SA Contacts Lite


Description of App

ExcelContacts is not only the best way to transfer contacts to and from your iPhone without iTunes---it's the only way! No other app lets you so easily
control your iPhone's most valuable data:
1. Update, modify and maintain your contacts easily and conveniently on your computer using Excel, OpenOffice or any other Excel-compatible application.
2. ExcelContacts sends all of your contacts to you from your iPhone in a convenient zip file by email, USB, or through a webpage seen only on your local
wifi network! Contact photos are sent, too!
3. Never again rely on iTunes as your only local source of back up. Nor do you need to share your contacts with Yahoo or other websites in order to have
a backup. ExcelContacts' zip file contains ALL of your contacts in a convenient, easy format.
4. ExcelContacts protects you from iTunes sync accidents which can delete your contacts if, for example, you no longer have access to an Exchange server.
5. Restoring or changing contacts from the spreadsheet is as simple as uploading the file to your phone via USB, email or web. It couldn't be easier.
6. You can print a hardcopy of your iPhone contacts.
7. You can now export iPhone contacts to an Excel file which can then be imported to Outlook Contacts directly.
8. You can also import contacts from an Excel file that has been exported from Outlook to your iPhone.
9. You can now export/import iPhone contacts to/from a Gmail CSV-format file(UTF-8 encoded or Unicode encoded).
10. You can upload export files to Dropbox/SkyDrive/Google Drive or download import files from Dropbox/SkyDrive/Google Drive.
11. You can password protect your export file.
12. All Contact fields except Ringtones can be exported/imported.
13. You can organise your contacts into groups easily on a spreadsheet and also assign a contact to multiple groups.
14. You can remove all iPhone contacts or groups before importing your organized contacts.
15. ExcelContacts can support 30,000+ contact entries.
16. All column headers and labels in the Excel file are localized.
17. Export/Import contacts to/from a VCF file.
18. Backup contacts before import.
19. Export an Excel file with all photos included - this makes the contacts in your spreadsheet look better.
20. Manage groups easily. You can now create, edit, delete groups and add contacts to groups.
21. Import your own file by mapping column headers to contact fields.
22. Specify your own column headers in export process.
23. The lite version allow you to export or import first 300 entries, The full version has no limit.

Tutorial videos on youtube is now available (KEYWORD: “samyuapp”).

More detail and up-to-date help guides are available in



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

So far in my testing this app appears to be quite accessible, though I have not explored all of the myriad options it provides. It is very useful if you are looking for a quick way of gaining access to your contacts for editing on the computer after downloading an Excel file. You can also import contacts from an Excel file into your device with this app.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

The light version should be sufficient for most users as it allows up to 300 rows of Excel data. Beyond this limit you have to shell out $1.99! As I pointed out earlier, the app appears to be quite accessible to me but if you find any problems please do share with the community.


1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Rajesh Malik 10 years 3 months ago



By Hey-June on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 - 18:34

I let my phone update this app to the the latest version renamed "SA Contacts" and have found multiple unlabelled buttons. There are also pages in the app that are not explained in the manual and do not have enough explanation on them to know how to proceed.

Unfortunately, I learned this AFTER going through three-quarters of an import. I'm hoping a sighted person can help me finish it successfully. Otherwise, I shudder to think what a mess my Contacts are...
June I.