Ask Weezy: And Each Other

Description of App

"This app is awesome! I've made tons of friends for life! Everyone can be themselves and no one judges." "Super Amazing! Our Place gives you such great advice. The kids on here are super cool and nice and it always feels like a safe place to go. I Loooooooveee this app. You should get it :D "It's such an amazing app and you can ask absolutely anything without being judged. It's the best place to get advice, share your feelings, your creativity or when you just want a little love on a bad day. I think everyone should have it!!!!" Our Place is a Social and Support and Creativity Network for Teens and Tweens, featuring expert advice from Teen Specialist, Louise Palanker Our Place is designed to encourage and reward Cyber Kindness, cooperation, and compassion. At Our Place, teens are talking about: life, love, boys, girls, dating, flirting, friends, bullies, parents, school, family, gay issues, puberty, sex, fears, depression, dramas and dreams. The more advice you give and receive, the more awesome you will feel about yourself and your place in the world. And growing up advice is just the beginning. At Our Place, kids also share creativity, music, stories, poetry, journalism, art, photography, videos and more. Our Place is closely monitored by adults and we encourage Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Teachers to join and lend your wisdom. First and foremost, Our Place is a Safe Space for kids. We are all about Cyber Kindness. Plus, At Our Place, you also get: 
  • Your own, personal, lockable Ask Me Diary with prompting questions to help you gather and compose your daily thoughts.
  • A weekly video podcast, Our Place Out Loud, featuring Louise Palanker and a panel of interesting and thoughtful teens who, together to discuss the questions that come into Our Place from you, our friends and Place Pals.
  • An award winning novel called Journals: Middle School Love & War. The first chapter is free and then the book is yours for a 99 cents in store purchase.
Our Place is focussed around the joy, excitement and confusion of growing up. Inside Our Place there are already thousands of questions, answers and member interactions. Start reading, make new friends, understand that you are not alone and join the conversation at Our Place.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

everything is accessible except for the diary. i talked to the head of the app, and she said she would talk to the programers about fixing the VO issue.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some accessibility issues with this app, but it can still be used if you are willing to tolerate these issues and learn how to work around them.

Other Comments

This app is great for everyone. While there are strict rules, it is a great way to make friends and help others. The head of the app worked with an app bulding company to create this app, and i'm impressed with its accessibility.

Developer's Twitter Username



1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by TheDoctoress 11 years 7 months ago
