Colloquy - IRC Client

Description of App

Colloquy for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch puts the power of the most popular IRC client for the Mac in the palm of your hand. Built atop the Chat Core framework, Colloquy Mobile is a full featured client optimized for the on-the-go experience with iOS 4 multitasking support.

Unique Features:

  • Support for iOS 4 multitasking with local notifications.
  • Push notifications when using a compatable push bouncer.
  • Convenient nickname and emoticon completion popups.
  • Support for all the common IRC commands with completion.
  • Organized Colloquies view that shows all your conversations and rooms at a glance.
  • Highlights messages (and optionally vibrates) when your specific words or nickname is mentioned.
  • Highly customizable interface and behavior settings within the Settings application.
  • Built-in browser for clicked links and commands for quick Google, Wikipedia and Amazon searches.
  • Visual display of user information (WHOIS) for any user.
  • Full support for landscape mode in the entire application.
  • Stays connected while iPhone is locked and when SMS alerts appear.
  • Searchable room member list.

Standard Features:

  • Multiple message styles to choose from.
  • Fully compatible with mIRC colors and formatting.
  • Large selection of graphical emoticons.
  • Allows you to join multiple chat rooms across many different servers.
  • Automatic identification with network services (NickServ).
  • Notification of common server errors as easy-to-understand alerts.
  • Automatically join rooms and send commands upon connect.
  • Solid support for secure connections over SSL.
  • Full support for room and connection text encodings.
  • Open minded and Open source, like it should be.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Accessibility Comments

With the release of version 1.3.2, new messages and events are now spoken when VoiceOver is enabled. When accessibility issues are found, the developer fixes them inthe next release.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.



By Jesus R on Saturday, November 21, 2015 - 23:18

Just wondering since the discription of the app seems a little out of date, is this app still accessible? I'm wondering about iPhone and iPad.
Thank you