Dark Defender


Description of App

Dark Defender is my second game inspired by an old arcade. This time, as the name suggests (because my imagination is just that bad) this game is based off of Defender).
Fleets of alien abductors are slowly invading planetoids inhabited by humans. Your task is to clear as many planetoids as you can of alien abductors and kill as many of their motherships as possible.


Beta 1

Free or Paid


Version Of macOS App Was Tested On

10.12.5, 10.13

Accessibility Comments

It's an Audio Game, so there aren't any accessibility issues. As the manual recommends, it's best to change the game to use "Web speech" in the speech settings menu, and then play with VoiceOver off as it interferes with the arrow keys.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

I helped testing this game and make sounds for it and I can say it's a blast to play. There's also a Windows version available on the site, as well as one that can be played On-line without downloading it though that will only work if using Chrome for now.

Developer's Twitter Username


4 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Piotr Machacz 7 years 2 months ago



By Joseph on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

Cool stuff. Tough grabbing items is a bit tricky. After reading the help file I feel a lot better about playing it.

By Igna Triay on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

Hi, I just downloaded this game, and its great. however, I can't seem to avoid enemy fire, how do you do this?

By themusicman08 on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

Ok. I write this question the way I do because to me, something is not making sense at all. In the manual which i have read, it says turn off VoiceOver or the game will have problems. How are we supposed to hear what is going on without speech input? Also, how do you switch to webspeech in VO? I tried that or least attempted too and, Voiceover isn't cooperating with me in that respect. Might their be a podcast recorded so that way I'm not the one with stupid written on my face here?


By Guillem León on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

It is actually best to turn VoiceOver entirely off, not just QuickNav. Simply change your speech type to webspeech with voiceover on, and then turn it off after that.

Avoiding enemy fire is a matter of reflexes most of the time. Simply move up or down. The enemy's bullets don't have heat seeking like yours do.

By Toonhead on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

So I know it's probably the wrong place to ask, but I downloaded the Windows version from the website, and ran the game but all my screen says is main menu. There doesn't seem to be a way to actually start the game. Can anyone help?

By Igna Triay on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

Try pressing the up and down arrows. It worked on my mac, i'm not sure what the equivalent of turning off quicknav is on windows. Hope that helps

By Guillem León on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

On Windows, you need to have focus mode (or qn eqeuivalent) enabled for the arrow keys to work, otherwise your reader is just going to try to navigate the web view.

By Joseph on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

Is there a way we could make it so you could restart the game if you die? Right now i have to totally quit the app, relaunch it, and start the game. Uses unnecessary steps.

By David Standen on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

I downloaded this game earlier tonight but I can't access the tutorial with or without Voiceover enabled. I receive a "tutorial unavailable" message when attempting to do this. I have my speech settings correct and quick nav turned off. Despite my issue, I have played a few times and really love the game. Is there any other way I can access the tutorial so I can understand the gameplay a little better?

By Toonhead on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

Obviously, I am doing something very wrong. This kills me. I've been using Windows for like, 20 years now and can't make this game work, even though it's supposed to? All the game says is main menu. I have tried disabling all forms of browse mode, and there is no such thing as quick nav in windows. I've tried it with all the screenreaders I have on my system, those being NVDA 2017.2, JAWS 18, and Window-eyes, and none of them work with this game. Unless, that is i'm doing something wrong.

By JTran2013 on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

This game sounds great! I've not tried it yet! I'm also a Windows user! Have anyone used System Access with the game? I use System Access as one of my screen reader programs. I'm looking forward to trying it out!

By Toonhead on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

I am guessing that the developer of the game is mainly a mac user, because it was suggested to me that I disable quicknav in windows. Folks, I've been using Windows for almost 20 years now and there's no such thing as quick nav. You can't disable a feature that doesn't exist to begin with. it's so frustrating because the game sounds fantastic, but so far, all it does is make cool video game type noises.

By themusicman08 on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

Why must we set on the Mack's to webspeech and then turn VoiceOver off in order to play this game? Why not just use the VoiceOver options? Also, ToonHead's right. Their's no quick nav in Windows and I've been using Windows for the same amount of time that he has. I've used all the screen reader's mentioned on the Windows side. No Quick Nav

By Piotr Machacz on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

I'm honestly not sure why you guys are having so much trouble playing on Windows. I have played the game on Windows 10 a few times. When you start it up, all you have to do is enter your screen reader's forms mode/focus mode/whatever it's called. For NVDA, that's just pressing caps+space, and then you should be able to use the up and down arrows to navigate the menu. System access may actually have a problem with this since afaik it doesn't really have a way to do this, but it's been years since I last used it.

By Toonhead on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

I don't know why it didn't work the first couple times I tried, but persistence pays off. I did try again and with NVDA I was able to get the game's menu to appear, along with Window-eyes. Not sure about JAWS or system access since I didn't test those. I was able to play the game, but i'm not very good at it that's for sure! Just make sure that whatever counts for forms mode is on. I figure enough people on here are familiar with jaws that they at least understand what that means. That has to be on to get the menus to appear. It also looks like there's no actual tutorial yet, but I know this is still in early beta so hopefully, that's coming.

By DrummerGuy on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

The sound effects in this game are absolutely great. I really love the concept of this game. Hopefully, this game will be available at the App Store soon. For now, I just know that I have to download this game and start playing it. I listened to a great podcast of this game A few minutes ago and it is fantastic. Thank you, developers of Dark Defender, for making this happen.

By Ekaj on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

I just downloaded this game and got it working, after listening to the audio demo and reading the Help File. I played a round and it works perfectly on my system. My score wasn't that great, but over time I'm sure it'll improve. Great job guys and keep up the good work! This will be a good way to kill time on here whilst I wait for the new developer of Radegast to get her act together, lol! Edit: Just tried playing this in Chrome itself and it works well, despite some parts missing but I'm sure those are coming soon.

By DrummerGuy on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

I am playing on a MacBook air early 2015 and, at first, the game was working just great but, as I have kept playing, it has come to my attention that sometimes the right and left arrow don't seem to work. At least, I am not hearing the sound of my ship moving. I can only hear it when moving up and down but I don't hear any movement when moving left or right. Am I doing something wrong? Please help! LOL.

By Michal Badin on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 19:19

hi. i cant download the windows version of this.

By DrummerGuy on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 19:19

I am playing on a MacBook air early 2015 and, at first, the game was working just great but, as I have kept playing, it has come to my attention that sometimes the right and left arrow don't seem to work. At least, I am not hearing the sound of my ship moving. I can only hear it when moving up and down but I don't hear any movement when moving left or right. Am I doing something wrong? Please help! LOL.