Google Docs: Sync, Edit, Share


Description of App

Create, edit, and collaborate with others on documents from your iPod, iPhone, or iPad with the free Google Docs app. With Google Docs you can:

* Create new documents or edit any that were created on the web or on another device
* Share documents and work together with others in the same document at the same time
* Open, edit, and save Microsoft Word documents
* Get stuff done anytime -- even without an internet connection
* Add and respond to comments
* Never worry about losing your work -- everything is automatically saved as you type
* Protect your documents with a 4-digit passcode



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Appears to be very accissible and easy to use. Great for businesses or school environments that use the Google as their primary source. Love the fact that it can even open the Microsoft Word to view/edit/save.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Developer's Twitter Username



3 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Michael Charlton 2 years 6 months ago



By Devin Prater on Saturday, March 28, 2015 - 17:38

For an accessible app, it sure has some glitches. Any time a letter is entered, and says "selection replaced" and all that. You can't even do spell checking with this app. Come on AppleVis, make better app reviews. Gosh! Don't just flick around! Ugh! I'm so disappointed that people can't actually use an app to do what it was meant for before writing a full review of it!

By AnonyMouse on Saturday, March 28, 2015 - 17:38

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team


Yes, it is quite a simple app and doesn't offer in the way of any spell checking. It is not a fully robust app that one would expect but from what I have seen with it. It does well for being so simple and easy to use. Even the Microsoft Word doesn't offer much with out having to pay for the preium. So this for being FREE. It's alright to use. Plus, the fact it is from Google and it is accessible. Well, is great. Unlike the Google site itself. Which is not so friendly to use.

You mentioned it had problems.

Would you please give me some of the issues that you found so I can make a note of those? Any suggestions would be great.

As for App Entries to have full App Reviews. Umm, I am grateful that any users that take the time to post apps to the AppleVis site is great. So if you would like to make a review on this app. Please feel free to make one and leave them in this App Entry page. ;)

By Devin Prater on Saturday, March 28, 2015 - 17:38

The main problem I have with it is that when using a braille display or keyboard, you cannot access the list of suggested words when using the normal iOS spelling correction functions. Secondly, when entering text in any way, when pressing space, it says "selection replaced," which gets annoying after a while and which is probably an accessibility bug on Google's part anyway. Why must we simply congradulate Google on just making an app accessible? Why let them know that making inferrior products is okay as long as they somewhat work? All I'm asking the community to do is just be very honest in your reviews, please. Just because Google makes something partly work doesn't mean its "very accessible." Many things are "very accessible" but if something as fundamental to wordprocessing as spelling corrections, which is even native to iOS, doesn't word when using a braille display or, more commonly, a bluetooth keyboard, doesn't work, then the app is not completely accessible. Notes like "The app cannot be used to spell-check with any bluetooth keyboard or braille display" very well should be in the comments section of the review, and so should the "selection replaced" problem, which could confuse new users.

By WellF on Monday, December 28, 2020 - 17:38

Does the app has the same keyboard commands of the web version? Are there any major issues for voiceover users?

By Reginald George on Monday, December 28, 2020 - 17:38

I called into Be My Eyes and reported these bugs to Google. For a year now, I found I could edit effectively in Word documents, but not Google docs. I would save in Word format using this app before creating an ew document, and this worked well. Now when you try to backspace over text you have written, or try to delete text, it only says selected item without telling you what you are deleting or backspacing over. Also when editing in Word documents, it won't read punctuation when you move by character. These two issues are making the app basically unusable for me to do anything but reading. This is using the on screen keyboard, ora Bluetooth keyboard. I thought about switching to Word itself, but the last comment from 2017 indicated that he couldn't scroll his documents on a Bluetooth keyboard in Word. I wish someone would keep information on these important productivity apps more up to date. I respect everyone who posts here, and that is why I am reaching out for help.

By Lily Rose on Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 17:38

When I'm writing in Google Docs with my braille display whenever I enter a word it will throw me back to the beginning of the doc, which means I have to scroll/pan all the way to the bottom of the doc or whereever my text is so I can write more. putting the insertion point at the start and an the end again doesn't help. Neither does moving focus out of the edit field and then back in. I thought this was an issue with braille alert messages being on so I turned them off but it still doesn't help.
Can anybody reproduce this or know of a workaround?