

Description of App

OneBusAway provides access to real-time arrival and schedule information for public transit vehicles operated in Seattle, WA and beyond: King County Metro, Sound Transit, Pierce Transit, Community Transit, Intercity Transit, and Washington State Ferries.

Features include:

  • Real-time arrival arrival information for public transit where available.
  • Map display of stops and routes.
  • Nearby stops search for location-aware devices.
  • Bookmarks and recent stop history.
  • Search for stops by route, address, and stop number.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


Accessibility Comments

While map functionality within this app is of limited use, the app fully supports list functionality for listins stops and other info that is also available on the maps. Bus arrival times read well with VoiceOver.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

For more information you can visit If you use public transit in the Puget Sound area, this is a must have app.


3 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Kelly Ford 12 years 4 months ago



By Greg Lopez on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - 12:40

I live in the Seattle area, and OneBusAway is an excellent resource for obtaining fairly accurate bus arrival times for various transit agencies serving the region, but I'd like to include a couple of tips, and a minor gotcha that I've experienced more than once (not with accessibility, but with the accuracy of the information). First the tips... 1. The button labeled "Segmented Control Crosshairs" actually is what's used to refresh the map to your current location. If you've viewed a stop's information, but have since arrived at another location, tapping this button will update the map to reflect your current location and it's nearby stops. 2. If you have the time, I recommend visiting the OneBusAway website so you can look up the stop numbers for your most used stops... It saves lots of time when creating your bookmarks in the app since the numbers posted at the actual bus stop aren't the numbers used by OneBusAway. Now for the gotcha... I say the times are fairly accurate, as the bus can arrive from a few moments after the app indicates the bus should be there at your desired stop to as long as 10 minutes afterwards during rush hour. I've learned to add at least 5 to 7 minutes to the arrival time the app displays to be sure that I don't miss my desired bus and be left standing there for up to another 35 minutes (OneBusAway only shows buses arriving within the next 35-40 minutes at most). Otherwise, there's no other gotchas, but I wouldn't be truthful if I didn't point this little annoyance/gotcha out for others.

By RLH on Sunday, November 25, 2012 - 12:40

Admittedly with a limited population of interest, but this is a really nicely done application. Note that accuracy of times depends on two things: 1. The accuracy of the GPS fix on the bus. This can be hampered in downtown Seattle, but should be perfectly acceptable elsewhere. I have seen that "now" for the arrival time can be off by a minute or two, so start running. 2. Some screens, such as the list of buses that will next reach a stop, do not autorefresh. Use the refresh button at the top of the screen. Overall, an invaluable application for the mass-transit user in western Washington.