X [Formerly Twitter]


Description of App

The X app is the trusted digital town square for everyone.

With X, you can:
- Post content for the world to see and join public conversations
- Stay up to date on breaking news
- Go live with Spaces for audio or stream live video
- Communicate privately with Direct Messages
- Subscribe to Blue to expand your reach, get a blue checkmark, and more
- Earn a living creating exclusive content for your paid subscribers and share in the ad revenue generated in replies to your posts
- Create and join Communities around topics and interests, from sports to music to technology
- Upload and watch videos up to 3 hours in length
- Write and read long form posts
- Connect directly with your customers to help your business grow



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This app is quite accessible with VoiceOver.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some accessibility issues with this app, but it can still be used if you are willing to tolerate these issues and learn how to work around them.

Developer's Twitter Username



5 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by kieran l 10 months 2 weeks ago



By Santiago on Sunday, April 28, 2013 - 11:52

See what's happening near you or around the world by viewing Trends in hundreds of locations. Also: • Invite friends to join Twitter from within the app • Improved playback of Vine videos • Replies to retweeted Tweets now include both the author and person who retweeted the Tweet • Enjoy a smoother experience due to bug fixes and other improvements.

By Andrew on Sunday, April 28, 2013 - 11:52

In reply to by David Goodwin

Hello Everyone, With the latest update, version 5.6, are there any accessibility improvements? I know in the last update there were several areas lacking. Any information is appreciated. Thank you. -Andrew-
Hi Andrew, In my limited testing, I didn't find any accessibility improvements in the iPhone version. When browsing through the "Discover" tab, VoiceOver is still sluggish. I am unable to find the "trending" area...it is as if the discover tab keeps loading more and more recommended tweets. If I go to the bottom of the screen and flick left to what I hope is the end of the discover tab, I hear a progress notification like one hears when new content is being loaded.

By Michael Hansen on Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - 11:52

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by Michael Hansen

Twitter version 5.7 has been released. The bad news is that there are no accessibility improvements that I can find. The good news is that they haven't broken anything else in this latest version. "What's New in Version 5.7 The new Tweet composer for iPhone makes sharing photos easy and lets you preview how your Tweets will look. Also: • Enjoy a more beautiful design on iPhone with wider timelines in all parts of the app • Receive a notification when a friend has joined Twitter • Improvements and bug fixes for lists"

By Michael Hansen on Sunday, July 28, 2013 - 11:52

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by Michael Hansen

Version 5.8 has been released with no apparent accessibility improvements: "What's New in Version 5.8 Twitter for iPhone 5.8 New to Twitter for iPhone and iPad: when you read a Direct message it will be marked as read in all of your official Twitter apps, including twitter.com, mobile.twitter.com, Twitter for Mac, Twitter for Android and TweetDeck. When you read a message on another official Twitter app, it will be marked as read on iPhone and iPad. We’ve also made more improvements in this version: • It’s easier to join conversations with a new reply composer in the Tweet details view on iPhone • Find new accounts to follow by tapping the new people button in the navigation bar • Richer search results indicate when there are new Tweets for your query and show account results with bios and social context • Report unwanted Tweets via the “More” button"

By Santiago on Sunday, July 28, 2013 - 11:52

When using Twitter for iPad on my iPad, its been very sluggish recently, and with today's update, its now even slower to respond. I've also tried reinstalling the app, but that didn't seem to fix the issue. Has anyone else experienced this issue, and if so, does anyone know who we can contact about it or any work arounds for it? I've noticed it sometimes on the iPhone version as well, however, it doesn't happen as often.
Hello all, using an Iphone 5 with latest IOS and what I'm about to describe happens in V5.8 and is still occurring for me in the newly released V5.8.1 Well once you open the app, and when I am flicking through my tweets, with one finger flick to the right. At some point through viewing my tweets, Voiceover will take me down to the tabs at the bottom of the screen. Have anyone else have this happen to them and if it does, how do you deal with the situation? You see with me when I touch the screen again I never really know which Tweet I'm going to land on with Voiceover. So as you can see this is confusing, annoying not to mention frustrating. Its kind of interesting because for me in all honestly the slowness of the app doesn't effect me in anyway. with the exception of this bug. I would name it as the Voiceover tweet focus bug. A somewhat long winded name I know but I hope this has been descriptive enough in order that people can relate to what I'm talking about. If not, just let me know and I will try to elaborate further. Many Thanks
Hi Daniel, I have noticed somefocus issues with the Twitter 5.8/5.8.1 updates. For me, I've found that focus randomly moves to a person's profile button twice, or that sometimes elements are skipped-over when flicking through the timeline. With Twitter so heavily promoting its native apps and trying to restrict third-party developers, this trend is worrysome. The good news is that if you do want another app, there are free options available--TweetList (free version) would be what I recommend.
Hi, I have noticed this for the past several versions now when trying to read the timeline with Braille. It is no longer possible to read more than the first 3 or 4 tweets with Braille in my experience. I have given up on the app for the time being and switched to Twitterific.

By AnonyMouse on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 - 11:52

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

What's New in Version 5.9

Now you can protect your account with login verification. This is a new form of two-factor authentication that you can turn on and manage directly from your app.

Also in this release:
• View anyone’s photos in a beautiful gallery when you visit their profile and tap ‘View more photos’
• Photo search results can also be viewed in a gallery
• Enjoy several improvements to lists: create new lists and edit your existing lists; manage titles and descriptions; add or remove members
• Improved launch times
• Other bug fixes and improvements

By Michael Hansen on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 - 11:52

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by Travis Roth

I have tried version 5.9 on both an iPhone 5 and an iPad Mini. Swiping through tweets appears to be a bit more responsive on the iPhone 5 than in version 5.8. However, the "trending" section and other areas such as "Find Friends," are still inaccessible. While the "Discover" tab is more accessible on the iPad version, swiping through the app's different tabs is very sluggish, sometimes to the point that the app becomes unusable.

By Misty Dawn on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 - 11:52

Has anyone noticed that, on occasion, when scrolling through your Timeline in the Home section, there is an unread (merely "clicking") element that appears near the top of the screen? Anyone know what this is, and, is there a way to fix this?

By AnonyMouse on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 - 11:52

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Conversations has changed. It is quite interesting. Not sure if I like this at all. Doesn't really appear to be clear in what are conversations and to the next? Plus, it has in the note that there are NEW Notifications Settings. These all appear to be dimmed for me. So I am unable to turn certain ones or off. So I am off to see why these are dimmed for me.

Would love to see what you have found and what you think of the NEW conversations view.

What's New in Version 5.10

Conversations have a new look! They’re easier to find and fun to join.

• A blue line indicates a conversation between people you follow
• The first Tweet in the conversation now appears above the most recent reply
• Tap to see all of the replies

This release also includes various other improvements:
• New notification settings
• Bug fixes for direct messages, login verification and more

By Misty Dawn on Saturday, September 28, 2013 - 11:52

Ever since upgrading to iOS 7, I am no longer able to refresh content in lists using this app. How does one refresh content and iOS 7 in the official Twitter app?

By MarkSarch on Saturday, December 28, 2013 - 11:52

In reply to by Misty Dawn

Updated Dec 10/ 2013 Version 6.0 What's New in Version 6.0 New design. • Refreshed look and feel. Home, Activity and Discover now available by swiping in Timelines. Easier access to DMs. Share photos in Direct Messages. • Send and receive photos via DMs. Notifications from your network. • Choose to view replies, retweets, and favorites from only the people that you follow. Search got even easier. • Access tweets from people you follow and near you, directly from search results. Safari Reading List support • Save web articles to read later with Safari Reading List. Check the new update and I see what new changes did you see on it new release.
Twitter for iPhone Observations: Just a few notes to share with my observation of the NEW 6.0 release. - Upon opening the Twitter 6.0 after the update. You will notice that there is a splash screen that tells you of the NEW things in this release. The splash screen is about 70% down the screen. You will need to use your finger to find this. It takes some doing to get rid of this splash screen. This has to be removed before you can proceed on in making Twitter to work - The tabs along the bottom will no longer be highlighted when selected. So do a double tap on the Timeline. You will notice that it is not highlighted. - The Timeline is easier to read now. They have removed the unlabel button that has always been there or least for a long while. So one can flick to the left and right with ease. Unlike the double flick to the left or right to get to the next timeline. - Messages has taken a few steps backward. You will notice as you flick through the history of Messages that you have sent and vice versa. They will only annouce the time of the DM. It does not read out to you the messages. So sending a DM works just fine. You just won't be able to read the DM back to you or the history of the DM to that person. - Settings they have removed the ability to set your Security Settings. - Improvements with in the Me tab. I found the NEW List is much easier to use and create/modify/remove. If anyone else has fround any other issues or improvements. Please leave a comment so we can share our findings.

By Santiago on Saturday, December 28, 2013 - 11:52

Hello, I've been having an issue with Twitter for iOS since the previous release, and it still remains with the current release. Sometimes, when double tapping on tweets, that tweet gets favorited instead of opened.

By Missy Hoppe on Saturday, December 28, 2013 - 11:52

I never encountered this splash screen. I opened the app after hearing that several people were struggling with it, and based on my very, very limited testing, it seems to work just fine. Granted, this is coming from someone who just about never bothers with tweeting on the iphone, so I may not be the best judge. I also have Tweetlist and Twitteriffic; can't figure out which is best, so until I do, it's easier to kind of play with all of them. Anyway, thanks for this article. I'm sure it will be very helpful to a lot of users.

By Brie96 on Saturday, December 28, 2013 - 11:52

How do you get rid of the splash screen? Double tapping it won't work. I also tried turning off voice over and tapping in the area on the screen where it is located, however this did not work either, unless I'm doing something wrong. As was mentioned, nothing can be done without getting out of the screen.

By Brie96 on Saturday, December 28, 2013 - 11:52

I deleted the app last night and reinstalled it. It works now, and the new screen does not pop up. Just in case anyone needed a workaround.
I doubletapped a dm notification from twitter last night on my ipod touch, fully expecting to land in the message history with the person with whom I was corresponding. Instead, I was taken to the twitter home timeline with the advertisement about what is new in twitter obscuring much of the screen with voiceover. I am placed on the same page on twitter whether I launch it from the home screen or open it from a notification. Doubletapping, or doubletap and hold, on the tabs at the bottom of the screen or on what I now know is the splash screen yield no results with voiceover. I was pretty happy to have tweetlist as an alternative. :) Has anyone found a consistent method to make the splash screen go away from the home timeline of the twitter app? Any information or assistance you can provide is appreciated.

By AnonyMouse on Saturday, December 28, 2013 - 11:52

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
There are some VoiceOver improvements in this release. The most notable one that I have seen is the Messages tab area. You are now able to see what has been sent and recieve as Direct Messages. There are some unlabel buttons through out the app itself but they are not apparent. Overall, I really like this new look and feel of Twitter. Not sure if the Splash Screen pop-up for the one time when updating still exist or not. In this update there were no Splash Screen to be found. What are your thoughts of the NEW Twitter? Plus, what problems have you seen with the NEW Twitter? Love to hear from you all. What's New in Version 6.0.1 6.0.1 New design. • Refreshed look and feel. Home, Activity and Discover now available by swiping in Timelines. Easier access to DMs. Share photos in Direct Messages. • Send and receive photos via DMs. Notifications from your network. • Choose to view replies, retweets, and favorites from only the people that you follow. Search got even easier. • Access tweets from people you follow and near you, directly from search results. Safari Reading List support • Save web articles to read later with Safari Reading List.

By AnonyMouse on Saturday, December 28, 2013 - 11:52

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Hello All, The fine folks of the Twitter Accessibility Team have responded back in how one can pass and close this splash display. So if you are those that are still stuck with this problem. Do the following suggestion by the Twitter Accessibility team. "If you explore by touch to the lower portion of screen and then use 3-finger swipe left/right, you should be able to pass thru the intro screens onto the main app." So many thanks to the Twitter Accessibility Team in helping us on this problem. They have also mentioned that they are working on making those splash display easier to use in future releases. HTH
January 6 2014 version 6.0.2 NOTE.... This new update is not accessible using voiceOver, well if for people is accessible the regress on this new version comes with new interface, but doesn't work the voiceOver gestures. even pressing the double tap to access or open one tweet doesn't work. the only way how to read the twitter tweet list is drow the finger all over the screen. stay with the current version or well try to use it and share with the forun your experience. What's New in Version 6.0.2 The 6.0.2 update includes • Fixed a bug with account switching • Added a sign out option in profile settings The 6.0.1 update includes • A new setting in the app to control text size • Crash and bug fixes Continue reading for all the new features in the 6.0 release: • A new setting in the app to control text size • Crash and bug fixes Continue reading for all the new features in the Twitter 6.0 release: New design. • Refreshed look and feel. Home, Activity and Discover now available by swiping in Timelines. Easier access to DMs. Share photos in Direct Messages. • Send and receive photos via DMs. Notifications from your network. • Choose to view replies, retweets, and favorites from only the people that you follow. Search got even easier. • Access tweets from people you follow and near you, directly from search results. Safari Reading List support • Save web articles to read later with Safari Reading List.
Actually I have to disagree respectively. The twitter app is 100 percent accessible, except when you want to switch time lines. all you have to do is get past the tutorials. I'm using the new update. Here is an audio boo explaining how I get around. https://audioboo.fm/boos/1836914-looking-at-the-new-twitter-update-released-january-2014 Take care.
well as I said voiceover accessibility could be great but all depend for each person. regres is not good and voiceover gesture doesn't work. I invate to you to do the update because you said January second. but this new updae came out last night. right here the audio record using dropbox. https://www.dropbox.com/s/uka824d2u5aud88/Twitter%20version%206.0.2.m4a
Odd. I never got an update for it. I'll keep an eye on this and see what happens. Update. I got one on the 6th of january and it's version 6.0.2. Hope that helps.
hello I back to this trade because earlier when updated to the newer version 6.0.2 for some unknown reason the voiceOver gestures didn't work with it. Flick left or right, double tap. etcetera. so after couple times have deleted the app and tryed on diference ways finally I get how to figuer it out. so let go how I did. coming from the previous twitter version I updated from the app Store but it didn't work you saw the results. also I tryed deleting the app from my iPhone to then recover the older version syncing via iTunes, with the previous version din't have any voiceOver bugs the problem was when update it to bring up the same voiceOver problems. the only way how din't get any bug is deleting the app from the iPhone and then launch the app Store and download and install the recent version. but one more bug the interface is little diference I'm not talking about voiceOver gestures now if not the twitter interface the taps are labels completly diferent as I saw on the recorders above. but well the solution was download the app from app store not updating from previous version, I have a iPhone 5S running the laters iOS 7.0.4

By lelia on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 - 11:52

Hi mary1 your audioboo was great, it worked getting out of the tutorials, but man it was a pain!!! I helped my husband with it and I did it too but wow that was not an easy chore. thanks for that boo.

By KE7ZUM on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 - 11:52

As I stated simply swipe right with 3 fingers after you find the tutorials in the middle of the screen. Then after a while you will find the start using twitter. Tc.

By KE7ZUM on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 - 11:52

In reply to by lelia

Hey any time. glad it worked. I might or might not do a podcast on the twitter client, but we'll see. right from installation to getting past the tutorials to operating the client itself. Take care and watch http://tffppodcast.com/listen or subscribe to http://tffppodcast.com/feeds/tffp or http://feeds.feedburner.com/tffp Take care.

By AnonyMouse on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 - 11:52

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
What's New in Version 6.1 This release includes enhancements to Tweet replies and the photo viewer. • Click on a Tweet and reply with a photo by selecting the gallery icon. • Easily mention other users when you Tweet a photo. • Improvements to the photo cropping and image rotation. • Various improvements to the photo viewer. • Users with login verification enabled no longer need temporary passwords to log in to their device. • When you’ve read all the latest Tweets, pull to refresh and see recommendations for new content on Twitter.

By MarkSarch on Friday, February 28, 2014 - 11:52

Updated February 03 2014 Version 6.1.1 What's New in Version 6.1.1 - Various bug fixes Continue reading for all the new features in the 6.1 release: This release includes enhancements to Tweet replies and the photo viewer. • Click on a Tweet and reply with a photo by selecting the gallery icon. • Easily mention other users when you Tweet a photo. • Improvements to the photo cropping and image rotation. • Various improvements to the photo viewer. • Users with login verification enabled no longer need temporary passwords to log in to their device. When you’ve read all the latest Tweets, pull to refresh and see recommendations for new content on Twitter.

By Riley on Friday, February 28, 2014 - 11:52

Yes, this version is more accessible than previous versions have been, so give it a try.

By Michael Hansen on Friday, March 28, 2014 - 11:52

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
In an effort to keep our App Directory ratings as accurate as possible, we are wondering if users are still experiencing any accessibility issues with the latest version of Twitter, version 6.2?

By Misty Dawn on Friday, March 28, 2014 - 11:52

Has anyone else been experiencing random behavior of this app ever since updating to iOS 7.1? Ever since I did: 1) When I tripple-click to reply to a tweet, the person to whom I'm replying is not always the right person. For instance, I click to replay to "Sarah", but I'm actually replying to "Mike" (another person I'm following, but not the right person I want to reply to). If I double-click to get to the actual tweet to which I wish to reply, I can still do so without any issues. 2) Some linked hashtags in tweets I can click on and the work normally. Others, however, I cannot and it does nothing but say something like "Rows 4 of 4". Is anyone else experiencing this? If so, is there a way to fix it? I really hope I don't have to, once again, uninstall/re-install something on this device... #apple #fail

By Michael Hansen on Friday, March 28, 2014 - 11:52

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
I can confirm issue 1. I had this happen to me just yesterday, where I tried to retweet an AppleVis post and retweeted another random post instead.

By Aidan JK on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 - 11:52

Anyone experiencing issues with the "3 finger swipe right to left" gesture on the Twitter app? When clicking the profile, this is the hint you get when focussed on the user name, to "view user information." This gesture, which I assume is the same as that used to flick pages on the home screen, does nothing. Or at least I still don't see a biography at all anywhere so assume it's doing nothing. Mine's an iPhone 5C.

By Michael Hansen on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 - 11:52

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Twitter version 6.6 is now available. However, before updating, users should be aware that the tripple-tap gesture for tweet actions is broken. The Twitter Accessibility Team is aware of the issue and is working on a fix. On the plus side...tweet timestamps are finally spoken!!!

"What's New in Version 6.6

This update includes minor improvements."

By Aidan JK on Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 11:52

I can also confirm that they are going to fix the broken 3-finger swipe gesture on a user's profile, which I reported upon detection as did some-one else shortly afterwards. They are very swift to respond to feedback and I really do applaud them.

By AnonyMouse on Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 11:52

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

What's New in Version 6.7
New for #WorldCup:
The World Cup Timeline is where all the action happens. In addition to Tweets from your network, you will see relevant Tweets from teams, players, coaches,
press, venues, and celebs.

Are you watching the match? Follow it on Twitter and take a peek behind the scenes. See Tweets about the match from teams, players, coaches, press, venues,
and celebs from inside and outside the stadium.

By KE7ZUM on Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 11:52

Since I don't care about the world cup, I hoep they have a way to mute that out. *smiles*

Tc all.

By AnonyMouse on Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 11:52

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

What isn't mention are some of the accessibility changes. Please note the Accessibility with in the Settings. Overall, nice to see that they are putting some effort in to the VoiceOver users.

What's New in Version 6.8
This update includes minor improvements.
• Upload animated gifs and view in your home timeline.

New for #WorldCup:
• The #WorldCup Timeline is where all the action happens. In addition to Tweets from your network, you will see relevant Tweets from teams, players, coaches,
press, venues, and celebs.
• Are you watching the match? Follow it on Twitter and take a peek behind the scenes. See Tweets about the match from teams, players, coaches, press, venues,
and celebs from inside and outside the stadium.
• Put the # symbol in front of your favorite team's country code to create a hash flag.

By Maya on Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 11:52

please do you know how to access and manage lists using regular Twitter app for IOS?
Thank you for help.

By Misty Dawn on Monday, July 28, 2014 - 11:52

Hmm, it appears they still haven't fixed the 3-finger swipe for profile info problem... Perhaps we should try contacting them again about that...

By Santiago on Monday, July 28, 2014 - 11:52

I can confirm that issue. Three finger swipe left does not work when viewing profiles. I think they're aware of it though, but it doesn't hurt contacting them again.

By Misty Dawn on Monday, July 28, 2014 - 11:52

Could someone please post a direct link to contact Twitter support concerning accessibility issues? Oftentimes, these links are extremely difficult to locate.

I have previously suggested to the devs on the AppleVis site to maybe create a listing of direct support links to apps that are listed here for this very reason, but they seemed to think it too difficult to do. Does anyone else think this would be a good idea? Perhaps they should also suggest it to site developers here...