Files - File Manager & Browser


Description of App

Downloads Lite is a fully featured download manager that allows you to download files to your iPhone or iPod touch, you can then view/play the downloaded files right on your iPhone or iPod touch, or transfer them to your computer. Downloads Lite has all the essential features of the full version of Downloads except that it is limited to store up to 7 files. FEATURES Full portrait & landscape mode support Passcode lock Web browser - Provides a user experience very similar to Mobile Safari - Tap and hold on an image to download it - Tap and hold to force download - Save web pages with images for offline viewing - Full screen mode - Bookmark manager - History support - Address bar auto-completion - HTTP basic authentication - Form-based authentication - Integrated Google or Yahoo! search - Ability to spoof browser's User-Agent string to display web pages like Firefox Download manager - Fast downloading speed - Supports resuming of interrupted downloads reliably - Live download progress bar and speed indicator - Active downloads badge number - Add arbitrary download link - Always download with correct filename File manager - Full screen document viewer that supports .pdf, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .txt, .html and .rtf file formats - Folders support - Move, rename and delete files - Search by file name - Extract RAR archives - Unzip ZIP files - Remember document scroll position - Attempt to open file of unrecognized format Dropbox integration - Upload, download and manage files - Sync what you want, keep files on your device Photo viewer - Tap or swipe to move between images in a folder - Zoom in and out with pinch gesture - Ability to save images to photo album - Thumbnails view Audio player - Music playback of .aac, .mp3 and .m4a formats - Ability to play all MP3 files in a folder like a playlist - Repeat and shuffle songs - Audio playback continues with the screen locked - Playlist support - Display album artwork embedded in .mp3 - AirPlay support (iOS 4.2 or above) Video player - Video playback of .m4v, .mp4, and .mov formats (.mpg, .avi, .wma, and .flv formats are NOT supported) - Supports TV-Out (pre iOS 4.x only) - Save videos to Camera Rolls - AirPlay support (iOS 4.2 or above) File sharing - Supports HTTP and FTP protocols - Supports iTunes USB File Sharing (iOS 4.x) - Transfer files to and from computer in Wi-Fi network - Send files as email attachments (size under 15MB) Mobile Safari Integration - Bookmarklet for Mobile Safari that lets you open any link in Downloads Lite Multitasking (iOS 4.x) - Background audio - Background downloading Inter-app document interchange (iOS 4.x) - Other apps can save their files to Downloads Lite (e.g. Email app can save attachments to Downloads Lite)



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

AppleVis Editor Note: this app was submitted before Usability Ratings were introduced, so one has been chosen on the basis of the accessibility comments made by the original poster. If you have used this app, please post a comment to let us know if you agree with the Rating.

Original Comments: Got this for audio described films, works a treat.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.


1 people have recommended this app



By Brettsta21 on Monday, May 28, 2012 - 17:39

For me, this app has replaced filer since Filer removed the Wifi transfer option. This app is fully accessible and all elements are clearly labelled. I use it daily to read books in .doc or .docs format and it has replaced Safari as my iPhone browser. I also use it’s built-in media player to watch audio-described videos while out and about. I use the paid version of this app and would recommend it to anyone. The only difference between the free and paid version, is the free version limits you to 7 downloads.