ooTunes Radio: Record & Alarm


Description of App

INFINITE Tunes, Talk, Sports, and Entertainment Radio! CNET readers ranked ooTunes as #2 app overall! Thanks! ooTunes is arguably the most comprehensive & extensive radio app in the App Store - www.iphoneappreviews.net *New! Browse talk shows in Radio RooLette *New! Universal/iPad version. Buy once, use it on all your devices! *New! Airplay support! Stream audio to your Apple TV! Its strongest asset [is] the large, global database of streaming radio stations - iLounge One of Tech Digest's Top 10 Music Apps of 2009 Experience the pure enjoyment of the music and voices of the world at your fingertips! Clean, crisp sound from over 32,000 Internet audio streams. Enjoy FM/AM live-broadcast from over 150 countries. Search the list at http://ootunes.com/stations FREEDOM OF CHOICE It is yours. Like Reggae? Listen to seven reggae stations in Jamaica. Classical? How about WFMT in Chicago, WGBH in Boston, Minnesota Public Radio, Radio Swiss in Bern or classical stations from Melbourne to Montreal, Strasbourg to Sydney? Choose by genre (150 of them): Blues to Bollywood, Rap to Ragtime, Salsa to SKA, Talk to Techno. Find by country or cities of the world. Eavesdrop all over the world on local discussions, news and talk: even police calls. Left or right, listen to either side blather! Whether local or pro, catch the big game live, wherever you are. TOTAL LISTENING PLEASURE As your favorite songs play, savor full-screen album art* sing along with the lyrics*, bookmark for later, or pop over to watch it on YouTube, right in the app! Search and buy it right from iTunes. Automatic recording lets you hear it again and again! INNOVATIVE RADIO EXPLORATION Radio RooLette: See what's playing on 100's of stations at once. Tap to listen. It's that easy. A great way to skip commercials, find new stations, or sample a variety of music. FEATURE RICH Want to wake up to bedtime music from China? Set an alarm. Fall asleep listening, with a sleep timer. Record what you hear for a trip with no internet access. Find a song you hear on YouTube, all within one app. No other radio app has it all! INFINITE OPTIONS College stations, AM/FM stations, Shoutcast, weather, police, fire, aircraft and emergency radio, Live365, or live professional hockey games. Jam to 1000's of live concerts your parents wouldn't let you attend from the Live Music Archive at archive.org. MULTITASKING MP3 and AAC+ streams allow you to stream while using other apps, or use the app's own web browser to surf while you listen. QUANTITY AND QUALITY Fast searches. Quick connections. Easy navigation using "favorites," "recently played," "most played" or your own "custom categories." • NEW Record what you hear to listen again even with no internet! • NEW Fall asleep listening with a built-in sleep timer! • NEW Set an alarm to wake up to your favorite station • Automatically resume last station on start-up • Automatically reconnect after network loss • See "now playing" artwork, lyrics and similar tracks* • Schedule to record in the middle of the night • Pause and resume live streams • Play many streams in the background • See what's playing right now on 100's of stations • Full VoiceOver support for the visually impaired SUPPORT Email [email protected] for our amazingly fast and friendly Customer Support. Check our reviews, we've made lasting impressions with phenomenal, personalized customer support. Want a station not listed in our 32,000+ stations? Let us know and we'll add it usually within a few hours. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Virtually every stream: .pls .m3u .asx rtsp mms mmsh rtmp http AAC+ MP3 WMA OGG Vorbis and many flash streams * when available With ooTunes you get infinite Tunes, Talk, Sports, Entertainment!



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

ooTunes is fully accessible with no known outstanding issues. The developer is known to be highly responsive to feedback about accessibility from the blind community.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver, but the interface could be easier to navigate and use.

Developer's Twitter Username



16 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Piotr Machacz 2 years ago



By Unregistered User (not verified) on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 - 23:13

Everything you have read in the app description is true. I've tried well over thirty Internet radio apps, and this one makes all the others obsolete. No others even get close to matching this app's radio station database. I was amazed to see a genre listing for blindness-related radio, and even more impressed at the number of listings I found there. This is the only app I have found where the record, sleep timer, and alarm clock functions are completely accessible. The app developer is so courteous and responsive to any accessibility-related questions. This is by far the best app I have ever purchased!

By DougS on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 - 23:13

In addition to being one of if not the best IOS radio apps, I would like to add that OOTunes is a strong contender for being the best radio app for anything that connects to the internet. I've had an iPhone for about a month and per recommendations, got OOTunes at about the same time. I totally agree on how accessible the app is. Additionally, I have taken to using OOTunes for internet radio even when in front of the PC. I patch the phone into the computer so it all goes through one set of speakers because OOTunes is so easy to deal with and offers so much choice when it comes to content.

By brandon armstrong on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 - 23:13

In reply to by Unregistered User (not verified)

this is true. I have written the developer several times both via email and twitter, and he is very prompt at responding to any questions or concerns that I had with ootunes. I also informed him that a station in my home town of austin texas had changed frequencies and sent him an email saying that this was going to happen in a few days, and by the very next day he had gotten an update out with the station change in the ap. it's the best five dollars i have ever spent on any app.

By 1music on Sunday, May 1, 2011 - 23:13

In reply to by DougS

The latest version allows you to rewind live programming and fast forward it again.

By Piotr Machacz on Sunday, May 1, 2011 - 23:13

This app is great. it's taking a while for me to get used to it - so much to do, so the interface is pretty packed) but that isn't an issue. I was actually surprised that they even have a "blind" genre that lists all the blind ran stations like Mushroom FM or one I personally listen to The beyond radio network aka tbrn

By Sandra on Monday, October 31, 2011 - 23:13

I already have got TuneInRadio and was happy with it until the latest update came out, which introduced quite a few unlabelled buttons in the station list. How is Ootunes Radio different from TuneInRadio? Can I save my list of stations? Can I export recordings that I've made with Ootunes Radio? Thanks

By Austin Grace on Saturday, December 31, 2011 - 23:13

One of the best radio apps on the IOS platform. The developer is very awesome as well. Always an e-mail away.

By Jennifer Sutton on Saturday, December 31, 2011 - 23:13

This is the first app. I've bought for my iPhone 4s. It's great and is helping me keep my iPhone fun to use, as I continue to learn and experiment with new techniques for using VO. I haven't enjoyed radio this much in a LONG time.
While both apps have fairly responsive developers, one difference I have noticed between OOTunes and Tunein Radio is that there are some US stations that Tunein can not offer, apparently, due to broadcast restrictions. These restrictions do not appear to be an issue with OOTunes. I suspect the original poster asking this question had this answered by now, but I'm sure it's a question that will continue to come up, so thought it was worth answering.

By Marcos Rodrigues on Friday, March 2, 2012 - 23:13

I can't listen to some BBC broadcasts using OOTunes, mainly sports broadcasts. I can listen to the same broadcasts using Tuneing. I think this has something to do with problems on broadcasting some events out of the UK and just ocours on OOTunes and not on Tunein.

By Lino Morales on Monday, December 31, 2012 - 23:13

OO Tunes rocks! I don't ever use Tune In Radio, Radio.com etc. anymore! Awesome app! Best $4.99 I've spent so far.

By Toonhead on Monday, December 31, 2012 - 23:13

This is, far and away my very favorite internet radio app on the iOS platform, and I've got 16 of them so believe me i've looked at a whole lot of them! Everything about this app just plane works as it should, no accessibility issues that i can see, the developer is so responsive it's insane...a lot of app developers, Zynga i'm lookin at you! could take a big clue from Steve The Ooo Tunes nerd as he calls himself. It costs a few bucks so it's a bit more than you'd pay but believe me, it's worth absolutely every dollar you'll pay for it. It rocks!
I made this comment before I was a registered Applevis user, but it still holds up two and a half years later. The app is awesome, the developer is amazing, and if I could recommend only one app, this would be it! Unlike other apps where the number of stations have diminished and the functionality and accessibility have declined over time, Ootunes just keeps improving!

By Shersey on Monday, December 31, 2012 - 23:13

In reply to by Toonhead

I don't thinnk I've ever had that many apps of a single category on my iPhone! Of course, categories are quite subjective, so you can take that with a grain of salt. Also, this is coming from the person who used to have 269 apps on her iPhone! Lol! Anyhow, glad you like it. Not been too much into intrnet radio myself. I do have Pandora, however, and do listen to it on occasion, as well as some other internet radio apps that I really must take a look at sometime here soon. Maybe OOTunes will be anothr I add to my collection, at some point, depending on how I like the idea of it. Thanks, Shersey

By Tangela on Monday, December 31, 2012 - 23:13

I am considering purchasing this app as it seems very feature rich. How does recording currently playing songs work? Is that functionality accessible, and can you export the recordings or are they only available within the app?

By KE7ZUM on Monday, December 31, 2012 - 23:13

In reply to by Tangela

Currently recordings cannot be exported from outside the app, and it is quite accessible. as I used to do it all the time. I recorded a whole bunch of streams before getting on a 4 hour flight and it saved me from having to talk to people lol! Well until my phone went dead anyways but I love ootunes and that's about the only radio app I have and I do use. Happy holidays.
Honestly, an issue I have is that the app hasn't been updated in over a year. The reason why I bring it up is because as IOS evolves, maybe the app should in order make sure that it not only works properly, but also that it stays updated in order to haveaccessibility. Frankly, I don't use the program because it lacks certain stations that Tunein Radio does have. And since it costs five dollars, shouldn't it be updated regularly? I have repeatedly contacted the developer, but never received any type of reply. It may have some accessibility, but it not being updated in over a year concerns me a little.
I am of the opinion that if the app isn't broke, don't fix it... If the app had accessibility issues and was broken in other ways, yeah I'd be concerned. But I'm not going to kick the developer to the curb just because his app hasn't been updated in a while--but doesn't have any huge issues.
That was my thought last night but I was going to bed and didn't feel like logging in. I'm often afraid of updates since there have been countless times that updates break accessibility. I don't see what ootunes would need to update anyway. That shouldn't be a strike against this app, in my opinion.
Just feel like updates should be done regularly to ensure compatibility and that bugs are addressed. Think of an app as something that is growing. People grow and change because its nature, but also our environment requires it sometimes. If we were always 5 years old, then great, we'd be cute, smart, valuable, but we'd always be the same thing with no room for change or adaptation as the world around us changes and makes takes new steps. If we don't change, we'd be left behind eventually. Likewise, so would OO tunes if it doesn't grow and change.
Not saying it doesn't have value. I am just saying that if it stays the same, then it runs the chance that eventually something might come along to take its place. Or worse, nothing will change and us as users are left behind when others may be able to utilize tech we can't because the app hasn't been updated and the new ones don't care to make it accessible.

By DPinWI on Monday, December 31, 2012 - 23:13

I finally gave up on Tune In and bought this app. I was trying to find NFL games this weekend, and didn't have much luck. In Tune In, I'd search for "Green Bay Packers" and I'd get a long list of stations streaming the game. In this app, when I searched "stations" for that, I got two results, and neither had anything to do with the game. Is there another way to search that I'm missing? Can I search streams rather than stations? I can find a list online of all stations carrying the game, and check to see which one might be streaming, but that's quite tedious.
I wish Tune In hadn't updated such that I couldn't use it for the purpose I bought it for. I'm in the "If it ain't broke, don't break it" camp on this. I held off on switching in part because OOTunes hadn't been updated, but, it appears it doesn't need it at this time. I'm hoping I can figure out the searching such that it works for me, and once it does, I'm hoping an update doesn't break it.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Monday, December 31, 2012 - 23:13

In reply to by DPinWI

Sometimes, oo tunes doesn't have game streams. That can also be the case for tunein as well. The fact is that internet radio is somewhat still new and due to copyright issues, streams of games aren't always allowed. For example, I like to listen to the new York knicks, but due to liscensing issues, it is only available through the nba gametime app or on an actual radio. Sometimes, I do get the actual game, but it might be a station that has ignored the liscensing requirements or some type of problem occurred to allow it to play. The New York jets games are always available through streaming through oo tunes or tunein, but not the giants. It just depends on the app, the liscense, and other factors.
I have always felt like upgrades are better than leaving something alone. I honestly doubt that tunein wanted the issues that are described on this website, but think with little hesitance that they will be fixed at some point because the app is regularly updated. OO tunes might work well today and that is a good thing, but it hasn't been updated since October of 2011. A whole new iphone with a bigger screen has come out, new versions of IOS. What if the app stops working because IOS 7 decides apps working with IOS 4 or 5 should be dropped? Then the alternative is tunein or whatever else unless OO tunes is upgraded to adapt to the times. Honestly, we should be e-mailing the developers with issues we have (respectfully, not demanding). If one person e-mails, then maybe the developer may say its an isolated issue, but if 20 people e-mail, 40, 100, then they are in a better position to take notice and actually work towards fixing it. Like I said, great that its working well, but a year and 3 months is a very long time to not have done any updates in terms of an app's actual life
I would agree with you, in principle, if the case was that Tune In's frequent updates addressed known issues, and that OOTunes had nagging problems that were not being addressed. Despite many people contacting Tune In, and their public acknowledgement of the issues, subsequent updates haven't fixed any of the issues. This isn't a case of hoping an inaccessible app might one day be accessible in a future update, but rather hoping that a previously accessible app will be fixed. Other than the possibility of an updated interface that would take advantage of the larger screens on the iPhone 5 and iPod Touch 5, you haven't mentioned anything that needs fixing in OOTunes.While this might be a nice update for some, it's not necessary. Are there any specific issues with OOTunes you'd like to see addressed? I'm too new to the app to have any constructive comments.
Hi Vash, I'm sorry you have tried to contact me and haven't heard back. I may not have updated the app in over a year (there is an update coming soon) but I have definitely NOT stopped supporting the app, and the station list has 5-10 new stations added daily. How have you been contacting me? I've got in-app help with links to email me and a form on my website. It's possible that if you use a Yahoo email address, that yahoo is dumping my responses into the junk mail box, but I guarantee you that if I've received a comment, response, bug report, etc. from you that I responded to it, as I take support very seriously. Perhaps you can email me directly or post your missing station requests or bug reports here? I'm anxious to get any bugs or problems you might have encountered in this upcoming update, so please let me know!

By Steve on Monday, December 31, 2012 - 23:13

In reply to by Tangela

Hi Tangela, marrie responded correctly that you can't currently export recordings. This is in part because Apple had some high profile rejections in the past for apps that allowed recordings to be exported. They have no clear policy on it but it is a possibility that had me scared to do so. I may however add support for this in the future. There are ways though currently to get the recordings from the backups of your device that iTunes makes on your computer using 3rd party software which can read the files in those backups ( the mac software I've used is http://supercrazyawesome.com/ and the windows software others have reported using is http://www.iphonebackupextractor.com ). Also, just FYI, coming soon you'll be able to have the "automatic" recording that the app currently has as well as the ability to record "on demand" with a dedicated "Record" button. This will allow you to not only record individual parts of what you listen to, but to "edit" previously made recordings by playing them and "recording" from them, if that makes any sense. P.S. At least part of the reason I do few updates is simply the frustrating history I've had with Apple on updating my app. The app has been rejected four times as part of the "Review" process and it has caused me to be very wary of pushing through updates. That being said, an update is long overdue and I've put off completing it far too long, so that is really no excuse!

By Steve on Monday, December 31, 2012 - 23:13

I figure this is a great place to ask for feedback on something that's been lingering in my mind. I added a "Genre" group years ago where I could compile a list of stations of interest specifically to visually impaired users. I had a few folks who sent me lots of station requests and suggested I add them to a genre/category in the app named "Blind". I wasn't totally comfortable with that name, but I agreed it would be nice to have them all in one spot so that's what I did. I recently had someone suggest renaming that to "Blind Information". What do you all think? Is that a better name? Is there something even better? The list currently includes reading services, accessibility podcasts, but also stations that are run by blind or visually impaired individuals, so keep that in mind. Let me know your thoughts! Thanks, Steve from ooTunes
Hi Steve, First of all, it is always awesome to see developers actively engaging with the community! Other developers should take from your example. Now, on to the genre question. I don't think "Blind Information" would be accurate because you have more than just information. What about changing the name to "Blind/Visually Impaired"? Regards, Michael Hansen
You're awesome Steve! I have to second the kudos for developer interaction. When I first got ootunes, you responded to my email promptly, thanks! I also agree that Blind/Visually Impaired would work. I personally didn't have a problem with just blind, in fact it made me laugh. The word information might be a misrepresentation of the genre since I think I found an old time radio show station in that category and I wouldn't call that information, just entertainment. Thanks for the app and all your hard work!

By Jen on Monday, December 31, 2012 - 23:13

I like the "Blind/Visually Impaired" suggestion for renaming the category that focuses on blindness-related stations in Ootunes. As for the necessity of updates, count one more for the "if it isn't broken, don't fix it" camp. Fewer updates that improve the product and don't break accessibility are far superior to rapid-fire updates that may or may not improve things and could very well lessen the app's accessibility. Thanks for being so responsive to our suggestions and feedback, Steve. I'm a happy customer after two and a half years with this app.
Hi Steve. I'd like to echo the sentiments of the above users commending you on your commitment to accessibility, and also not caving to the people who think you should update the app just to update it. I'm a huge fan of OOTunes, and while I had a rough go at it when I first installed it on iOS 5 beta whatever it was, I'm glad I gave it a second chance once an update was released. It has become one of the apps I use on a daily basis. I look forward to an update when you release it, but also don't see an urgent need to do one. You update the station list regularly and everything seems to function smoothly. Perhaps the price is a bit higher than other radio apps, but I'm very happy with my purchase.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Monday, July 1, 2013 - 23:13

Well, I remember speaking to the developer a few times and he told me that the app would be updated shortly with some more accessibility upgrades as well as support for the IPhone 5's screen. I just wanted to know if anyone had any news regarding this and how to contact the developer to inquire. Thanks

By Jen on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - 23:13

Ootunes is my favorite radio app, and since there hasn't been an update recently, I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this app in IOS7. I don't want to upgrade, until I can be sure I won't lose any functionality with this app. Has anybody used it with I OS7?

By sockhopsinger on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - 23:13

After minimal testing with OOTunes, I have not had any issues with searching or loading streams. Everything seems to be functioning just fine.

By Toonhead on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - 23:13

In reply to by sockhopsinger

Hi. Subject line says it all. I've actually been in contact with Steve, the developer of Oo Tunes, and he says that he's working on an update, slowly but surely. He has a pretty busy family life so that's why it's taking him so terribly long for an update, but one is in the works for sure. But rest assured that Oo Tunes works just fine in iOS 7, no bugs or other weirdness. It's my favorite internet radio app too. Best 5 bucks I ever spent!
I agree completely. I can't count how many times I've told people, "If you only ever spend money on one app, this is the one to pay for." That's great to know! Thanks.
Agreed. This was the first paid app I bought in 2010 and have not looked back since, although I dont' listen to radio all tha tmuch, I still liten to CNN. they have a stream for their news feed someone put in OOTunes.

By Jessica Brown on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - 23:13

In reply to by Unregistered User (not verified)

I have a windows computer. In one of the comments for this app, there is a link to windows and mac programs that can get the recordings out of an iTunes backup. Is the windows version of the program accessible with a screen reader like nvda or jaws? If the program linked to is not accessible, is there one that is? Also, once the recordings have been taken out of the backup, are the songs split up in to tracks, or are all songs saved in one file? If all songs are saved in one file, what program can I use to split the file so I can put each song in its own file? I wish They would hurry up and put out an iOS 6.1.3 or iOS 7 jailbreak. Then I could just use iFile to get the recordings and then split the files with hokusay. Then I could use bridge to get the songs into the music app on my iPod. Way faster then messing around with a computer. One last question. What file format are the recordings recorded in? Thank you.

By Jessica Brown on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - 23:13

In reply to by Unregistered User (not verified)

What's the difference if I have VoiceOver mode off or on? I have it turned off and can use VoiceOver with ootunes just fine. So, what will happen if I turn VoiceOver mode on?

By sockhopsinger on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - 23:13

In reply to by Jessica Brown

If you have Voiceover mode turned on, you will have a drop in volume of the music when you touch the screen and Voiceover is speaking. Otherwise, Voiceover will speak but there will be no change in volume of the music, thus supposedly making Voiceover harder to hear.

By Jessica Brown on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - 23:13

In reply to by Unregistered User (not verified)

Do you know any way at all, but preferably an app I can get from the app store so I do not need to mess around with computers and iTunes that I can use to get recordings made from ootunes off the device? What I am thinking is maybe an app that can record the sound the iPod is outputting and then email the recording or send it to dropbox. So I would open Ootunes and start playing what I wanted to get out of the app. Then I would open the other app and that other app would record the sound coming from Ootunes and send the recording as an email attachment or to dropbox. Also if you do not know of what I am suggesting, but you know of something even remotely similar, please please let me know. Thank you.

By Chelsea on Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 23:13

Hi Loyal Ootunes Fans, I love this app as much as anyone and use it all the time. I have used the export favorites feature and it has saved me many times in recovering my stations or putting them onto a new device. I recently took to Radium for the Mac and like using it when I'm at my computer. Radium's database seems to be smaller than the one OOtunes uses and I cannot refind all my stations. Radium does have a "insert URL" feature, though, so if I get Ootunes to give me the URL, I can import easily enough. But getting that URL seems to be tricky. Does anyone have any ideas?

By Joey G on Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 23:13

For some reason, when I updated to iOS 6.3, I had lots of trouble with OO Tunes running. it would randomly crash, and it was especially frustrating if I was recording something. So, I uninstalled it. After reading some comments on this page, I figured I would give it another shot at running with iOS7. Now, I have re installed the app, and I do not have any problems at all. The bottom line is that Tunein radio is gone from my phone, and I'm back to using oo tunes. I love the accessability, and knowing that I don't have to worry about what will be broken in another update is excelent! One thing people may be interested in is this. If your recording a stream, as long as your in the app, with your screen unlocked, you can record as long as you want with the app paused. if your like me, you like being surprised with what you hear, so this is a great feature. Anyway, there it is. Have a great day all, and keep jammin'!

By KE7ZUM on Friday, January 31, 2014 - 23:13

Has anyone had trouble saving ootunes recordings? I wrote the dev about this just a few minutes ago but here is a boo explaining what happens. it is driving me absolutely bananas. https://audioboo.fm/boos/1825768-odd-ootunes-issue I hope someone can shed some light on this. Tc all.

By Deborah Armstrong on Monday, March 3, 2014 - 23:13

This morning, I discovered a thoroughly wonderful thing about OoTunes. I work at a college. In their infinite wisdom, our IT guys have blocked ports for audio streaming services. I never could listen to favorite Streams such as ACB Radio, Team-FM or even from my local stations for news and weather. Radio reading services and my local NPR station's stream was also unavailable. With my iPOD Touch, even running the apps for my favorite radio stations I had the same problem. I could listen fine at home, but never at work. Today I bought Ootunes Radio, and was testing it out, only to discover that it works fine at my desk, despite our IT guys attempts to lock down anything they perceive as bandwidth hogging. Funny that my sighted colleagues can watch silly videos on YouTube all day, whereas I could never listen to even lower bitrate streams, while trying to concentrate and get real work done. That is now a thing of the past. I haven't found a stream in OOTunes that doesn't play just as well at my workplace as it does at home.

By Jen on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 23:13

I have an IPhone 4s, and whatever the latest iOS7 is, and I've noticed a couple of bugs in Ootunes.
I can no longer create groups to which I could add favorites.
Also, I'm having trouble scrobbling to LastFM.
I'm about to get an IPhone 6+, which will have iOS8, so I'm hoping some of these issues will resolve.
Is anyone else having any trouble like this?