iDB app


Description of App

iDownloadBlog keeps you in touch with everything Apple!

Stay up to date with the latest Apple news, tips, apps, and accessory reviews, directly from your iPhone, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

BROWSE the latest headlines from your favorite Apple blog by swiping your finger right to left. If you see something you like, tap on it to read more.

BE NOTIFIED about every news story published on the site via push notification.

READ stories, including breaking news, must-have apps, cool new accessories and tutorials on how to get the most out of your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, or Mac.

BOOKMARK articles to read later.

COMMENT on articles and share your point of view with the rest of the iDB community.

LISTEN to Let's Talk iOS podcast episodes directly from within the app, even when your iPhone is locked.

SHARE your favorite articles to Twitter, Facebook, and more.

UNLOCK more features such as the ability to remove ads, access unlimited bookmarking, and offline reading via in-app purchase.


Apple Watch support will be added in a future update, so stay tuned!


We love to hear from you, so feel free to get in touch at [email protected], or @iDownloadBlog on Twitter.§

iDB app Support
What's New in Version 1.2.0
Besides the usual round of bug fixes and stability improvements, iDB app version 1.2 comes with some major features that a lot of you have been waiting for. So hold down to your seat because you’re about to get wowed. Big time!


After updating the app, you will be asked if you want to receive notifications from iDB. The right answer to this question is “heck yes I want to.” Doing so will alert you every time a newsworthy article is published on iDB. Note we will not send notification for every single article published. That would be way overkill, and not so helpful. We want to notify you only about stuff we believe is important.


It took us a while but we are happy to say you can now browse the entire app without seeing one single ad. I just heard 20,000 of you scream “finally!” and it really hurt my ears, but it did warm up my heart, so we’re all good.

There are two levels of in-app purchases available. You can unlock ad removal (and more features) for $0.99 for one month, or $2.99 for one year. At the end of that period, you will be asked whether you want to unlock the features again or not. Note this is not set to auto-renew, so don’t you worry about that.

Why would you pay one month at a time when you can get one year for the price of three months? Well, maybe you care a lot about iDB and want to financially contribute to make sure we can keep doing what we do best?


Buying the in-app purchase will also allow you to access bookmarked articles even if you don’t have an active Wi-Fi or cellular connection. Simply bookmark all articles you want to read offline, and they will be readily available for you at any time.


Accessibility features are something most of us don’t need, but they must be perfect for the very small minority of users that does need them. Today, we are very proud to bring great VoiceOver support to the iDB app, and we couldn’t have done it without the help of our top beta tester, David. It really took us a while to get this right, but David helped us iron all the kinks. Remember in the last changelog how I said that we at iDB believe great features are in the details. This is more true than ever!


The bulk of the iDB app is now in your hands, but we have one more feature in the oven right now, and it’s Apple Watch support. We can’t make any promises, but chances are you will be able to check iDB on your Apple Watch by the end of this century. We know, we know. We’re fast!


If you hate it, then please just move along with your day, but if you do love the app, please take some time to rate and review it in the App Store. It means a lot to us.


Can you believe that 21,000+ people have downloaded the iDB app? Yeah, me neither. This is very rewarding, and obviously, it’s all thanks to you. So thank you very much for your ongoing support.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Delighted to say this app is now fully accessible with VoiceOver. I contacted the developer a couple of months ago and he was very responsive to my feedback, and has quickly got it from 0% to 100% accessible. One tip, to bookmark an article from the main screen, triple tap on it, this translates from a double tap for sighted users.
I have made a couple of other suggestions to make it even better, such as the scrub gesture to exit articles and the actions menu on the main screen which may or may not come in the future, but all in all the app is fully accessible and easy to navigate and use.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

Good app and good podcasts.

Developer's Twitter Username



2 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Dave Nason 8 years 9 months ago
