Description of App
Fight and platform your way through 10 levels of fun, guided gently by a story behind the scenes! Redesigned from the ground up in Python to be cross platform!
Rewritten from the ground up to be future proof and compatible with Windows Defender.
Contains 10 multi-part levels of nonstop action.
Arcade style, with lives!
unlockables once finishing the game!
Inventory system.
Inteligent enemies jump over traps and target the player, as well as each other and other objects on the board.
Play on both Mac and Windows, with gameplay and options specifically designed for each system.
Buy endless mode and compete against other players on an online scoreboard!
Watch a semi inteligent AI play endless mode if registered!
Create and share custom levels online! Note: Uploading requires a registration key, but playing shared levels does not.
I really want to play this…
I really want to play this game. However, whenever I try to open the file, my Mac informs me that "Apple can't verify the developer, and can't assure me that the app is free from malware"and suggests I trash the app... Does anyone know how to override the message and open it anyway, because öpen the app anyway"isn't an option, and there's no way to do so in the system prefs.
Mac is an M1 Macbook Pro from 2020, running OSX Monterey.
Thanks for your help!
You need to get into the…
You need to get into the context menu, that’s Bo shift M, then press open, then it’ll give you the open anyway button.
Also keep in mind this runs under Rosetta, I use a MacBook Air from the same generation end it let me know that I needed to use Rosetta for this.
a way to install
To install something when you get that error: Highlight the file and press shift control option and the letter m for the menu. Go down to open and VO space on it. This should allow you to bypass the warning. Hope this helps.
Cannot open app
Every time I go to open the app I get an alert telling me that the file cannot be opened. I have downloaded it a few times and each time I get the same result. Its not the security issue either. I am using one of the new 14 inch macbook pros. The alert I get does not tell me why it won;t open just that it won't open. Does anyone have any suggestions to what I might try?
Greg Wocher
Cannot open
I've recently downloaded the game on my 2021 Macbook Pro, but the game cannot be opened because it is not a universal app even after installing Rosetta on my M1 Macbook Pro. I tried opening the contex menu, getting the file info and reopening the game, but I couldn't even find a way to run the game. Any suggestions?
Works great for me! I love it. Thanks for putting it together.
IOS version for somehow
I hope it can have IOS version for somehow
A great game
I purchased the Mac version when it was first released, at the end of 2020. I originally installed it on my 2017 iMac. I am now using a 2022 M2 13-inch Macbook Pro and it also works great on this machine. There have been updates to the Windows version of this game, but sadly, not the mac version as the developer is no longer developing for the Mac. I don't think there will be an IOS version. It is what it is.
Possible Spoiler: Stuck At Level 6: Help?
I can't seem to find a way to move without getting fried, even when using the camera. Are the brush sounds an indication of a hole? If there are many of them in a row, does that mean there's no way to jump?I can't move more than about 20 spaces. I've been really enjoying this game so far.
Level 6:
yeah I have the same issue...
The brushing sounds represent the number of spaces you need to jump. For example, to jump a hole which is 6 spaces wide, hold down the up arrow key and tap the right arrow key 6 times. The most difficult hole on this level is 8 spaces wide. When you reach this hole, hold down the up arrow and tap the right arrow 8 times. It is difficult, but definitely doable. In order to succeed at this, and future levels, the important thing is to use the camera. Good luck.
I knew I could count on my…
I knew I could count on my gaming buddy to provide a solution. Thanks; will definitely try that.
You're welcome
You're welcome. BTW, when you complete all 10 levels, endless mode will be unlocked. The highest level I have reached on endless mode is level 44, but I have known of some people who have advanced into the hundreds.
Sounds Fun
Still having a hard time with Level 6, but I have made progress, anyway. I have to go back and play other levels to get more lives. LOL
Stuck on level 4 but really…
Stuck on level 4 but really fun game.