1Writer - Markdown Text Editor


Description of App

(From iTunes)

1Writer combines all the basic text editing features you would expect with all the advanced features you will ever need. Use 1Writer to write, research, revise, and share your ideas with maximum efficiency.

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Featured by Apple in "Best New Apps" and "Designed For iOS 7"

"The only Dropbox- and Markdown-enabled text editor for iPhone that’s clicked with me has been 1Writer. It’s simple, looks great, and gets the job done." - TheSweetSetup.com

"Really great app, really recommend it." - Federico Viticci, MacStories.net

"The app interface is beautiful and distraction-free, with loads of other awesome features lurking beneath its simple exterior. It's now my go-to iPhone text editor." - Chris Gonzales, ToolsandToys.net

"For users that want a great visual experience paired with great support for custom actions and third party apps, 1Writer is an excellent choice." - iMore.com

"1Writer is the most powerful text editor available for iPhone." - Phillip Gruneich

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- Write :: generate and edit plain text or Markdown files.
- Preview :: see the formatted results with Markdown syntax highlighting while you write and a full, rich-text preview when you're done.
- Extended keyboard :: a convenient row of buttons for navigation, formatting, and special characters (customizable--pick the characters you use the most).
- Insert photo :: pick a photo or take a new one, and 1Writer will upload it to Dropbox and generate the Markdown-syntax to add it to your document--all in a single action!
- Snippets :: TextExpander Touch support.
- Custom URL actions :: insert a document template, encode a selection and replace the original text, look up synonyms and choose a new word--the possibilities are endless*.

- Sync your existing Dropbox folders and documents.
- Create, append, prepend, or replace text directly from other apps using the 1Writer URL scheme.

- CloudApp, Droplr, and Dropbox :: generate a link to share your document in plain text or PDF.
- Evernote :: pick your notebook, add tags, and turn a text selection or the entire document into a new, rich-text note.
- Copy HTML :: put the formatted text for your document directly on the clipboard.
- Custom URL actions :: open a web search for a word or phrase, tweet a selection and create a new journal entry, save a series of items in a list or reminder app, and much more*.

- Four different-colored themes to choose from.
- A dark theme for more comfortable reading and writing at night.
- Choose from 17 different fonts, change your font size, and set line spacing.
- Select the text settings independently for edit and preview mode.
- Bookmark and sync the Dropbox folders you want to have quick access to the sub-folders and documents you need.
- Use a passcode to protect the app from unauthorized users.

- Web browser :: click a URL in preview mode to open the page.
- Checklist support :: create a list of things to do or topics to research, and easily check them off in preview mode.
- Search and hashtag support :: search within a folder to find the document you need, and view related documents that have the same hashtag.

* Compatible third-party apps include: Drafts, TextTool, Terminology, Day One, Editorial, Phraseology, Byword, Tumblr, 1Password, Chrome, Gmail, Launch Center Pro, Tweetbot, Riposte, Buffer, Missives, Dispatch, Due, Fantastical 2, 2 Days, TaskAgent 3, Clear, Silo, Begin, OmniFocus, Things, and many more.

* Visit http://1writerapp.com/actions for examples of custom actions you can install with one click



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

I have not tried all the features mentioned in the description, but everything I have tried has been very accessible and intuitive. Importing folders from dropbox, creating documents and folders, saving files to dropbox, using the fleksy keyboard to add text, and importing custom actions are all very accessible.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

The button at the top left of the screen, labeled "Hamburger" takes you to the menu. The unlabeled button at the bottom of that page takes you to the settings. As of yet, those are the only oddities I've observed.

Developer's Twitter Username



1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Tangela 10 years 9 months ago
