment schedule and other services using their Patient Online Services account. The Mayo Clinic Patient app is an easy-to-use tool for navigating your visit while at a Mayo Clinic campus. The app also provides community information, including directions to local restaurants, entertainment, and much more. Features • Access to request an appointment • Navigation to amenities on the Mayo Clinic campus as well as in the community • Up-to-date appointment schedule • 24/7 access to your lab results and medical record • Notifications regarding important information • Up-to-date Mayo Clinic news, publications, and videos * To access your medical information, you will need a Patient Online Services account. Your Mayo Clinic number will be required to create your account. Creating your Patient Online Services account requires only three easy steps: 1. Tap the orange navigation wheel in top right corner 2. Tap security 3. Tap create your account You can also create an account by visiting on the Web.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Accessibility Comments

this App, when you first open it, will have a Menu Button on the far left which will enable you to double tap and see more choices. The item to the immediate right says: "Mayo Clinic Information" which is the page name of the first of five pages. In order to go between the pages, you must do a three finger swipe from the left edge to the right edge of your device. To go back, do the same three finger swipe from right to left.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

Since version 1.03, great effort has been made to incorporate accessibility in to this app. The developer has taken a demo of Voice Over and utilized the unique way Voice Over interacts with the iPhone to enable the basics of accessibility to be in the newest version. this app, for anyone who is a patient, allows the patient to see all data without assistance by someone who is sighted. This app allows the complete view for someone who is blind and uses Voice Over completely to see all that anyone else with sight can see. Congratulations to the Mayo Clinic staff who was receptive to constructive criticism and made this app usable for everyone.


1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Stephen Guerra 12 years 6 months ago
