Evernote - Notes Organizer


Description of App

Evernote is an easy-to-use, free app that helps you remember everything across all of the devices you use. Stay organized, save your ideas and improve productivity. Evernote lets you take notes, capture photos, create to-do lists, record voice reminders--and makes these notes completely searchable, whether you are at home, at work, or on the go.

Key Features:

  • Sync all of your notes across the computers and devices you use
  • Create and edit text notes, to-dos and task lists
  • Save, sync and share files
  • Record voice and audio notes
  • Search for text inside images
  • Organize notes by notebooks and tags
  • Email notes and save tweets to your Evernote account
  • Connect Evernote to other apps and products you use
  • Share notes with friends and colleagues via Facebook and Twitter
  • Premium feature: take notebooks offline to access them anytime
  • Premium feature: allow others to edit your notebooks
  • Premium feature: add a PIN lock to your Evernote app

Here are some ways to use Evernote for your personal and professional life:

  • Research smarter: snap photos of whiteboards and books
  • Take meeting and class notes, draft agendas and research notes
  • Plan a trip: keep track of travel plans, plane tickets and passports
  • Organize and save recipes; search by ingredients later
  • Create a grocery list or task list and check things off as you go
  • View web pages saved in Evernote on your desktop
  • Capture ideas and inspiration on the go
  • Access files and notes you create on your phone from your desktop
  • Keep track of products and prices for comparison shopping purposes
  • Keep finances in order: save receipts, bills and contracts
  • Reduce paper clutter by taking snapshots of restaurant menus, business cards and labels
  • Use Evernote as part of your GTD system to help you stay organized
  • To get the most out of your Evernote experience, download it on all of the computers and phones that you use.

Evernote is available for: Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Web
Web clippers available for: Evernote for Web; Web Clippers for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer

Learn more: http://www.evernote.com/about/getting_started/



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

As easy as the standard "notes" app, but with many more features.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

I really like the feature-rich simplicity of this app, which makes me choose it over other similar apps. The one thing I couldn't stand about the standard "notes" app was lack of organisation. Finding notes back by notebook, tags or even location is very nice. Plus attaching or taking photos, videos, voice memos within the app itself is just a bonus. Where I use Dropbox for files, I use Evernote for pretty much everything else.


1 people have recommended this app



By KE7ZUM on Thursday, June 28, 2012 - 17:57

Evernote is good except the body field as I found out through trial and error is not accessible. I have put together a recording on evernote for you all to check out. I have contacted the dev as well. here is the link to the note.

By Liz on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 - 17:57

I recently read downloaded Evernote, only to discover that it's entry screen is not at all accessible! Help!

By John Moore on Thursday, May 28, 2015 - 17:57

As was stated above, you can no longer log into the app. The accessibility ratings need to be updated.

By Tina on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 - 17:57

I have checked this out, and I have confirmed what another poster has seen. You are indeed able to name your note, but for whatever reason, Voiceover somehow doesn't place focus on the "body" field. I think it's skipped over. This really is a problem, and, like a previous poster, I have let Evernote know about this.

The result? Either you have to type a fast note and back out, or you're forced to just type a lot of stuff with no way to separate thoughts.

Evidently, this happens whether you're using a wireless keyboard or dictating.

Also, the other issue of not being able to get past the introductory screen without sighted help is something I've seen. I have also let them know about this.

For now, you may need to turn Voiceover off, flick a couple pages to the left, then turn Voiceover back on. I have suggested to the developer that they add a button on the first page so you can get past that first screen.

If you've used Evernote, but had to abandon it, please let the developer know about this. They need numbers if this issue is to be resolved by the next update. Thanks.

By Tina on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 - 17:57

It seems that Voiceover does read the "tap to edit" text, but nothing happens. This seems to be what the previous poster was dealing with. It seems that the edit field itself doesn't work with Voiceover. You have to turn off voiceover to activate that field, so in short, I think we have a bug. Thanks.

By Rose on Friday, October 28, 2016 - 17:57

This app appears to be completely fixed. I am no longer seeing the body issue mentioned above. Also, Evernote no longer insists on its new users going through the tutorial that several of us previously had an issue with.

By KE8UPE on Thursday, October 28, 2021 - 17:57

Has anyone tried the latest version of the app on the iPhone?
I am finding it quite tedious to use, but it could just be some thing I’m doing.
I’m probably going to start using it for school, especially since they offer 50% off for students.

I’ve been playing with it for the past couple of hours, and the new layout does take some getting used to, but the app is still fully accessible. The one exception is the menu for deleting things such as notebooks. Voiceover reads the menu, but for some reason, when you click on any option, you end up with the print dialogue, unless you do the following:
Bring up the menu, turn off voiceover, scroll a few times until you get to the bottom of the list, then turn voiceover back on. The list is not very long, so you should only have to scroll up two or three times.

By Reginald George on Sunday, November 28, 2021 - 17:57

with IOS 15.1 on my SE2020 I chose Work and chose meeting notes. I could not enter the edit field to type. Pressing menu or settings or audio elicited nothing! I closed the app and relaunched, and was able to type in the scratch pad field. But most of the other things I tried were not working. to all of you that wrote the developers, did you ever get a dialog started beyond boiler plate messages? I am impresed with the labeling of controls. But the darn controls need to work! Maybe it's just me.

By KE8UPE on Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 17:57

The options for Delete, and such don’t work with voiceover. I’m going to tweet the developer right now, and see if there is anything they can do. I will keep this thread updated. I’ve once again began using this app for school.
I was using OneNote, but I am now taking a Linux class, and OneNote is not available on that operating system.

By Diamond tears on Friday, July 28, 2023 - 17:57

Hi, I’m wondering if anyone has any updates to not being able to delete or rename notes when voiceover is turned on? Is this something that would work better with the mac or the braille sense 6 maybe?
Many thanks