braille Talk


Description of App

Braille Talk is an application that reads out Braille electronic book using synthesized voice incorporated into iOS devices, such as iPhone or iPad.
If you are qualified, you can get a Braille electronic book from Sapie (Japan), or Bookshare (USA) by registering on-line library.

It deals with various kinds of voices.
Since it corresponds to various voice types embedded in iOS, you can select the voice of your choice.

Customize sound settings
You can freely set the speed, pitch and volume of reading.

Check the word during reading loud
One sentence is displayed during reading loud, you can check the detail explanation of the character on the screen.

Move freely reading place
You can move freely to any volume, page, line, heading, pageslider.

Set bookmark
You can place bookmarks on any specific page and jump to reading location where you set the bookmarks.

Word Searching
Enter any character, and you can move to the exact reading position.

Downloading books
You can download books by logging in online library by the Safari, or others, finding the book then downloading through Braille Talk. You also store books in online storage, such as Dropbox.

Supported OS
after iOS 8.0

iPhone、iPad、iPod touch

[email protected]



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This app is very accessible.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.


2 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by mitsugu 3 years 9 months ago



By Sean Terry on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 - 22:43

Hi there. I just downloaded this app, and... Well... The free version only reads 1 sentence from a book? also, the price tag is... Just... Well... 70 US Dollars? Just Why? I am completely confused.

By charles on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 - 22:43

Am I missing something, or does this defeat the purpose of downloading brailled books to be read using a refreshable braille display? If I download a book with a .brf extension, it is for the purpose of reading it myself, using braille, rather than having it read aloud to me. I also agree about it apparently being an expensive Voice Dream Reader.display?

If you want to read a book with a braille display, then use the bard app, or even download accessible notetaker or whatever that app is called that lets you do some reading of brf files. but I used to download a lot of brf books but I liked them read out loud so I used my braille notetaker to do that, but now I have voice dream so this app is not just late to the party, but also expensive.

By Zoe Victoria on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 - 22:43

I'm having a problem with braille books. I downloaded one and opened it and tried to read it, but it was just a jumble of letters numbers and symbols.