Dwell: Audio Bible


Description of App

Fall in love with listening to the Bible.

Listening has been our focus from the beginning. Our app offers 4 brand new recordings of the Bible, each showcasing a unique and inspiring voice. We’ve also made the Bible easily explorable. Quickly access Scripture through popular Passages, Stories, Themed Playlists, even Listening Plans. Or listen the more traditional way, book by book.

What makes Dwell so unique is that you can switch voices and background music on the fly without losing your place in the audio. Plus, every book, story, playlist, and plan is accompanied by beautiful artwork. Download Dwell and enjoy a world-class​ listening experience of the most important book in history: the Bible.

Listen free with occasional in-house ads, or get Dwell Premium.

Dwell Free: Features
• Access to 1 voice for listening to Scripture
• Hear occasional ads

Dwell Premium: Features
• Unlocks all 4 unique and inspiring voices for Scripture listening
• Interruption-free listening
• See below for Pricing and Terms

What makes Dwell Unique?

• Listening Plans
Listen to the Proverbs in 30 Days, Romans in 7 Days, or the Parables of Jesus in 14 Days, and many more.

• Stories
The Bible is filled with many amazing stories. Our user-friendly Stories section will help you begin listening to one in seconds.

• Playlists
Listen to thoughtfully curated Scripture playlists on perennial themes like hope, discipleship, salvation, and others.

• Passages
Listen to some of the watershed passages found in Scripture. Soak in the Sermon on the Mount, Romans 8, Psalm 119, Colossians 3 and more with the tap of a finger.

• Voices
When you go Unlimited you unlock all four of our signature Scripture readers and can switch between them "on the fly" while listening.

• Music
If you wish, listen to originally composed music underneath the Bible narration. Don't worry. It doesn't distract, but instead draws you into the text.

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Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

VoiceOver works perfectly with this app! I have no trouble finding and listening to audio. They have also made a commitment to accessibility on their FAQ page.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

I have quickly made this my audio bible of choice.

Developer's Twitter Username



3 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Casey 3 months ago



By gregg on Monday, October 22, 2018 - 17:28

I have not subscribed to premium, but the free version is not complete. Most of the books are there, but not all of them. For most listeners, the included books should be adequate. The reading plans are well done. The app is easy to use with VoiceOver.Reading enjoyment, yes. For a reference to prepare a sermon, no.

By gailisaiah on Monday, October 22, 2018 - 17:28

I'm not sure what version of the Bible is used. The readers are good. But, I am so used to Alexander Scourby. He's my favorite Bible (King James Version) reader. Maybe he could be added?

By Karok on Monday, October 22, 2018 - 17:28

from reading the website of dwell, it seems the ESV (english standard version) is being used, but they intend i believe to add more bibles and languages.

By Casey on Monday, October 22, 2018 - 17:28

I can say for sure that more books and versions of the bible are coming. Can't say when. Also memorization options will eventually be added as well. New background music is added each quarter if memory serves...

I doubt if he could be added. He did his reading in the nineteen fifties, and is now dead. I doubt if that reading could legally be added to an app that is not specifically for NLS patrons. Another reason is that he died.

By Shersey on Monday, October 22, 2018 - 17:28

I think I've seen his narrations being sold on-line, so I don't see why they couldn't be added to the app.


I don't imagine he'd be added to this app as he has his own app in the app store which if memory serves might already have a review on AppleVis. As for the Dwell app I've recently discovered and am strongly considering purchasing the paid version as it does seem very accessible. One can never have too many tools at one's disposal. Here's to having options.