Loadstone GPS


Description of App

Loadstone GPS is an app which enables blind pedestrians to "go blindly where
everyone sighted has gone before."
What sets Loadstone apart from other GPS apps for the blind?
* designed by the blind for the blind
* no data plan required
* available in multiple languages
* create, store, and share your own navigation waypoints with others
* see points in your neighbourhood
* highly customizable and configurable
* access to data from OpenStreetMap as well as points shared by other Loadstone users.
for more information please visit the Loadstone website at: https://www.loadstone-gps.com



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This app was written primarily for blind users so as you would expect it is fully accessible.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

Loadstone has been around on the Symbian platform for over a decade and has finally been written for iOS. You can do almost everything here you could do on the Symbian version and it works great, I love it.
There are just a few minor annoyances which do not detract from this app's usability. E.g. In settings, adjustable controls such as the search and neighbourhood radius controls can only be adjusted using swipe gestures and not in smaller or larger increments.


1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by chris R 7 years 7 months ago



By brandon armstrong on Sunday, July 23, 2017 - 18:42

can someone please do a podcast, or walk us thorugh how to use this app. I can't for the life of me figure out how to do anything usefull with it.

By Ben Swiggett on Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - 18:42

In the go to box it wants longitude instead of an address. I can't even find any points of interest. This app needs some help documentation. I am rather disappointed so far.

The developer is still working on creating Ios documentation. A lot of the docs from the old version are still relevant but they are not available anywhere yet until the old website is archived..
I can see how this app is quite an unusual concept for those who haven't used the Symbian version before. It's quite an acquired taste, but if you take the time to learn about it you'll see how invaluable it can be.
Re the go to point option; this is meant to be where you enter a set of coordinates to simulate a location, to see what points are around that area. To understand this app you have to move away from thinking of addresses and such and more of visualising the area around you on a custom map inside your head.
This works best perhaps in more rural areas.
As soon as any documentation and such becomes available I will post it here.

By Ben Swiggett on Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - 18:42


I have been playing with the app a little more, and I am beginning to get the hang of it. I just think it is odd that the dev would release an app with no documentation.

By chris R on Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - 18:42

"What's new in this version:
* Simplified the initial setup screen so the Pointshare registration process
and getting initial data can all be done with a minimum number of steps.
* Fixed a bug that prevented sql databases received via email from working.
* Updates to various language translations.
* Added an Arabic language translation (not yet complete).
* Added an Italian language translation (not yet complete).
* Other minor bug fixes."

**User guide coming soon.

By Loadstone-GPS on Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - 18:42

We are constantly implementing changes based on users' questions and suggestions. This past weekend, August 6-8, 2017, we began posting video tutorials on our website. Text documentation is coming in the next week. For now, our Getting Started page contains useful details for new users. There is also a Frequently Asked Questions page on our website.

The Loadstone GPS website can be found at: https://www.loadstone-gps.com.

From our website, you can access our Facebook and Twitter pages. Please contact us with any questions!

By chris R on Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - 18:42

In reply to by Loadstone-GPS

Hi, Great to see you on here. I was going to post those links for everyone here yesterday but forgot so thanks. I love Loaddstone, let's spread the word :-)

By Rafal on Monday, July 23, 2018 - 18:42

From time to time, I download Loadstone and check its capabilities. For those undecided, here you’ll find pros and cons whether to have it or not.
I’ll not focus on the generals, they have been highlited in the manual and app description.

Positive aspects:
1. Very accurate in comparison to other apps: it indicates perfectly when I approach a bus stop or go along the road and pass a checkpoint;
2. Fix loads very fast and the app is ready to use
3. You can create routes and add points which you think are of great importance to you. Also, each point can be accompanied with a note e.g. turn right and go straight, etc. In this way you can create a route and send it to a friend
4. In my view, it has the largest number of points: OSM and POI
5. I like the recent feature the exploration mode. If you are familiar with the directions, you can easily create your own routes even if you are far away from the route.

Here are some drawbacks:
1. The interface could be easier and adjusted to current trends
2. Those unfamiliar with Loadstone for symbian and symbian phones may have problems with moving around the app.
3. As with other apps, the function “go to” could enable to find a way to a point not just GPS coordinates
4. App developer claims downloading and importing points from pointshare is faster. Indeed it is but still too slow
5. Turn by turn navigation is not yeat in the app, it may be in the future so I am curious how will it work
That’s all for now from me. Generally, I recommend having the app, not as a primary one but one among many.

By charles on Monday, July 23, 2018 - 18:42

Apparently incomplete or nonexisting documention or a "help" feature included with the app. Also, I search for addresses, and this might also be the most natural way to set a destination other than using a "point of interest" obtained from the map or information source. I do not think of latitudes and or longitudes when setting destinations. I might look for 4021 south 18th street, or KFC. To compare, my main GPS app is currently Nearby Explorer. For those with experience with this app, how do the two compare? Thanks.

By Rafal on Monday, July 23, 2018 - 18:42

When you tap on extras, you will find the User manual and other relevant documents. The app, although accurate needs improvements and explanations concerning problems wit the computer vendor are not the real excuse. Despite this, I still encourage to purchase and support the developer.

When money comes in at the beginning of next month, I fully intend to do so. At roughly $8 in US currency, the price is reasonable. I like working with GPS apps for fun, and this might be a valuable addition to my iPhone apps, especially once the improvements are made, which is what our money provides the means to do.