Spark Mail – Smart Email Inbox


Description of App

“App Store Best of 2015” - Apple.

Spark makes it easy to work through your inbox faster than ever before. No matter if it's one new message or hundreds, you can do it in a couple of minutes.
Moreover, Spark is fun, friendly and fully customizable!

"Spark for iPhone is a fast, smart way to manage your email" - The Verge.

"I’ve been using Spark for about a week and it’s finally become my default mail client." - TechCrunch.

"Spark is a new email app that does a lot right." - LifeHacker.

Smart Inbox automatically detects if an email is personal, a notification or a newsletter and groups it with similar emails for easy processing. With just
a glance, you can see if emails are important or just a product announcement from a service you've never used.

We all love the feeling of accomplishment when we have finally dealt with our inbox. Spark makes this easy to achieve. Quickly process your emails, swiping
to archive or delete as necessary. Pin emails which relate to things you need to do today, or quickly swipe left to archive those you've already dealt
with. If you can't finish a task today, swipe to snooze for tomorrow or another day (if you're really busy).

Quick replies let you reply to a message with just a tap. Like an email, say thanks, or send a smile by tapping the relevant button at the bottom of any
email. This is especially handy on Apple Watch, where you can quickly reply to an email on your wrist. Need a longer reply? Just dictate!

A few more reasons to love Spark:

See all of your important email at a glance, with a unified inbox which knows the difference between a personal email, a notification and a newsletter.

Use natural language to search through your emails. Type "attachments from Alex last week" to see all the emails sent to you last week by Alex with an

Quickly swipe between signatures when composing an email, to choose the one that's best suited.

Integrate Sparks with tools like Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Readability, Pocket, Evernote and OneNote to easily attach files from these services
to your emails.

Let your friends and colleagues quickly know what you thought about their email with one tap to send a "Like", "Thanks" or "Smile reply.

Enable Smart Notifications to only be disturbed by emails you care about.

Save attachments to iCloud Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Readability, Pocket, Evernote, OneNote or any application on your iPhone.

Need to refer to an email at a later date? Save it as a PDF to view later on your iPhone or save it to the cloud to access anywhere.

Customize Spark's widgets and sidebars to match your workflow.

Add the calendar widget to quickly see all of your event invitations at a glance. Respond to invitations and save them to your phone's calendar with just
a tap.

Quickly manage and reply to your emails from your wrist. Tap one of our quick responses or dictate a longer message, all while your phone stays in your

Sparks is designed to look great on your iPhone and Apple Watch. The content of your emails is always the priority.

We've spent over 18 months sweating every detail and interaction of Spark. We hope that you'll love using it as much as we loved making it!

You are going to like your email again.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

The very first screen on opening this app is where you select the type of email account that you would like to add. This screen was totally inaccessible, so already the signs weren’t good.

After getting some sighted help with setting up an email account, it was disappointing to see that the main area of the app was little better in terms of accessibility - lots of unlabeled buttons and elements. And, although parts of actual email messages were accessible, the list of email messages gave zero audio feedback as you moved through it.

When navigating folders, I was not able to find mail folders that I know to exist. So, clearly there are other problems too.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads a few page elements.

Button Labeling

Few buttons are clearly labeled.


Some parts of the app are accessible with VoiceOver, but not enough to make it usable.

Developer's Twitter Username




By Matthew Whitaker on Sunday, March 28, 2021 - 17:38

Hello. Has this app gotten better with improvements with Voiceover? Also, it's available for Mac and Android. A version for Windows is coming soon.

By Mr Potato Head on Sunday, March 28, 2021 - 17:38

Sorry, but I've not felt inclined to revisit this app since posting the entry. I did just now look through its recent release notes, and saw nothing to make me believe that things have improved.

Hopefully somebody with more recent experience of this app will be along shortly to prove me wrong.

It's ok. No worries. Hopefully the developer or developers will make it more accessible. This has some great features. :-)

By KE8UPE on Sunday, March 28, 2021 - 17:38

I just tweeted them, and mentioned applevis. I will write again here, if they respond.

By KE8UPE on Sunday, March 28, 2021 - 17:38

Hi, The developers of Spark tweeted, & said that voiceover is not on their roadmap at this time.

This is very disappointing, & I believe we have some serious advocacy to do.