NOAA Weather & Tides


Description of App

Retrieve real-time 7-day hyperlocal point weather forecasts and current weather conditions for worldwide locations from NOAA NWS and (creators of DarkSky) based on your current location or any location in the world.

Not only are NOAA forecasts the most accurate, they provide unique point forecasts for every square mile which take into consideration all the variables affecting the weather at that point, such as altitude. This is especially useful in locations with highly dynamic weather patterns and is a great tool for being outdoors.

  • View forecast & current conditions for your current location.
  • View forecast & current conditions for any location in the world by map.
  • Save favorite locations to quickly retrieve forecasts for them.
  • Hourly forecast
  • Animated radar, cloud cover & wind imagery over Google Maps
  • Map measuring tool to measure distance and elevation
  • Hazardous weather alerts
  • Notification Center widget
  • Optimized for iPad

Please e-mail me at [email protected] with any bug reports or features requests. Thanks!



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

The developer has really made this very accessible and easy to use. Note that you can do a double tap on current conditions for more detailed weather information. Also, note that doing a double tap on the forecast that it will take you to the hourly forecast page. In the hourly forecast page you can also do a three fingers swipe left and right to get more hourly detailed information.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some minor accessibility issues with this app, but they are easy to deal with.

Other Comments

This is a great and fantastic weather app that will give you push weather alerts, current conditions, forecasts for free. More accurate weather forecasts than what comes in the Apple stocked Weather app. Weather forecasts are also available for international users with the exception that it does not offer weather alerts notifications for those outside of the United States.


4 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Michael Hansen 8 years 3 months ago



By Dawn πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ¦― on Monday, November 28, 2016 - 17:29

This is beautiful. I have Forecast Now on my ipad & now I have thii app. I bike them both & I feel it's impossible to choose which app. I've only had it for a day or 2, but I love it! I'm like you, I'm a iucker for weather apps, news apps, music apps, radio apps, & book apps.

But if youre looking for a free app with alerts, forecasts & user-friendliness & accessibility, this is an app I'd install along with Forecast Now.

Your podcast was very informative & thanks to you I was ale to configure my alerts & have a better grasp of how to work the app en general!

By charles on Wednesday, December 28, 2016 - 17:29

In reply to by Dawn πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ¦―

Firsly, thanks for the great podcast, Thomas. Now for my concern: How does this differ from the app that I have had for quite a while now, Weather Radio HD.? It seems to do many of the same things that I paid for, although it is worldwide and free. In a side by side comparison, not figuring that one is free and the other is a paid app, which would you prefer, and why? Thanks.

By JeffB on Saturday, January 28, 2017 - 17:29

This didn't work for me it wouldn't give any alerts what so ever.