ScoreCloud Studio


Description of App

From the Mac App Store:

“Like Google Translate for music” - ScoreCloud instantly turns your songs into sheet music. As simple as that! It's ideal for musicians, students, teachers, choirs and bands as well as composers and arrangers. - Instant Score from MIDI or Audio - Arrange and Edit your Score - Print, Export and Share It’s never been easier to create and arrange music. Just connect your MIDI keyboard or plug in a microphone to ScoreCloud Studio’s advanced monophonic audio recognition technology, and start playing. Insert titles, add lyrics and chords, and create a soundtrack with powerful tools that are as easy as drag and drop. When you're done, sync your songs to the cloud to share and access anywhere, or publish to the growing ScoreCloud song library. Whether you are a beginner or pro, teacher or student, singer/songwriter or orchestral composer, you can make, arrange and manage your songs with ScoreCloud Studio music software.



Free or Paid


Version Of macOS App Was Tested On


Accessibility Comments

This app kinda works with voice over, but not enough to make it really useable.


Some parts of the app are accessible with VoiceOver, but not enough to make it usable.

Other Comments

When launching the app, a new document is created. In this window, you have two supposedly empty scrowl areas and an html area, which is also empty. Going to the menu bar for the app is possible, but all the menus are shown as dimmed, as are the menu items.



By Joseph on Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 22:03

I've contacted the devs about accessibility, so we'll see how it goes. Here's the email I wrote them. How did I do?


My name is Joseph King, and I am a blind user of your product. For those of us who are blind and/or visually impaired, there are a number of accessibility features that apple has put into its opperating system to make it more useable. This includes a screen reader (a program which allows a blind/visually impaired person to access a computer by means of either synthesized speech or braille output) called VoiceOver.

"Okay, Joseph", you say, "but what does this have to do with the accessibility of score cloud for mac?"

Well, it all comes back to score cloud like this. While some ellements of the app are read, we users of voice over cannot access a great many of them, including creating a new project, accessing our accounts, editing, recording and the like. In order to make this app more accessible, Apple has a number of guides on their website for increasing or making an app accessible with voice over, and not just on mac. This can go over to iOS as well.

In short, the mac version of score cloud, while an excellent app in its own right, is not accessible, so I and other users who may be blind or visually impaired cannot use it. Please consider making the app more accessible so that we can begin making more pretty music with the rest of the score cloud community.

Kind Regards,

Joseph King

You did not go in to deatal and include screen shots of the affected areas. This insures that you highight the key areas that need work. I just did thiw with the phone clean guys and it seems to help. I sumitted a 3 page pdf explaining to another set of devs (tthe swarm guys) about their problems and it got fixed in a month. So viewing this from a business point of view it looks good but needs work.

Also if there weer any buttons that were not albeled you did not include that and a resolution to the problem, labeling the buttons or putting in help tags. it's a start so for now I'd give you a C.

By Joseph on Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 22:03

True. I haven't been able to make screen shots, honestly. Haven't set up a keystroke to do so.

By KE7ZUM on Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 22:03

There already is one. cmd shift 3. This will highlight the window of which you are talking about. They will save to your desk top.

By Joseph on Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 22:03

Okay. Will this work in menus as well?