

Description of App

The gold standard of macOS file transfer apps just drove into the future. Transmit 5 is here. Upload, download, and manage files on tons of servers with an easy, familiar, and powerful UI. It’s quite good. Transmit now connects to 10 new cloud services , like Backblaze B2, Box, Google Drive, DreamObjects, Dropbox, Microsoft Azure, and Rackspace Cloud Files. as well as the standard FTP, SFTP, and S#.



Free or Paid


Version Of macOS App Was Tested On


Accessibility Comments

Fully accessible.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

Panic developers went the extra mile and did an incredible job of making an accessible app even more accessible. You will always know which files are local and which are remote. A lot of effort went into making Transmit even more accessible and it truly shows.

Developer's Twitter Username


3 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Scott H 4 years 2 months ago



By Esther on Monday, July 31, 2017 - 21:09

The Transmit app is priced at $35 for the first week after its 18 July 2017 debut. After that the price goes up to $45. There is no upgrade discount previous users since Transmit 4 was released in 2010, but you can get a free upgrade if you purchased Transmit after June 1, 2017. It is only available directly from the manufacturer's web site, because the Mac App Store does not support or allow trial downloads. You can access a 7-day free trial download from the manufacturer at:

Transmit 5 requires Mac OS 10.11 (El Capitan) or later to run.

Thanks for posting the additional information. I had that on my list and got sidetracked on a problem. I have used Transmit 4 and now 5. I have connected with Amazon Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, and Box. All instances transfers went very smoothly, quickly, and I never had to worry about whether I was looking at local or remote files because the the tables are labeled for remote and local files. If you have folders that are mirrored, this is a big help. For me personally, this app is worth every penny.