
Description of App

Explore, connect and share your interests with real people. Whether you’re looking for a spark of inspiration with reels or want to dive deeper into something you already love with Marketplace or in groups, you can discover ideas, experiences and people that fuel your interests and help you make progress on the things that matter to you on Facebook.

Explore and expand your interests

  • Shop for affordable and uncommon stuff on Marketplace and take your hobbies to the next level

  • Personalize your Feed to see more of what you like, less of what you don’t

  • Watch reels for quick entertainment that sparks inspiration

  • Discover creators, small businesses and communities who can help you dive deeper into the things you care about

Connect with people and communities

  • Join groups to learn tips and tricks from real people who’ve been there, done that

  • Catch up with friends, family and influencers through Feed and stories

  • Share the things that matter to you with easy in-app access to your Messenger chats

Share your world

  • Effortlessly create reels from trending templates, or let your creativity shine with a full suite of editing tools

  • Customize your profile to choose how you show up and who you share your posts with

  • Turn your hobby into a side hustle by becoming a creator or selling things on Marketplace

  • Celebrate everyday, candid moments with stories, which disappear in 24 hours



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This app is mostly accessible with VoiceOver.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some minor accessibility issues with this app, but they are easy to deal with.

Developer's Twitter Username



19 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Michael Hansen 10 months 2 weeks ago



By Misty Dawn on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 03:28

It seems that, with the latest FB update, I can no longer hear VoiceOver read my notifications. (I am using an iPhone 5.)

When I click the "Notifications" tab (which still does tell me how many notifications I have), and then when I try to put my finger over my top notification, all I hear is "two-finger double-tap to interact" and nothing else. When I do this, nothing happens.

Is anyone else having this issue? Is there any workaround? Is FB aware of the problem.

So sick of people saying they're committed to accessibility yet not testing it before they put out a release...

By Misty Dawn on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 03:28

Yes, with iPhone 5

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 03:28

I heard theya re fixing it, but we'll see when that happens. It sometimes take sthem 2 months to fi a simple button which to me is not acceptable. Keep reporting them the issue every update.

By splyt on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 03:28

So sick of people saying they're committed to accessibility yet not testing it before they put out a release..

Apple, the platform regulator, doesn't do it. What will the third part developpers do? They won't care.

This is yet another facet of the way Apple is dealing with quality assurance. If the platform at all and specially the accessibility requirements start to loose the quality baseline, it will affect all developpers on it.
This is what happens with Google and Microsoftt, if they don't ccare, who will care?

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 03:28

As a beta tester and programmer I can say that I disagree with your statement.

I coded soemthign that worked on my machienand about 5 or 6 othrs. All of us were using different cinfigs. so I released what ever it was to the public and it all broke and got shot to hades. Accessibility was broken, yet it still worked on our machines so think about that next time.

By splyt on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 03:28

As a programmer I make mistakes.
As a ful company with all kinds of automated tests frameworks plus lots of resources for making my own if what exists is not enough I **** should not **** make mistakes, specially because we're not working withh some new, complex algorithm, bbut ratter with a client of some kind of API that does the work and lets the presentation to be coded by thhe app itself.
I have coded with and without testing frameworks, for big and small projects, for me and for companies, and only because I can make a mistake that won't show up in five machines I do not say that it's not possible to have a high structured, automated environment with a strong set of QA related processes that ensures the wanted quality. Any programmer / engineer with little to intermediate knoledge of IT should be aware of what can / can not be done in professional software dev.

By raaj on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 03:28

Hello lovely people,

As I've noticed for a few days, I can see many of the third party clients stopped working with posting/viewing/editing the statuses. Will it going to be this way further? Or are we going to get them all back for the third party clients like earlier after a certain period of time?

Any news about it? kindly update me please.


By Darren12 on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 03:28

I confess I find this app very frustrating. It is unresponsive and routinely crashes when you are flicking through your profile of previous posts.

By Mark on Friday, May 29, 2015 - 03:28

In reply to by Darren12

I seem to have the same issue with my Facebook app as well. I'm running iOS 8.3 and the latest update to Facebook. When scrolling through my status's the app seems to freeze for a split second then tries to rapidly catch up to where I should be.

By Macky on Friday, May 29, 2015 - 03:28

Okay, I think we have all had enough of the dot product situation now... Surely it's an easy fix?

By splyt on Friday, May 29, 2015 - 03:28

The dot product is Apple's fault not facebook's for what it is.

VO did not recognize this character, now it does.
Facebook uses it for some reazon. While it's not cool listenning to it, the screen reader should provide a dictionary where the pronunciation rules might be configured in a per application schemma.
No developper can be forced to do something only because tghe screen reader behaves in a way. If the character is being recognized which I supose is good and it is not been spoken properly by the screen reader in a given application is something to be addressed by the screen reader developper, Apple in this case.
More important are two other questions, if external clients are or will be allowed by FB and if notifications are again fixed.

By Maya on Friday, May 29, 2015 - 03:28

Hello everyone. Talking about facebook issues, I am getting really disappointed because Facebook team just keeps saying that bugs will be fixed in the next update, but it really does not seem to be true. What is the point of bringing new version every two weeks when bugs are stil there? For example in the current version there is a bug with operator sign. Another bug, at least for me, is that I am stil not getting push notifications on my iphone when I get group posts or close friends post although everything is turned on to get notifications. I must say that it worked absolutely fine for me, but it was a few versions back. Another feature I really liked about IOS APP was the fact that in the past, about a year ago, IOS app used to have a function so when you clicked on a post from your friend, a page or a group, you got straight to the profile and timeline, and you could go through recent posts of a particular person, page or group. Mobile version of Facebook stil has the function, but in IOS app when you click (double tap with one finger) on a particular post, you can only read the post and then like, share or coment on the post. But you get almost the same plus some more options when you do two fingers double tap. I do not understand the point of having two gestures to access the same options. I've got a feeling that each new Facebook release brings much more bugs than fixes, but is is just my opinion.

By Misty Dawn on Friday, May 29, 2015 - 03:28

Have an iPhone 5 with iOS 8.3 and it looks like you can now accessibly view Notifications.

All I had to do was "two-finger double-tap to interact"! (Yes, it actually worked this time and revealed all my notifications!)

By KE7ZUM on Friday, May 29, 2015 - 03:28

Hmm. I've never had to do that. It just appears. No 2 finger double anything for me..


Well, I still have an iPhone 5, so not sure if that makes a difference. What is annoying for me is that it's one extra step. I don't understand why FB couldn't just show us our notifications like we used to have them instead of having to "two-finger double-tap to interact" every time we bring up the notifications screen before we can view them.

By KE7ZUM on Friday, May 29, 2015 - 03:28

I dont' have to do a 2 finger anything. it just works for me. Again I think I'm just lucky in that I don't get the role outs like everyone else does.

By April on Monday, June 29, 2015 - 03:28

Club AppleVis Member

I'm a little embarrassed that I only just decided to try to wade into the accessibility mess and join facebook. Way to be ten years behind the curve I guess... That said, I see that most of my issues have been mentioned here, but I'm having one major one that I didn't find help on so far.

When attempting to update my profile and add workplaces or other such info the popup menus are automatically closing on me as soon as I open them. I'll start typing a business, tap on the name to bring up matches, hear the chime that indicates a menu has opened, and then touching the screen anywhere in any fashion closes it again. It's making me a lil' crazy.

Am I just doing something wrong or did I set something wrong with VO? Any help would be fantastic.

If it's of any use, the date-pickers etc don't give me any trouble, just that one object type.

By Saqib on Wednesday, July 29, 2015 - 03:28

Hi. My Facebook app no longer lets me check in as it keeps telling me to turn location services on on the check in page. I've already have Location services turned on and in the list of most recent activities! Facebook isn't listed in there. I have uninstalled it and downloaded the app twice over the last week and I haven't had Facebook working how it use to. I now have to use Safari if I want to check in to a place.

By Misty Dawn on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 03:28

Is anyone else having a problem now where you can't view posts on your profile and all it says is "friends" plus a number and "photos" plus a number?

Any workarounds to this?

If other folks are having the issue, has anyone contacted Facebook about this?

Hi Misty Dawn the profile issue exists as you describe for me too. I'll contact them but meanwhile I'm just using PC for profiles. Have you tried m.facebook.com in the browser?

By treky fan on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 03:28

After the past two or three updates to the facebook app, I've noticed that when posting a status update, the area where you can pick an activity is no longer usable with voiceover. After writing what you want the status update to say, double tap on say what you are doing. The catigories such as feeling, eating, and drinking to name a few come up as they always have. After selecting one of these catigories, voiceover just reads the list again, instead of the choices in the selected catigory. Does anybody know how this can be fixed, or know of any workarounds

By KE7ZUM on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 03:28

Nope I just discovered this and put up a audio boon to @fbaccess

Take care.

By Misty Dawn on Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 03:28

Has anyone else had an experience both on the app and on the Facebook website where they ask you to do something visual such as a CAPTCHA or identifying pictures to check to make sure you are who you say you are? I've gotten this twice already today and there seems to be no audio equivalent!

If this is true, I think we all need to write Facebook's supposed accessibility team to let them know that they are discriminating against blind people by not providing an audio equivalent to their security checks.

By Michael Hansen on Sunday, November 29, 2015 - 03:28

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

According to this post from Facebook's Accessibility Team, the Facebook app now supports Dynamic Type for low vision users.

Unfortunately, since Facebook uses the same generic release notes for every update, it's not entirely clear whether this change is something made with version 43.0 (released 5 November 2015) or something activated through an in-place update.

By Misty Dawn on Sunday, November 29, 2015 - 03:28

Has anyone else experienced this app not wanting to update to the latest version?

My App Store keeps saying I have one item available and, when I click "Updates" and try updating Facebook, which is the one item shown as needing to update, the "Update" button just dims briefly and then goes back to the regular "Update" button.

I've tried hitting "update All" and the same thing happens with Facebook.

Has anyone else been experiencing this? If so, is ther a workaround?

By Misty Dawn on Sunday, November 29, 2015 - 03:28

For about the past few weeks or so, I've had a Facebook update under my App Store app. When I've tried hitting the update button to do it manually, the button dims for a moment and then goes back to the way it was without updating.

Anyone else having this issue? Is there a workaround?

By DPinWI on Friday, April 29, 2016 - 03:28

I keep getting lock screen notifications of a pending poke. I have a few friends I used to have poke wars with, and I would like to poke whoever this is back.

However, I cannot find anyway to figure out who it is, let alone poke someone.

Does anyone have a clue as to how pokes work with the iOS app?

By KE7ZUM on Friday, April 29, 2016 - 03:28

Try going to the notification screen and tapping the pokes section. I don't poke people on fb as I personally don't see the point.

By DPinWI on Friday, April 29, 2016 - 03:28

I don't find a poke section in notifications. Where is it?

By KE7ZUM on Friday, April 29, 2016 - 03:28

You will find it someware. It used to say something like x and 30 others poked you. If that disappeared I would not know where that is anymore. As I stated I have not used that in about the almost 10 years I've had a facebook, since 2008 so I don't miss it so much. Actually I turned that notification off on the website therefore it's off on my phone's notifications as well.

By DPinWI on Friday, April 29, 2016 - 03:28

If I could find it, I would have by now. I have looked. I must be missing something, or they moved it to some obscure location.

By lelia on Friday, April 29, 2016 - 03:28

In reply to by DPinWI

When reading your notifications you should see your polks as a part of your notifications.

By DPinWI on Friday, April 29, 2016 - 03:28

I don't see anything about pokes in my notification list, despite being nagged by the app that i have outstanding pokes. I will try uninstalling and reinstalling.

It's not that big of a deal, just a little frustrating.

By KE7ZUM on Friday, April 29, 2016 - 03:28

I just turned that off in the settings under facebook then more so yeah if it did disappear I wouldn't notice.


By Daniel Parker on Friday, July 29, 2016 - 03:28

Friends search still doesn't work correctly. All we see are "add friend" buttons and no links to profiles. Major problem.

Also, I think many would appreciate it if Facebook would do a little typing and put the "What's New" section to use...

By Callum Stoneman on Monday, August 29, 2016 - 03:28

Hi all,

For some reason, I'm now no longer receiving any push notifications from Facebook at all. Everything is configured properly both on my iOS settings and in Facebook itself, but still I get nothing.

The thing that makes this even more annoying though is, because push notifications weren't working I went back to using text message notifications, and these are not working either, again despite everything being set correctly. Even disconnecting my account from iOS and reinstalling the Facebook app hadn't helped. Anyone else having this issue? Very annoying

By Bingo Little on Monday, May 29, 2017 - 03:28

Hi all,

So now it seems I cannot post. With the latest version of Facebook I see there is what appears to be a mandatory audience selector when you post. So after updating your status you select the 'next' button and are presented with a screen to choose your audience. This has a 'choose friends' option and then a list of all the groups you are subscribed to. There's no option to select all friends, and the only way out of the audience selector seems to take you back into the previous screen. There doesn't seem to be an option to post without goingng into the audience selector either.can anyone help here? I have my default selection set in privacy settings to 'friends', why doesn't it go with that anymore? Do I have to select all my friends individually using this audience selector now? any assistance would be greatly appreciated because I just don't see how to post anything at the moment.

By Maya on Monday, May 29, 2017 - 03:28

I would like to ask you for help.
I've been having issues with Facebook app.
I use Voiceover,, Iphone 6 (64 GB), latest version of IOS and latest version of Facebook app.
I have been having issues with scrolling Facebook pages timelines.
When I open, for example:
click on "Posts" and scrolling pages by swiping up with three fingers to see more posts, the app gets stuck and I cannot scroll pages any more to see older posts.
It persists for more than six months and it's frustrating not being able to check older posts on any Facebook page.
This issue doesn't happen with posts in the Facebook groups or main news feed, it does happen with Facebook pages only.
I did the following to try to get the issue fixed:
1. I did reset the phone by pressing and holding "Home" button and "Power" button.
2. I uninstalled Facebook app and installed it back.
3. The last option I tried was to do phone factory settings, set the phone as a new device and installed Facebook app again; there were no other apps installed except the default apps being preinstalled with IOs and Facebook app.
NOTHING I've mentioned above has fixed the issue with FB pages posts.
Please, does anyone know what else can I try?
I've reported the issue to Facebook accessibility team several times, but it seems they don't listen again.
Please would anyone help and test it and report it to Facebook team in case it doesn't work?
Thank you in advance; any kind of help would be appreciated.

By Callum Stoneman on Monday, May 29, 2017 - 03:28

So, as Bingo Little pointed out above, the latest surprise is that the post button in the new audience selector is not picked up by VoiceOver. I've been doing a bit of playing around and have found a bit of a workaround for this issue, but it is quite complicated and requires a bit of trial and error.

<lI>Type your status and double-tap on the next button.</li>
<li>When the audience selector comes up, move your finger to the right of the "Select audience" heading, so your finger should now be just below the battery indicator. Turn off VoiceOver, doing your best to keep your finger in the same position, and do a single tap.</li>
<li>After tapping to the right of the "select audience" heading, turn VoiceOver on and perform a four finger tap towards the bottom of the screen, to take you to the last element on the screen. There should now be an unlabelled button, which will simply be read as "button". This is the post button. Double-tap this and your status should post as normal.</li>
<li>If you hear a "more" button rather than an unlabelled button, repeat step 2 a few times, trying your best to keep your finger on the very top right of the screen, just below the battery indicator..</li>
Quite complicated, but it does work for me. I will tweet the accessibility team a link to this thread so they're aware of the issue.

Maya - yep, the issue you mentioned has been around for a while. I understand you trying to fix it by resetting the phone with the home and power button and by reinstalling the app, however restoring the phone back to factory settings and setting it up as new is unlikely to fix issues like this. If it was a pre-installed app from Apple, such as Mail, Calendar, Messages etc then maybe, but these are third party apps and an issue as specific as this is unlikely to be fixed with a restore. Just wanted to save you some time in the future :)

By Fluffymaster on Monday, May 29, 2017 - 03:28

I only get notifications when someone posted a comment on my post or liked it, but I don't get a notification if one of my friends posted something on hiss or her timeline.
What's the problem?

By Joseph on Monday, May 29, 2017 - 03:28

Ugh. al these issues really are making me want to just uninstall the app. Even reporting the problems to he accessibility team hasn't worked. Good lord.

By Teresa blaes on Monday, May 29, 2017 - 03:28

I can navigate the app, and even go live, but is there a way to know whitch way the camra is facing? thanks, Teresa

By Kerby on Monday, May 29, 2017 - 03:28

You have to mark your friend as a close friend to see notifications of posts from them. Do this by going to their fb page then hit friends then edit friend lists and select close friends then hit the done button.

By Brennen on Monday, May 29, 2017 - 03:28

hi is there any good alternative Facebook apps Facebook has become a real Spacehog on my phone and deleting it and reinstalling it does not do any good can someone please help me

By Bingo Little on Thursday, June 29, 2017 - 03:28

OK I've tried the work-around suggestion. it may be that I'm just not as good at implementing it but it doesn't work at all consistently with me. Sometimes, for example, my posts go to groups rather than to my friends as a whole. The latest update to Facebook (2nd june 2017 I think) has not fixed the problem. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling and nothing changes. This seems to be an issue that not everyone is experiencing, but I sure am experiencing it! If anyone has worked out any other solution do please let me know. I am having to use Siri or SMS to update my status on the go at present.

By Joseph on Thursday, June 29, 2017 - 03:28

No problems here. Running the latest build of iOS on an iPhone SE, as well as the latest build of the fb app. I can find the post button just fine.

By Callum Stoneman on Thursday, June 29, 2017 - 03:28

The fact that some people are having this problem and others are not is very strange. For those that are, there are a few other workarounds as well as the one I posted the other day.

If you are using a device that supports 3D touch, performing a 3D touch on the Facebook app and then clicking "Write post" seems to bring up the old posting screen, with the normal post button instead of the next button. Don't ask me why this works, but it does, at least for me anyway.

Another option is to use Siri, providing you're logged into Facebook on iOS itself, which I think happens automatically when you log into the Facebook app, you can say "Post to Facebook" and Siri should ask you what you want to write.

And finally, another thing you can do is go into the notes app on iOS, create a new note and in the text field, simply place a space or new line, so that the note is blank. Next, click "Share note" and then Facebook. You will then see the iOS sharing screen where you can type your status, check in, tag friends etc, then click post when you're done. From what I can tell, although I have no vision at all so I could be missing something, this does not actually share anything from the notes app.

I know it shouldn't be as complicated as this, and hopefully it will be fixed in the next update.

By Bingo Little on Thursday, June 29, 2017 - 03:28

Well done! Yes 3D Touch works, at least until the next update or maybe the one after that takes it away. Siri also works (tried that one earlier) though you can't check in with Siri I don't think. Haven't tried the notes app but it makes sense what you say about it. Thanks for your help.

By JoshNyc on Friday, December 29, 2017 - 03:28

If I select Settings under the Navigation tab and then select the Account Settings option I am receiving a blank screen with Voiceover except for the Back button at the top and the tabs at the bottom.

Is anyone else experiencing this? I’m on an iPhone 7 Plus using the latest iOS.