Bitwarden Authenticator


Description of App

New from Bitwarden, provider of the password manager trusted by millions, Bitwarden Authenticator generates verification codes for two-factor authentication, ensuring your identity is verified when you log into accounts. Using industry-standards, Bitwarden Authenticator supports any website or application that uses TOTP. ADD AN EXTRA LAYER OF PROTECTION Generate verification codes to ensure your identity is verified, keeping your sensitive data out of reach of imposters. UNIVERSAL COMPATIBILITY Bitwarden Authenticator uses industry standard methods for verification code generation, so it will work with any website or application that utilizes time-based one-time passwords. EASY TO USE A simple, intuitive design and straightforward interface makes it easy to start incorporating authentication into your digital life Bitwarden empowers organizations to secure passwords, developer secrets, and passkeys. Visit to learn more about Bitwarden Password Manager, Bitwarden Secrets Manager and Bitwarden!



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

The app is fully accessible, with a few hiccups.
• When double tapping on a code, VoiceOver will not tell you this, but it copies the code to your clipboard. This actually is displayed onscreen when swiping left, but VoiceOver does not say it on its own.
• Codes will appear like this. Name, <number>, <3 digit number>, <3 digit number>. The first one is the seconds remaining until the code expires. The first 3 digit number is the first portion of your code. The second 3 digit number is the last 3 digits of your code. For better understanding, here's an example. test, 10,3 4 5, 6 7 8. 10 is the seconds remaining. 3 4 5 are the first three digits of your code. 6 7 8 are the last 3 digits. When it is copied to your clipboard it will be 345678.
• To access more options for the code, you need to double tap and hold. Here's where things get a bit tedious. The actions for the code cannot be read by VoiceOver. Swiping left and right will just say Dismiss Context Menu. What you have to do in this menu, is enable Screen Recognition, swipe left to choose whatever option you wish (the options are clearly labeled), then double tap. After the operation is completed, you may disable Screen Recognition and continue using the app normally.
Other than that, it is very accessible. All buttons are labeled, and the interface is clean.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver, but the interface could be easier to navigate and use.

Other Comments

For those who would prefer to use this app, and have been using a different Authenticator, Bitwarden does allow you to import authorization codes from popular authenticators such as Google Authenticator, LastPass, etc. Not all of the popular ones are supported. As to whether they will be in the future, I do not know this.

Developer's Twitter Username




By Rasgueo on Thursday, July 25, 2024 - 21:30

This is just a personal preference. However, I use Bitwarden for all my passwords and Raivo OTP for authenticating. I also like the interface of Raivo much better.
It is also generally good practice to separate such important services, not to have all your eggs in one basket, as it were

By tunmi13 on Thursday, July 25, 2024 - 21:30

Agreed. I actually do not use this authenticator for that exact reason, I use Google Authenticator. But for those who would want to keep those eggs in a single basket, they may find this useful.