Description of App
FlickType is the practical QWERTY keyboard for Apple Watch, as well as a fully accessible iPhone keyboard for visually impaired users.
FlickType's universal design makes typing easy, fast, and comfortable — even on your Apple Watch!
When typing, don't slow down and try to be accurate. Simply tap where it feels right and FlickType's unique algorithm will find the correct word from the pattern of your taps. Say goodbye to painfully slow editing operations — delete and change entire words with a single flick of your finger on iPhone. On the Apple Watch keyboard, use the Digital Crown to change words or even move the cursor.
The FlickType keyboard is designed to be as accessible as possible on both iPhone and Apple Watch, featuring large keys, highly readable visual announcements, high-contrast color themes, and much more.
FlickType users type a whole three to four times faster compared to the standard keyboard, VoiceOver typing, or even dictation after edits. And utilizing the standard QWERTY layout means you don’t have to learn a new way to type. Emoji, text shortcuts, and deep customization options make typing fluid and fun, just as it should be — even on your Apple Watch!
FlickType can speak back to you when you type or edit, enabling a completely eyes-free writing experience. People who are blind write millions of words every month using it, typing just as fast as everyone else. Voice feedback on the Apple Watch keyboard is currently limited to VoiceOver users only.
If you like our Apple Watch keyboard, look for more watch apps with FlickType Keyboard on the App Store!
Follow us on Twitter for updates.
NOTE: Currently only English is supported.
v4.6 is out, problem not fixed.
Updated to v4.6 last night, the language bug is still there.
What is the best way to contact the developer? Anyone know if their email address [email protected] still works?
Language issue
Thank you Robert, we are looking into the issue and will let you know as soon as we have a fix.
- Kosta
third party keyboard
Apps like Chirp for Twitter use Flicktype as a third party keyboard on the watch. This feature is unusable with Voiceover and has been for a while now. It's really disappointing as there's no way of typing something in the main Flicktype app on the watch and sending the text to twitter. I do hope accessibility with the SDK is fixed.
app is now payed, removes subscription option
Not sure if anyone has herd the news, but the app is now payed, and has removed the subscription option. in other words, the systemwide keyboard can now be used in all apps for free.
FlickType SDK update
An update to the SDK with full accessibility support is coming out in about a week. Hopefully other app developers will update their apps shortly after that!
- Kosta
Re: Language
I thought you just discarded Spanish, glad you didn’t
No More Subscription
Apparently they got rid of the subscription, me b I n gAble to type this for free being the proof of that. Not sure when this happened, can't find any mention of it in the version history. .
As a current subscriber, do I
As a current subscriber, do I need to cancel my subscription or will it just stop charging me?
You need to cancel subscription. Unfortunately it isn’t automatic. Just go to Subscriptions and cancel FlickType. Takes just a minute to complete.
dictation on Flicktype?
How can I use dictation on Flicktype when it's used as a system wide keyboard?
Thanks for the help with my subscription.
As for dictation, I find that if you focus voiceover on the text field itself, rather than the flicktype keyboard, and then use the magic tap it still activates dictation.
Please clarify
Are there two Flicktype apps now? One free standalone and one systemwide? I had used it sometime back, had purchased a monthly subscription and cancelled. Now in the app there is no option to subscribe. How to use it system-wide?
There are currently 2 apps.
There are currently 2 apps.
The first is FlickType Keyboard for phone and watch. This is the one you know and love. This is system wide. If you had a subscription, free to DL. Just cancel subscription and Happy Typing.
There is also FlickType Watch Notes. This is being geared to larger audience, not just blind community. Developer is testing ways to keep FlickType sustainable. Currently the app has some accessibility quirks, but developer is looking to correct.
The original app has a companion watch app though.
App itself
I'm using the system wide keyboard but I want to get into the app itself to change emogy shortcuts etc but Voiceover doesn't read anything in the app. Can't get it to work at all. Is it just me? I'm reluctant to delete and re install as I'll lose all my dictionary entries, and I've discovered a lot of words along the way which aren't in there.
I just tried the app and it
I just tried the app and it works normal for me. I even went to the settings tab and went to the Emoji shortcuts.
flicktype on my watch
I am having an issue with using flicktype on my watch. I can type a word, but then it says use the digital crown to scroll through results. I try to do that, only for it to take me to the send button. What am I doing wrong? Or, is there still an accessibility related issue with using flicktype on the watch with VO?
Crown scrolling
Do a double finger triple tap on Watch face. This will turn Digital Crown navigation off. Then you can use crown scroll to change words and punctuation.
re: digital crown scrolling
I thought I had tried that, but either an update fixed it between now and then, or I didn't try it after all. That worked. Thank you.
Does already install app gets fully free?
Hi, as the subject line says
Does your app is fully free? And unlock your all features for me?
Since i have already have your app, when it was first introduced on applevis
Though i never purchased any subscription plan, after get payed app
Does i need to purchase? Officially, or i have to purchase subscription?
Im try to find full app purchase in your app settings, but i dint got any purchase opption, does it means that your app is fully unlock for me?
Pls explain me.
Trouble with FlickType
I'm a long time FlickType user. It is my favourite way to enter texts for text messages.
Lately, I am having issues with it. When I start a text message, and tap in the typing area to get started, instead of hearing FlickType announce once, and then the tapping of letters, I hear FlickType with each tap, and no letters are entered.
I have tried force closing the Messages app, force restarting the phone, and uninstalling and redownloading FlickType. Sometimes one of these methods will work, and sometimes, none of them will.
Is anyone else having any similar problmes?
I am using an iPhone 11 with iOS 14.1
Direct touch
For some reason, iOS 14 has disabled the direct touch which allows keyboards like flick type to pass through the voice over gesturing system and work as normal. You need to enable direct touch in order to use flick type. In order to do this, when you’re on the flick type area where you can type your text, turn the voiceover rotor until you hear direct touch. Activate direct touch by swiping down on the screen with one finger. Once direct touch is activated, you can use flick type is normal. Unfortunately, you have to do this every time you want to invoke flicktype and use it correctly. I have notified apple accessibility support about this issue and they say they are investigating it.
Thanks for the suggestion. I will give it a go.
I have been trying to use slide to type as an alternative, but that has a steep learning curve.
Slide to type
What is slide to type, and how do you use it? Is it pretty good?
It Worked
I tried using the rotor when Flick Type wasn't working as expected, and the above suggestion worked. Thank you.
It's not as slick as it was before, but at least it works again.
Slide to Type
Slide to type is a built in iOS feature where instead of typing each charactr, you slide around the keyboard to form the word. It is explained in guides and podcasts on this site so I won't clutter up the Flick Type thread with a detailed explanation. If you're curious, and want to try it, have a go.
I am glad to have a work around for Flick Type as I am so much more accustomed to it.
Help needed with an app to type text on the Apple Watch 6
Hello, folks,
Does this app still work? If not, are there any alternative apps?
Cheers in advance.
Still works for me
I'm still using it all the time. Only irritation is having to use the rotor to activate direct touch quite frequently since IOS 14 but if you're willing to do this then it works as well as it did before. Still my preferred method for typing for sure.
Thank you for your reply…
Thank you for your reply. Does it work on the Apple Watch as well?
Oooh no idea haven't tried…
Oooh no idea haven't tried it, sorry! I do have an apple watch but never typed on it, always just thought it was a bit small and fiddly.
Direct Touch and Flicktype
I don't know if this is an iOS bug for Flicktype issue, but since installing iOS 14 one often has to manually reset Direct Touch in order for Flicktype to work properly. Although this isn't a big problem, it is kind of a nuisance that one can't immediately start typing with flicktype.
Wish Apple or the devs could address this.
Deleted words not spoken?
Is anyone else having trouble deleting words with this keyboard lately? It doesn't seem to be happening now so it might have had something to do with the website I was trying to use it on, but sometimes when I delete words it just says space rather than the word I deleted. Anybody else experienced this?
Consistent way to use the rotor on the watch?
Hi everyone,
Has anyone manage to find a consistent way to use the rotor on the watch directly?
The only way I can do it consistently, is if I pair my braille display, then use that.
I am really hoping that iOS 14.3, and watchOS 7.2, fix this direct touch issue.
This has happened to me too.
I have experienced this occasionally online but mostly in emails where it just doesn't work properly and I have to switch to the built in keyboard. Not sure why, it's definitely a bug but not a consistent one to measure.
This is a bug they're aware of.
I emailed flicktype support about this when IOS 14 first came out, they're aware of it but it's a bug Apple need to fix not them unfortunately.
As much as I love this keyboard, (and I really do) I wish there was an easier way to access quotation marks. I like to write stories so I use them quite a lot.
App being discontinued
I downloaded FlickType and discovered that this keyboard is being discontinued. I also couldn't use it. This is sad because I really wanted to try it! I'm new to AppleVis posting, so I'd like to thank you guys for writing about your interesting experiences with apple products and apps, and am glad I can now contribute to these discussions.
Good news, with one small caveat…
Good news folks, today has seen an update to FlickType which now makes it VoiceOver friendly with ios seventeen. Previously this wasn't possible. I still use it so regularly that my primary phone is still on ios sixteen, but I updated my old phone to seventeen so can confirm FlickType is stable again. The one small caveat however is that the two finger double tap gesture to access numbers isn't working yet. Hopefully this is a relatively quick and easy fix and Kosta will be able to release a quick bug fix update for this. It's still by far the best typing solution for VoiceOver in my opinion. And yes, I type this message using FlickType!