Gmail - Email by Google

Description of App

The official Gmail app brings the best of Gmail to your iPhone or iPad with robust security, real-time notifications, multiple account support, and search that works across all your mail.

With the Gmail app, you can:

• Make Gmail your default email app on iOS

• Automatically block more than 99.9 percent of spam, phishing, malware, and dangerous links from ever reaching your inbox

• Undo send, to prevent embarrassing mistakes

• Turn on Google Chat to connect, create and collaborate with others

• Get more done as a group in Spaces - a dedicated place for organizing people, topics, and projects

• Enjoy high quality video calling with Google Meet

• Respond to emails quickly with Smart Reply suggestions

• Switch between multiple accounts

• Get notified of new mail fast, with notification center, badge, and lock screen options

• Search your mail faster with instant results, predictions as you type, and spelling suggestions

• Organize your mail by labeling, starring, deleting, and reporting spam

• Swipe to archive/delete, to quickly clear out your inbox

• Read your mail with threaded conversations

• Auto-complete contact names as you type from your Google contacts or your phone

• Respond to Google Calendar invites right from the app

Gmail is part of Google Workspace, allowing you and your team to easily connect, create, and collaborate. You can:

• Connect with coworkers via Google Meet or Google Chat, send an invite in Calendar, add an action to your task list, and more without leaving Gmail

• Use suggested actions — like Smart Reply, Smart Compose, grammar suggestions, and nudges — to help you stay on top of work and take care of simple tasks, so you can be more efficient with your time

• Stay safe. Our machine learning models block more than 99.9% of spam, phishing, and malware from reaching our users



Free or Paid

Free With In-App Purchase

Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This app does work great with VoiceOver!

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

This app is really cool.
You can easily compose new emails from the gmail app.
At the bottom there are buttons where you can reply, forward and reply all.
If you hit the reply all button a forwarding screen will pop up on your screen.

Developer's Twitter Username



9 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Matt M 2 months 3 weeks ago



By Nina on Monday, August 31, 2015 - 18:39

When I write an email I can't review what I wrote. For example, I'll write something, then for some reason I will go out of the text field. I can hear VoiceOver reading everything, but when I try to use the rotor to move by word, character, or line it doesn't do anything.
Is this a bug? If so, is there a developer contact info? Are other's experiencing something similar? Or any suggestions?

By Kerry Fielding on Sunday, July 31, 2016 - 18:39

Even though I'm hearing what I'm dictating via voiceover people are receiving blank emails from me and I too have the issue where I can't read backthe text that is supposedly in my response or email either.

By Misty Dawn on Thursday, May 31, 2018 - 18:39

I've been thinking of downloading this app to use along with my native Mail app because it contains more Gmail-specific features.

So, I was wondering: how is the current accessibility of this app? Are there still issues reading messages and things like that as stated above?

By Humberto Avila on Thursday, January 31, 2019 - 18:39

I have been recently testing out the Gmail from Google app, and it does seem pretty accessible from the start. There are no issues reading email in the app. You can easily reply and read as well as the message list area is very accessible. That is, with one exception. When you flick to the message list area, VoiceOver will say, "You're all done. Null." This happens even when you have messages in the list view. I'm not sure if this is happening across the board, with iOS versions and iPhone / iPad / iPod models, ETC.
The real usability glitches start though, at the writing end. When you compose an email, the "Too:" "CC:" ETC. area is very accessible. So is the multiline text area of when you write the message. I personally use Braille Screen Input when composing, and you can not insert new lines in the message using that feature. Often I have had to leave Braille screen input then tap on the "Return" keyboard option on the bottom-right corner of the screen. Then go back to Braille screen input.
Also, the issues expressed with the navigation by character, word, line, ETC. are still eminent today. When you navigate by character, you hear the "tip, tip," sound, but no character is heard either back or forth. When you navigate by word, you only hear the boundary reached sound of VoiceOver.
When I use Braille Screen Input, there are times where I have had to turn off VoiceOver and then toggle him back on, because he will stay stuck to the Braille Screen input rotor setting even though I am using the rotor gesture to move back out of that mode.
I would say, I wouldn't use the Gmail app as my primary means of doing business through email. I am currently using Gmail, I believe is version 5.0 of the app, with iOS 12.1.2 on an iPhone 7 64-bit. Perhaps experiences across the board like I've stated, may vary and if so, I'd like to know those experiences. And maybe, send feedback to Google about them.

I downloaded the gmail app and I am facing the exact issues the previous poster mentioned. Everything is ok until you go to the multiline text field of the body message.
What I have noticed is that the bug comes from Voiceover, not the app. It is a regular multiline text field which Voiceover can't properly access, just as it does with any multiline text field you will come across in any other app like Inbox by gmail, or Outlook.
Granted, gmail is the lightest app for accessing your e-mails you can find on the Appstore today. No calendar, no extra buttons, no confusing functions, just a simple application for daily use. I hope Apple will improve Voiceover's support for multiline text fields, and then I'll never look back to the preinstalled e-mail app of iOS.

By WellF on Saturday, May 1, 2021 - 18:39

Gmail doesn't notify me of new emails and it's really frustrating me. Is there any solution to this?

By Misty Dawn on Monday, January 31, 2022 - 18:39

VO seems to handle multi-line text fields in other contexts just fine for me. Since it has been a few years, are there still problems with both Gmail in this area and with Apple and multi-line text fields in general? If the latter is the case, I certainly haven’t noticed it, at least, not recently.

Basically looking for yet another accessibility update for this app as I am considering using it again for another reason.


By Lily Rose on Saturday, October 1, 2022 - 18:39

Issue #1: Sometimes the inbox bar at the top of the screen just randomly isn't there. This requires closing the app via the app switcher to resolve, and sometimes it will combine with this next issue. I also know it is widespread because I have a brailleNote Touch that I use in Stand-Alone mode sometimes and it happens on there too.
Issue #2: After I open an email from the Important and Unread section of Gmail, after closing it the inbox heading is gone and I have to go to another inbox using the nav bar then go back to get the inbox heading and it's text back. This also happens if there are still unread emails, thus hiding them from view. Sometimes it also happens when the nav bar disappears from the top of the screen, and I have to close the app via the app switcher to get it to work.