

Description of App

SeeingAssistant-Move is an application developed by Transition Technologies S.A. in order to support blind and visually impaired people in everyday life. SeeingAssistant-Move provides advanced geo-location and navigation features as well as current weather reports.

SeeingAssistant-Movehas been developed in close co-operation visually impaired people in order to address their needs as well as possible. Features:
  • route planning
  • support for LoadStone and OpenStreetMap POIs text databases
  • advanced neighborhood scanner with world directions
  • searching for location
  • where am I functionality
  • route recorder
  • sharing points
  • entering text by voice
  • Dropbox integration
and fully operational by voice commands! Make sure to check the tutorial on: to learn how to use our software.Please bear in mind that this application uses background updates to track the location even when minimized. Continued use of GPS running in the background can significantly decrease battery life.The application has a limit - 40 voice commands can be used during one day.SeeingAssistant-Move uses internet for many of its functions. Depending on configuration of your device you may be charged for internet connection or data transmission. You need to remember that application uses GPS, Apple location services, and databases imported by the user as the source of location data. You need to use SeeingAssistant-Move with care, taking these limitations in consideration. Producer of SeeingAssistant-Move does not have any responsibility for any costs or damages which may be the result of using SeeingAssistant-Move or which are caused by its limitation.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

App designed for visually impaired users. Fully accessible.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.


3 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Leseguenni 10 years 3 months ago



By Seeing Assistant on Thursday, July 25, 2013 - 13:07

Dear all, There is updated version on the AppStore - version 1.4. What's new in this version: - configuration of distance and temperature units - import of text databases from Dropbox - bug fixed We look forward to your comments and suggestions. Best wishes, SeeingAssistant Team

By Seeing Assistant on Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 13:07

Dear all, There is updated version on the AppStore - version 1.7. - new interface for iOS 7 - changed the interface, less tabs, more functionality on the first tab - changes in the name of functionality - simulate location: from the saved, favorites, points, results of search - nearest OpenStreetMap points - download the OpenStreetMap database from "Database list" - import/export points and routes in GPX format - pointing direction: clock and geographical - configuration of compass calibration - configuration of approach radius - bugs fixed Important notice: Database structure was changed. For safety before the update please do a backup of important routes and databases of points on Dropbox. In case of problems after the update it is recommended to reinstall the application. As always we look forward to your comments and suggestions. Best wishes, Seeing Assistant Team

By Seeing Assistant on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 13:07

There is updated version on the AppStore - version 1.7.1 What's New: - added Italian translation - additional directions in exploration mode - according to the user's feedback fixed compass behaviour in exploration mode - improved sending application logs by e-mail - bugs fixed Best wishes, Seeing Assistant Team

By Seeing Assistant on Friday, April 25, 2014 - 13:07

Dear all, There is updated version on the AppStore - version 1.8. What's new in this Version: - possibility to use turn-by-turn navigation using external maps application - Apple Maps and Google Maps - associating an application with the extension .zip and. ldb - the ability to download databases directly from web sites or import from an e-mail - associating an application with the extension .ckp - the ability to import Loadstone checkpoints as a route - new action "Edit point": view and edit the name and coordinates of a point, read saved accuracy - alarm for tracked points, new setting “alarm radius” is used to set how close to the point will be run alarm - added intermediate directions in exploration mode, e.g. north-east - simulating the new location does not require the stopping of simulating the previous point - visualization of the route on the map - database name can be changed - altitude above the level of the seas added to the GPS information - adding a route to the tracking points does not remove existing points from tracking - bugs fixed Best wishes, Seeing Assistant Team

By Seeing Assistant on Sunday, May 25, 2014 - 13:07

There is updated version on the AppStore - version 1.8.1 with German language.

By Seeing Assistant on Friday, July 25, 2014 - 13:07

Dear all,

There is updated version on the AppStore - version 1.9.

What's new in this version:
- added monitoring localization
- possibility to use in application the built-in speech synthesis - only iOS 7
- configuration presentation of direction in stand and moving mode
- edit points from "Show neighborhood", "Find in databases"
- added activating/deactivating database by voice command
- adding simulating location in "Find address"
- possibility to add points to databases
- added application usage statistics
- route can be registered again from "Routes list"
- additional messages about possibility to download databases
- possibility to activate database after download from Dropbox, website or imported from e-mail
- changed way of importing Open Street Map files, less restrictions
- name of route and database can be one character length
- bugs fixed

Best wishes,
Seeing Assistant Team

By Deborah Armstrong on Thursday, June 25, 2015 - 13:07

This is becoming my favorite app for navigating when my internet connection is spotty or I'm in an open area where my own landmarks are more important than map data.

The free Lite version will give you a taste of the software, but it has limitations (see the comments in its AppleVis entry) and when you purchase the full version you'll need to download map/point databases again and create your own points once again from scratch.

I am in Silicon Valley, California, so the OpenStreet map data here is pretty robust. But even when it has no internet connection to geocode, this app is able to tell you the direction and distance from any point in any database you've downloaded or added points to. You can turn off its auto-announcing of the current address if say you are trying to find the restroom in a picnic area, or a building on campus or the deli in a business park. I've found no other app that will continue to help me navigate to previously landmarked locations without an internet connection.

You can also set it to announce the current address at fixed intervals as you walk along.

There were two aspects of the app I found confusing at first. The term "database" refers to many things; data you download from open sources on the internet and data you create yourself. You can also save the data you create yourself in different databases.

Data you create yourself are called points. Each point (on the internet they are sometimes called POIS, an acronym for Point Of Interest") are simply a landmark of a particular location. When I stand in front of the building where I work I can create a point and name it "Parking Lot A" which is what the sign says. Later, I can create a point for the same location called "Student And Community Services Building" which is the official name of this edifice. The app doesn't care.

The address is also saved as part of that point. In other apps, when you create a name for a point you loos the associated address.

The other confusing aspect of the interface is probably very nice for low-vision people. The top half of the screen always contains the same large buttons, in the same arrangement for performing common tasks. The VO user will need to flick past these buttons to get to newly refreshed onscreen information. I soon learned where to touch on the screen to bypass the standard buttons.

Unlike other navigation apps, this one integrates with dropbox in two important ways. First, it will import databases from other sources, and supports several formats. Those include formats used by Loadstone-GPS, an open-source program written by blind people for Symbian phones. There are also other sources of points on the internet, Poi factory and OpenStreet maps, and it can handle those as well. Sighted people with car navigation gizmos also can download points in various formats from the internet, for example to support Garmin GPS devices, and there are free programs to convert that data in to one of the formats that this app supports.
My favorite converter is GPS Babel because it's so simple and accessible.

The other dropbox integration is backup. After you've saved a lot of points, you don't want to loose them. You can back it all up to DropBox and keep them in a format you can export to other software in the future.

You can issue a few voice commands to locate things "find bank" toggle monitoring "monitoring off" or repeat the announcement of the current address. This makes the app more hands-free than most.

Seeing Assistant Move creates pedestrian routes, manually or automatically. When it's manual, you enter the points as you go along. Automatically it creates a point every thirty seconds or so. You can then follow either of these routes to return to a previously routed destination. and it can also give driving directions using either Apple or Google maps. Like other navigation programs, it will show your location on an Apple map, let you explore with your fingers, check the surrounding neighborhood and find a particular address's location.

AppleVis had several negative posts about this app. Previous versions had a truly clunky, unintuitive interface. I believe that's completely changed, and I love this app now!

To close this review, I offer some useful web links.

Seeing Assistant Move Links

Main site at:

Tutorial at:


LoadStone's Point manipulation tools:

GPS Babel:

POI Factory:

OpenStreet Maps:

By Krister Ekstrom on Thursday, June 25, 2015 - 13:07

How does this app differ from say Blindsquare? What makes it better/worse? Can it announce intersections and if so how?
Just a few questions that pop up in my head because i've got the impression that Seeingassistant Move doesn't even come close to Blindsquare.

By Seeing Assistant on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 - 13:07

Dear all,

There is updated version on the AppStore - version 1.14.

What's new in this version:
- added profiles of settings
- added categories for points from Open Street Maps
- added angle of monitoring
- configuration of shake gestures
- changed way for adding point to recorder route by shaking gesture
- fixed bugs

Best wishes,

Seeing Assistant Team
[email protected]