

Description of App

STREAKS. The to-do list that helps you form good habits.
Apple Design Awards winner 2016.

“I've now reduced my coffee intake by 70% with Streaks, something I struggled with for 5 years. It's a life changing app to me.” - Otávio, Chicago.
“I was smoking 15 cigarettes each day. Streaks helped me to quit smoking by reducing and then eliminating my daily use.” - Ben, Adelaide.

* Featured in Apple's "Best of 2015" apps
* Featured in Apple's "Amazing Apps for iPhone" TV advert
* Featured on the Apple Watch web site
* Preinstalled on demo iPhones in Apple Stores worldwide

Track up to six tasks you want to complete every day. Your goal is to build a streak of consecutive days. Streaks works with the Apple Health app to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Six tasks: Stay focused, get them done.


* Streaks automatically knows when you complete tasks linked to the Health app
* Includes a blazingly fast Apple Watch app, including Complications, Glance screen, and Rich Notifications.
* Customize the app color
* Hundreds of icons to choose from
* Customizable reminder notifications keeps you on track
* View your current and best streak, as well as your completion statistics

If you have any questions, suggestions or other feedback, please email [email protected], or tweet us @TheStreaksApp.

If you like Streaks, please leave us a review! Reviews are reset every time we release an update so we rely on your ongoing support.


On supported devices, Streaks reads your walking/running data with your permission to determine completion of your tasks. All data is accessed in full accordance with the iOS app review rules set by Apple. Please read our privacy policy at for more information on our use of data.

Step and distance data is only available automatically when using an iPhone 5S or newer, or using an accessory that writes to the Health app such as Apple Watch. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This app is fully accessible. The developer made some interesting design choices that aren't typical of common app interfaces, but those design choices are fully accessible. For example, when you have a task you want to track, when you double tap the task, it cycles between the three different views: calendar, details, and task. To mark the task as complete for the day or week or whatever, you have to do a double tap and hold. Streaks does have an easy to use Apple Watch app that is also fully accessible.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

The purpose of this app, unlike other reminder style apps, is to specifically promote good habits. It is easy to pick from built-in tasks, or to make your own. You can choose to have to complete the task a certain number of times a week, on specific days, or every other day. The app integrates with the health app and notifications. However, the app does not actually collect health data such as heart rate, steps, etc.

Developer's Twitter Username



1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Sam N 8 years 2 months ago



By DarkLordMark on Saturday, January 28, 2017 - 18:08

I contacted this developer many months ago in hopes of his making this app accessible and he was great. He added me as a beta tester on test flight and really worked to fix the problems had for users who were using Voice Over. Probably the most responsive developer I have worked with!

By StephenAlex on Monday, January 28, 2019 - 18:08


I am looking for information on how to move tasks from one page to another. When I open up the task edit screen Voiceover doesn't detect any tasks for me to interact with and drag to the other page. Any help would be much appreciated.