FastMail – Email & Calendar


Description of App

FastMail is email, calendars and contacts done right. Now, the full speed and power of a FastMail account is easily available on the go in our official app for your iPhone or iPad:

* Push notifications alert you instantly when new messages arrive in your Inbox.
* Swipe to archive or delete.
* Pin important messages to the top of your Inbox for instant access.
* Search your entire email archive in seconds.
* Schedule meetings, respond to invitations and look up contacts with just a few taps.

Please note: You must be either a paid subscriber or have verified your trial FastMail account to use this app! Don't have an account yet? Sign up for a free trial today at and start enjoying premium email.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

If you enjoy writing e-mails using built-in Braille screen input, don't use this.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some accessibility issues with this app, but it can still be used if you are willing to tolerate these issues and learn how to work around them.

Other Comments

The app is designed to bring their mobile site to the iPhone with push notifications, so standard html usage procedures apply.

Developer's Twitter Username



1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Fleurppel 9 years 11 months ago
