Speed-Up for ITunes


Description of App

Speed-Up is an ITunes plugin that provides variable-speed playback and for audio files, customizable hotkeys for speed and fast-forward/rewind, and presets. Speed-Up does not support Airplay or DRM content such as Audible books or Apple Music.



Free or Paid


Version Of macOS App Was Tested On


Accessibility Comments

Very minimalistic and perfectly accessible, including painless hotkey assignment. Run ITunes, then run the app to display its playback controls. If using the touchbar or hotkeys you've assigned in its Preferences panel, you can switch back to the ITunes window. Speed is adjustable in 0.25x increments, and preferences additionally include the amount of time to seek forward and back, along with whether or not to adjust pitch.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

Ideal for podcasts. The IOS Podcasts app includes a speed control on the Now Playing screen, although its hard to locate (explore by touch to the left of the playback controls). The app is restricted to 5 different speeds, though, and 1.25x is not among them.


2 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Ekaj 7 years 6 months ago



By Ekaj on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 - 22:06

I'm having a lot of fun with this app, and it is completely accessible with VoiceOver. I'm having a slight problem though, and am wondering if this has to do with the sequence of things. When I open this app prior to opening iTunes, it asks me to search for the right iTunes library but then it seems to automatically find it once a track starts playing. Other than that, this is a great little app. I've not yet gotten the pitch changes to work, but I'm wondering if that functionality is only available for purchase within the app.