HuffPost - News & Politics


Description of App

The Huffington Post Universal app for iPhone and iPad brings you up-to-the-minute articles, photos, videos and blogs in a dynamic and personalized experience. By customizing your settings, you can be a part of the conversation on the topics that matter most to you -- from politics, business and technology, to fashion, entertainment, lifestyle and healthy living.

Featuring real-time updates from HuffPost's Pulitzer-prize winning newsroom, the app lets you share your favorite stories with friends in your social networks. And it’s global – our app connects you with the best from our international editions, including the UK, Canada, France, Spain, Italy and Japan. Navigate with ease through all of HuffPost’s stories, blog posts, photos, and breaking news from the site’s wide array of sections, including politics, entertainment, comedy, tech, business, sports, books, health, and much more.  The news has never been more social; make your voice heard by commenting on articles, and share your favorite stories and opinion pieces with friends, family, and coworkers via fully integrated connections to Facebook and Twitter.  We are working to continually improve the overall experience and feature offerings and welcome your feedback. Please send your suggestions, questions or bugs to [email protected].



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


Accessibility Comments

Although articles appear to still be accessible, the main page of this app is now nothing more than a meaningless series of random numbers, making it impossible to browse or navigate stories in a meaningful way.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some accessibility issues with this app, but it can still be used if you are willing to tolerate these issues and learn how to work around them.

Developer's Twitter Username




By 780KixxFan on Saturday, May 25, 2013 - 22:45

With the May 6 update of this app, I cannot navigate anywhere or see anything with VoiceOver. Any others having issues? The reviews in the AppStore seem to suggest that many sighted users loathe this new version of the app, but if anyone has had any success with VoiceOver it would be helpful to know what you have done to achieve this. Thanks. I am looking for an email address to reach them but so far no luck.
Although articles appear to still be accessible, the main page of this app is now nothing more than a meaningless series of random numbers, making it impossible to browse or navigate stories in a meaningful way.

By 780KixxFan on Saturday, May 25, 2013 - 22:45

In reply to by David Goodwin

Thanks. This is what I had noticed also. Is there an email address to contact the developer on this, or would it be more effective to simply use the Contact Us form offered on the Web site? Thanks.

By Jordan Moon on Saturday, May 25, 2013 - 22:45

Yes, both of you are correct. The app's recent update makes it very hard to use with voice over. E-mailing them seems like the best way to go. This is very unfortunate, as apps like Yahoonews, USA today and others are also starting to become harder to navigate with Voice Over. If you like politics, Politico's app is pretty good and accessible.