Tape It - Pro Audio Recorder


Description of App

The professional songwriting app that helps musicians record, organize & share song ideas. We are frustrated musicians that always wanted a straightforward app that gets how we artists work— so we created Tape It. And thousands of professional musicians love it!

Never lose song memos, never spend time with songwriting headaches again; Focus on what really matters for your music, record many ideas, don’t think too much and unmess your songwriting!


■ Group recordings into mixtapes:
Your next song idea, your next EP, a compilation of synthesizer ideas; regain control and built your own structure, so you always know where to find which ideas!

■ Collaborate in your mixtapes:
Why would you send memos in emails and messages back and forth when you can do it all in-app? Work with your bandmates, your producer and your manager like you always wanted to.

■ Start recording straight from your iPhone lock screen:
Why do photographers get a dedicated camera button and musicians don’t?! Capture sudden ideas as fast and simply as possible.

■ Add photos to your recordings:
Ever noted down vocals or chords on a random piece of paper or lost your synthesizer settings because you didn’t capture them? Guess what!

■ Airdrop files into your DAW:
An incredibly powerful way to easily turn your ideas into production or enhance your songs with field recordings!

■ Sync between devices & never lose anything with Tape It’s EU-encrypted cloud:
You wouldn’t believe the number of times users told us how it saved them from losing thousands of their ideas! It also saves iCloud space.

■ Add notes to your recordings:
Add additional information like chords, BPM, lyrics or just random ideas!

■ Listen to recordings as you would listen to Spotify:
Unlike most apps, Tape It is a fully functional audio player. Listen in your car on your commute, or use your workout time to review yesterday’s ideas!

■ Add markers while and after recording:
Perfect for jam sessions to mark specific parts and song transitions, for music lessons and for longer recordings!

■ Listen to long recordings more easily:
Tiny playback bars on tiny phone screens are a tiny bit annoying. Tape It breaks down long recordings into multiple lines like a paragraph of text to make skimming through a whole session completely natural. Add markers to that and you will never go back!

■ Detect instruments automatically and see smart waveforms:
Now you can see what a recording contains before you even listen to it! And the added photos and notes make it even more easy.

■ Mark favorite recordings:
Listen to your best ideas all in one place instead of scrolling and scrolling.



Free or Paid

Free With In-App Purchase

Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version

17.5 beta

Accessibility Comments

As the developer stated in his post on our forums, VoiceOver support is a new addition to Tape It, and from my playing around with the app, I have to say they implemented accessibility very well. all buttons and tabs are clearly labeled.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

I haven't found such an amazing recording app as Tape it, in ages! my favorite used to be Just press Record, and I still use it for it's Apple watch support, but the developers of Tape it done a wonderful job making this beautiful app accessible


1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by TheBlindDragon 10 months 4 weeks ago
