Habits with Henry


Description of App

At its heart, Henry is a powerful habit tracker and planner that you can customise to fit your needs. But there's so much more:

• Understand the psychology behind how habits work

• Analyse the impact of each habit on your moods

• Stay motivated with inspirational quotes

• 12 friendly pets to unlock

• Take time to reflect with calming nature sounds

• iOS 14 widgets

And much more.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Henry is a great app for tracking the habits you wish to start and maintain--for just $1.99. Henry is a kitty whose friendly suggestions can help you set up a habit. Or, you can choose to do it yourself manually without guidance on how to create a good habit.

Adding a habit and optional notes is easy to enter in the edit boxes. When you set up a daily habit, all the days of the week are selected by default. . Double-tapping each day deselects the day, and leaving them as they are keeps them selected. You can also set reminders and choose among the built-in reminder sounds and set the time for these reminders. As you complete your habits, you double-tap on the "Done" button by each habit and a little sound plays to log your progress. There is also a "change view" option where you can see how many times you have completed your habits in a week, as well. Habits can be edited or deleted as needed.

, Now, you can select or de-select the days on which you want to schedule your habits. VoiceOver reports the state of the button. The "change" buttons now reflect what item they are tied to. Also, I have discovered that you can re-order your habits with the double-tap and hold and slide up or down to re-order your list. You can find this in settings. I can't say enough about this developer's responsiveness. We need more like him!Also, there are "change" buttons associated wtih items like frequency, date, etc. but it is not immediately evident to which item the change button applies. To a sighted user, these change buttons are below the item to which they refer. I have also written the developer about this and I fully expect he will fix this. This is why I'm rating it with the "interface could be easier to use." That being said, I am using it now and off to a good start!

So, for anyone who's looking to log some habits, this is a great app that needs only a tiny bit more tweaking for use by a totally blind user such as myself. However, I've started eating a salad each day and riding my exercise bike. A streak of two on the way to many more days!

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some minor accessibility issues with this app, but they are easy to deal with.

Other Comments

You can unlock other pets other than Henry the kitty, by completing more habits.

From the developer:
At its heart, Henry is a powerful habit tracker and planner that you can customise to fit your needs. But there's so much more:

• Understand the psychology behind how habits work

• Analyse the impact of each habit on your moods

• Stay motivated with inspirational quotes

• 12 friendly pets to unlock

• Take time to reflect with calming nature sounds

• iOS 14 widgets

And much more.



By Chris on Thursday, January 28, 2021 - 18:55

Hi, all. Now, you can select or de-select the days on which you want to schedule your habits. VoiceOver reports the state of the button. The "change" buttons now reflect what item they are tied to. Also, I have discovered that you can re-order your habits with the double-tap and hold and slide up or down to re-order your list. You can find this in settings. I can't say enough about this developer's responsiveness. We need more like him!

Hey Chris, this is great to hear!

Would you please update the entry to reflect the new state of accessibility, as it's possible that some readers might not scroll down to the comments to learn that things are now even better than first reported ☺️

You simply need to double tap or click on the ‘Edit’ button that's located below the app's name at Heading level 1 on this page.
