Amedia NaviRec


Description of App

NaviRec is a guidance player for the Visually Impaired. You can download guides (guidance data) from the download site for this app, and use them with NaviRec's "Player mode" and "Guide mode".

"Player mode", like a music player, plays the audio descriptions which are recorded in the guide. Use this mode when you check the contents of the guide before going out. "Guide mode" plays the audio descriptions based on the location obtained from the GPS. Use this mode when you receive the guidance while going out. You can also create your own guides with "Recorder mode". For details about each modes, please read "How to Use" in the app.

Safety Notice:
Using a mobile device outdoor can be often distracting and dangerous. Avoid operating a device as much as possible while walking, and always stop and pay attention to the surroundings when doing so. The accuracy of GPS varies depending on its environment. For a visually impaired user, it is advised to always use a white cane and rely on additional cues when traveling.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

this is very accessible.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver, but the interface could be easier to navigate and use.

Other Comments

Amedia is a Japanese assistive tech Developer.

Developer's Twitter Username



1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by mitsugu 7 years 10 months ago



By mitsugu on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 - 18:29

* In-App Purchase upgrade: you can now store up to 100 routes.

By Deborah Armstrong on Sunday, July 23, 2017 - 18:29

I am most interested in its roaming mode where you aren't following a specific route. What are others' experiences with that mode? I'm looking for an app that will tell me where all the waypoints (the app calls them checkpoints) are located in reference to where I'm currently located. And how well does it work when there is no cell service? I have purchased the app, but it's been too hot outside to try it thorougly yet, and where I'm going up in to the mountains next weekend will have cooler temps but no cell service. I'll report back in this space though about my experiences. Meanwhile, tips from others would be welcome.

By Deborah Armstrong on Sunday, July 23, 2017 - 18:29

Important tip: to finish a route, tap the "Add checkpoint" button three times with a single finger if using VO. This of course double-taps an item, and if you aren't using VO, you'd double-tap with a single finger on the "Add checkpoint" button to finish a route.
Though this is covered in the user guide, when I was out walking I had this screen with the single "add checkpoint" button and could not remember how to finish the route recording. When it is triple-tapped a menu appears and you can choose between pausing or finishing.
Awsome recording quality. On the campus where I work it picks up students walking by chatting, zooming past on skateboards, opening and slamming doors, loud AC motors, the clatter of silverware when passing a faculty lunch, the whine of an expresso machine, and the click of my guide dog's toenails and the jingling of his tags. I hit the "add checkpoint button" and state where I am before or after. In settings, for route guidance, you can choose whether to have recordings before or after each checkpoint played, and the duration of them. So for me it's ten seconds before I record the checkpoint but for you it might be five seconds after. And it's quite nice that you don't need to do any typing to mark a checkpoint and insure it's unique.
When you replay the route you can hear the whole recording, or if you are having the app guide you it just plays an audio snippet for each checkpoint as you get near to it. If you're lost you can move the phone around and it vibrates when pointed at the nearest point you marked.
This app depends on no maps, it's just you and your user-defined routes.
The user manual online is a bit more detailed than the one included with the app. You can get to it from the developer link in this app directory entry. It mentions that this app is helpful on buses, and it is certainly a great way to mark your stop. The roaming mode will let you find any points you've marked on previous routes, but you do have to create a route in order to add those checkpoints.

By SoundSchemer on Sunday, July 23, 2017 - 18:29

I would really like to know, whether NaviRec can be used offline, for example if you go where there is no cellular coverage? Thanks.

By Hasan Tayem on Monday, December 23, 2019 - 18:29

Thanks for sharing this app. it became free now.